Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Joshua Achilles

Joshua Achilles

It's the things we love most, that destroy us

{{ Basics }}

Name: Joshua Achilles
Alias: Achilles
Titles: None
HomeWorld: Corellia
Place of Residence: Exocron, Leviathans Crown
. New Separatist Order
. Techno Union
. High Council Member of Separatist Order
. Grand Arbiter of Separatist Order
Force Sensitive: Yes, Doesn't know of it
Force Alignment: None
Voice Sample: Johann Schmidt-Hugo Weaving

{{ Physical Information }}

Species: Human
Age: 41 standard years
Sex: Male
Height: 6'1
Weight: 231LBS
Eye Color: Light Grey
Hair Color: Hickory Brown
Skin Color: Fair Skinned
Body Type: Lean

{{ Personal Information }}

Strengths and Weaknesses:
(+)Superior Intelligence - Joshua has a intelligence superior to most allowing him to out calculate and out maneuver his enemies via mental strength, most would consider him a genius but Joshua, considers himself Superior in every way
(+)Military Connections and Intelligence - Joshua joined the army and as a direct result he has connections within the military and also has military leadership as to lead troops upon a battlefield, even droids for a matter of fact
(-)Selfish - Joshua only cares about one person and one person only, himself and his survival
(-)Cold and Calculating - Joshua never openly shows his feelings physically and he doesn't find a need in emotional attachments causing him to care little about fellow people and more about himself
(-)Belief of Mythical Artifacts - Joshua considers any mythical artifact to be real and he believes that through these, he can become god
Personality: Joshua is like a iceberg, cold and emotionless. Due to torturing during his military years upon enemy soil Joshua has grown to hide his emotions behind a solid and straight face, not even his eyes show a strain of his emotions. Joshua shows no type or visible reference of emotion even when by himself drinking, walking or just relaxing. Joshua has no connection to people, he see's it as a weakness within all sentient creatures and that if he eliminated emotion from himself, he would become a pure being.
Appearance: Joshua stands at a total of 6Feet and 1Inch weighing in at 231 Pounds. His eyes are that of a grey and his hair that of a chocolate brown. His skin color is fair or a slightly whitened color. Joshua's hair is combed over and his nose and ears are that of a standard proportional size. A scar runs from Joshua's left ear down to the beginning of his neck. Joshua has a lean but slightly muscular build due to him also having a fast metabolism. Joshua has a scar running from his left ear down the left side of his face to the side of his jaw. A cybernetic limb replaces Joshua's right arm.
History: As a child, Joshua didn't know his parents and he grew up within a orphanage upon Corellia before finally being adopted by a kind mother and kind father. He lived a quite standard life, as a child Joshua always wanted to join the army and do something worthwhile with his life ever since he saw a group of military soldiers go though his small town on a small insurgent operation. Once Joshua reached the age of fourteen, his father died in a bombing incident from a droid kamikaze. This was also the time in when Joshua found out that he has a connection to the force. Joshua then began training for the military in the wild parts upon Corellia by hunting animals and surviving in the forest with nothing but his wits, a knife, and a hatchet. Once he reached age seventeen Joshua joined the military and he quickly grew up through the ranks. He reached the rank of Major before he even knew it. He fought in many battles and became wounded in some while going through some unscathed. Upon Joshua's last assignment as he was also part of a secret infantry division, he was captured and interrogated along with tortured for eight years. Once he reached age thirty-one he was finally free of enemy captivity and it was deemed that he died in action once the place he was held at blew up. But it turns out he faked his death so the military wouldn't be after him once he went awol. Joshua fled to the unknown regions and ever since then, he has stayed within the unknown regions, moving from planet to planet waiting for when his day would come. For when the Confederacy of Independent Systems would be reborn, by him.
. Lambda-class T-4a Shuttle
. 2x DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol
. 1x MM9 Rocket System
. 1x Ryyk Blade
. 1x E-11 Blaster Rifle
. Baragwin Assault Gun
. Environmental Bastion Armor
Kills: N/A
Rps: N/A

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