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Jonn Inndo


Jonn's Favored Form

NAME: Jonn Inndo
RANK: Ex-Jedi Master
SPECIES: Clawdite
AGE: 43 Years
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'0"
WEIGHT: 165 lbs
EYES: In Clawdite form-Yellow, In Favored form-Brown
HAIR: In Clawdite form-None, In Favored form-Black/Grey
SKIN: In Clawdite form-Green, In Favored form-Tan
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, but it has been stripped of him.


Muscular - Jonn has the muscles. He is pretty strong.
Dual Wielding - Jonn has been trained in Dual Wielding.
Smart - Jonn can figure things out. He is very smart.
Strong Willed - Jonn has the Will to keep on going. His Will has never been broken.
Melee Combat - As a Jedi Jonn used a Lightsaber, so he is skilled in Melee Combat.

Grey - Jonn is technically neither Lightside nor Darkside. He is good, but force-wise he is grey.

Aging - Jonn is getting old, so he is not as agile as he used to be.
Hot-Headed - Jonn gets angry faster than most people, except anger for him is different from most people.
Acts Before Thinking - Jonn will often do something before thinking ahead.

Jonn is always in his Human form. Jonn still has his brown Jedi robes, and that is what he wears.

Jonn was born on Zolan to Saphieron and Adi'Zenni Inndo. He also has a Older Sister, Venni, who is Five years older than him. When Jonn was Four years old His family moved to Corusant because Saphieron joined the Republic Fleet as a Pilot. While on Corusant, some Jedi Masters saw Jonn one day, and they felt the Force in him. Jonn was with his Mother and Sister, and the Jedi didn't sense the Force in Adi'Zenni, but they did sense it in Venni, though She wasn't as strong as Jonn was. Jonn and Venni were both then taken in to be trained as Jedi, but the Jedi seperated the two, as a relationship between them wouldn't do good. Jonn was taken to a Jedi Temple on Ossus, and Venni stayed on Corusant.

Years later, when Jonn was Eighteen Years Old, he was given a Personal Master. His Master was Ferrin Intuli, a Female Twi'lek. Jonn and Ferrin trained for many days, and Ferrin even instructed Jonn in the creation of not just his First Lightsaber, but his Second as well. Jonn specialized in Dual Wielding, and he was very good at it. Years later, when Jonn was Twenty-Four, He and Ferrin were sent to the Planet Taris to hunt down a Sith. After they found the Sith, Jonn's Master, Ferrin, was killed in battle against the Sith, and Jonn took her lifeless body back to the Jedi Temple on Ossus after he defeated the Sith. When the Jedi Masters learned of his Masters Death instead of giving him a new Master they made him a Master. He got a Personal Padawan named David Splint, a Seventeen Year Old Corellian.

Two Years later, Jonn is Twenty-Six, and he meets someone he never expected to meet, his older Siter, Venni. They recognized eachother immediately, and although the Jedi Order told them not to hang out, they ended up going on the same missions anyways.

Fifteen years later, Jonn is still helping the now Master David Splint and Master Venni Inndo. All three of them would often go on missions with three Padawans to train them in real battle. In one of the Missions, one of the Padawans formed a friendship with Jonn. Jonn found that She was very similar to him, believing that the current system of the Jedi was not as good as it should have been. She focussed more on the Lighsaber like him, though she didn't even have her Lightsaber yet, which amazed Jonn. Jonn believed that she would probobly become a more powerful Blademaster than he. After that mission Jonn would often help the Padawan with regular training, as she didn't have a personal Master yet.

Later that same year Jonn and David was sent to hunt down a Dark Jedi Master. When they found him, they overpowered him quickly, but he let go of his Lightsaber. He taunted them saying that now they wouldn't kill him because he was unarmed. Jonn surprised him, however, when he killed him right then and there. Jonn and David returned to the Jedi Temple, and after telling what had happened the Jedi Order exiled Jonn. They took his Lightsabers away, and they stripped him of the Force. They then told Jonn to leave the Temple and never return. He did so without hesitation, and he even left the Planet to find a new destiny for himself.

Jonn has been travelling the Galaxy for two years helping the Galaxy without the Jedi.

Dynamic Class Freighter "Exile"

Two Vibroblades




This is a already developed character I have.
That bio is a very un-detailed short description of his life. I have so much more of this character, but I didn't want to write an entire book in my bio.

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