Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Judgement Falls (Private, Kezeroth)


A den of iniquity, of poison, of crime. The galaxies largest cesspool.
To say that Judgement hated it was technically accurate, but did not quite cover it. She hated everything about it, from it's dark underground to the high and mighty palaces, the anarchist had never found a worthy speck of dust on the planet.
And yet, there she was.
Judgement was on business for the Forceless Future Society, the relatively-new organization dead-set on wiping out all Force Users. She was there to kill a certain Sith, although she was slightly unsure why the group's leader, Theodore, had sent her; she didn't exactly blend in, after all. In fact, her mask was already receiving stares.
Knowing how crucial staying hidden was, Judgement had left her bodyguard, Dex, behind. Her mask was bad enough, but two masked people roaming the underbelly of Coruscant was sure to draw unneeded attention.
As she roamed the streets, looking for leads on her target, she saw one of the nearby terminals display a notice. . . with her mask above it.
"This is a reminder of the bounty placed on the terrorist group 'The Forceless Future Society'; these are pictures of the known members, spotted at the recent riot on Ession attributed to this group."
Judgement swore softly to herself.
She needed to get off the streets. Now.
She began walking quickly, hoping no one had spotted her.
[member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"]​
Coruscant! Ah the Agony never dulled the senses more! The Despair and poverty would bring almost down to their lowest but nature always manages to bring up the strong. Moving through the streets the large 8'8ft Armored Gen'dai lumbered at his own pace scanning the area, on his back was his Power hammer Bone Crusher. Crowds moved out of his way and some bowed even, The armored figure was not Sith but the underworld knew him as the Bruteish monster who slaughtered the masses for childish things. Strength, Savagery and Fear were his names to the people of the undercity. The undercity was Kezeroth home, his kingdom. No Sith dared to come down here and get caught up in the messes of the Undercity and those who did were dealt with. But something else had called this monster home, a terrorist group that was rumored to last be seen on coruscant and were zealously against the idea of Force sensitives. Their bounties were ripe for the taking!

With a Slouch Kezeroth grunted as he was forced to bent over to get by a arch way in a main populated district, as the giant straightened back up he eyed a specific person that looked rather interesting to him but that was all. Distracted by the sudden flash of news on the terminals Kezeroth looked away from [member="Judgement"] and listened to the broadcast,

"This is a reminder of the bounty placed on the terrorist group 'The Forceless Future Society'; these are pictures of the known members, spotted at the recent riot on Ession attributed to this group."

As the Terminals slided the images across the screens Kezeroth tilted his head slightly and smiled. The masked figure was up there, Unsure if the maskes were even remotely alike Kezeroth turned around slowly and watched the figure speed up slightly. Laughing to himself Kezeroth turned pushed several humaniods out of his way, The hunt had began. " Thats right run... Give me a reason to have some fun!" he muttered as he started to speed up slightly.
Sithspit. . .Judgement heard what was chasing her before she ever saw it. She momentarily cursed her stupid decision to leave Dex behind, wishing she had the ex-soldier with her now.
But there was no time for that. She kept up her brisk walk for a few more moments, then glanced behind her, and let out a small whimper as her eyes widened behind her mask.
The giant following her frightened the woman to her very core. . .The pure power that radiated from him made her feel insignificant, small. But she swallowed her fear, and broke into a sprint, hands on her rapiers; though she knew that if it caught up to her, they would not help.
She whirled around a corner, tripping into the alleyway. . .
Only to find herself face-to-face with a solid wall.
Slowly, she drew her rapiers, the sound of metal screeching on metal filling the air, as she turned, knowing at that moment that a fight was unavoidable.
The wall was too high to jump, and had no handholds to climb.
"Chaos or death." She muttered to herself, bracing herself for the battle that was coming her way.
[member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"]
The masses grunted and groaned as Kezeroth pushed them aside. Some yelling at him for touching them or others, It did not matter. In the end all of them did nothing but go on their merry way, But this one [member="Judgement"] her body language signaled the slightest bit of fear as he or she began to walk away faster. Soon the figure darted off in a sprint and in a second the Gen'dais eyes fixed on his target like a Rancor on the hunt. Haha! Ah yes finally some excitement was brewed up! Bending down slightly Kezeroth knocked over some more people very roughly and fired two blaster bolts at the ground from his wrist blaster to stir the people into a wild panic. As the screams lifted upward and the running began, the Hunter smiled as he watch the hooded figure dart off to the corner alleyway. His hefty footsteps echoed as he got closer making it sound as if he was everywhere depending on the position.

He wanted a chase, he wanted action, he wanted a fight! Coming to the enterance of the alleyway Kezeroth turned his head and tilted it to the side. There his target was.... with Two swords? Interesting. Turning to face his opponent Kezeroth crossed his arms against his chest and stared [member="Judgement"] down. His eyes faintly glowing red in the dark of his armored helmet.

" Terrorist group eh? You look pretty darn harmless to me! The Forceless Future Society Ha!" he mocked. With a shrug he notioned her to come forth and give it her all. His large armored finger moving towards his body, He was not going anywhere not now. He would guard the exit to the ally till he got the fight he wanted.
As the giant beckoned for her to attack, Judgement shuffled into a fighting stance, trying to figure out how exactly to proceed.
Her armored opponent was too large for a contest of strength; and the large hammer on his back was not exactly. . . encouraging. She decided that the only way to survive was simply to be quicker than him.
Her course of action decided, the masked woman took a deep breath.
Then she dashed forward, her rapiers delivering a series of slashed aimed at the giant's torso.
[member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"]
As the masked figure charged him a sadistic Idea come to mind. They group believed in a future with no force sensitive beings right? Why not show the full power of the Force to this one here? With a wide grin under his mask Kezeroth watched as [member="Judgement"] started and prepared her swings in a flurry. Most scratching at his thick armor and ruining the paint job he just put on it. " You need more than that little one.." his backhand flew forward at her in an attempt to knock her away with his strength alone.

" Do you know whom you face? I am Kezeroth the Malevolent! Embodiment of the Darkside! If Sith have trouble handling me you have no chance at all!"
As the giant's hand slammed into her, the air left Judgment's body as it flew back, barely holding on to her weapons.
Sithspit, that hurt! How strong was this guy?! She needed to get her act together, and figure out a way to beat him, or she might no see tomorrow. . .

As he laughed and spoke, Judgement struggled to her feet, glaring at the giant.

"Kezeroth, eh?" She rattled out, her rapiers parallel to each other. "Well, Kezeroth, your Judgement has come."
With that statement, she dashed forward, one rapier pointing at his side, the other at his neck; hopefully, he wouldn't be able to block both, or she'd get another hit.

[member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"]
"Well, Kezeroth, your Judgement has come." Heaing these words the Giant chuckled. His judgement has come?! What non sense he thought to himself and watched as [member="Judgement"] the hooded figured prepared to strike again with the same manner? It was time to show his target who had the upper hand. As the figure rushed him he remained still and watched at rapier that aimed at his side glanced off harmlessly as the other point to his neck sink in slightly past the armorweave. With a sword in his neck Kezeroth remained still and shifted his body back and forth to give his attacker the illusion that he was dying but that was far from true! He was Gen'dai and if he could take a lightsaber to the chest then he could take a rapier to the neck.

Lingering there Kezeroth started to laugh once more and activated his mask to fold behind his head. His red glowing eyes stareing down at [member="Judgement"] with an odd interest. " It is your Judgement that has come my friend!" with that said he summoned his hatred and anger to his gaze testing an ability he had little knowledge of, an ability called deadly sight. His skill with this ability was low and would not be full power. His understanding of deadly sight limited him to only cause a torturous pain at the one he stared at.

The longer he gazed the more drained Kezeroth became.
As her rapier sank into Kezeroth's neck, Judgement felt a small spark of hope. . . until his visor pulled back and she stared into those glowing red eyes. . .

And her world became agony.

She let out an agonized scream, her body buckling as she felt the worst pain her body could take. This was worse than when she had burned her mask to her face! No, this was infinitely worse than that!
Every nerve in her body radiated nothing but agony, her tortured body crumpling as she fell to the ground, her screams intensifying as she thrashed, her weapons long forgotten as this point.
The masked terrorist became a beacon of agony, but if she was capable of anything other than pain at that moment, she would have felt a hesitant respect for [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"], for his power, for his willingness to use it against her.

But instead of that, she simply screamed more.

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