Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Joint Custody


Well-Known Member
JAC headquarters, a gleaming tower that had gone through complete rehauls multiple times. At one point it scaled hundreds of floors, while another it was a singular floor with more floor space than a palace. Now? It was returning to its original state, scaling upward of 500 floors, with enough space to be equal to a small space station.

Standing at the office windows, at the peak of the building, Damien Daemon lightly stroked the hilt of Lymmahtun as he contemplated the soon to arrive visit from Matreya. Recently receiving contact from the man, he was swift to inquire about such, finding that the man wanted a sit down to discuss potential contracts.

What was it that Matreya wanted? Per his guess, it had to do with recent acquisition into Terentatek farming, upon which the average man in space knew little of, and those that did believed one could become immune to the Force with use of its hide. Which was wrong of course. It was no where near as simple. With dead tissue, that was all it was, dead tissue; the hide needed alchemical manipulation to provide the continued use of its power. Even then though, it did not create full immunity, but rather base immunity towards a small range of skills.

It could be adapted to provide further defense against certain skills, but as it is, it was an amazing asset yet not what people believed of it.

"Sir, one envoy from Merr-Sonn, Incorporated is here to see you, per your appointment." Came a voice from his desk.

"Send him in."
Valashu Bonkai, or Matreya as he was more widely known, approached the lush tower on Val'hala. Staring up at the glistening windows and structure, he glanced to the right, taking in the adjacent building - the one he had used to gain entrance to the building recently, when he robbed the corporation. It was odd to be back here, especially under legally profitable terms.

Passing through the sliding doors, he walked straight to the nearby desk. Behind its solid counters, dressed in what many would call provocative fashion, sat a scarlet haired beauty that any man would love to chase after - were they not already seeing someone, as he was.

"Matreya, Merr-Sonn, Incorporated rep, here to meet with Mr. Daemon. I believe he is expecting me." Val said.

"Sir, one envoy from Merr-Sonn, Incorporated is here to see you, per your appointment." She said, then smiled at him, stating, "He is waiting for you sir.'

Val nodded, heading for the nearest lift. Stepping on, he straightened his tie. The reflection of his Executive Suit, was quite astonishing; as always it was well ironed and wrinkle free. The gift from the man he was heading to meet at the moment was always present when he sought him out. As a means to show appreciation.

When the lift opened, he walked to the large double doors ahead of himself and knocked lightly. The awarded response was a nicety, and he entered.


Well-Known Member
Damien turned, calling to the door, "Enter." When Matreya entered, his suit caught the light eloquently. It was the very same gift he had purchased for the man not long ago. Smiling he gestured to the chair opposite his own, as he drew the aforementioned seat back to sit himself in.

Moving a few odd objects from the surface of his desk, he held out a hand to shake Matreya's, "Always a pleasure. Now, down to the brass tacks. What can I do for you?" Sitting once more, he folded his hands before him on the desk, an odd look slowly spreading at the sight of the other man.
Valashu sat in the offered chair, extending a hand to shake the offered. Getting comfortable, he crossed his right leg over the left, clasping his hands over the right knee. He nodded when the pleasure was stated, then chuckled at the brisk lead directly to the work at hand.

"Damien, I come with the goals of an offered contract. I need a few things that JAC has to offer, and at the head of which is a few men to come to my factories, to aid in training my own workers to properly smelt some of the rarer minerals. Namely Beskar and Phrik."


Well-Known Member
Damien arched a brow, "That is quite the request. These aren't just run of the mill lessons, these are things, that in the end, can put Merr-Sonn higher on the food chain than JAC. Why would I do that?" He asked, reclining a bit on the repulsor lifted chair.

"Along side that is the request for Beskar smiths; Beskar is a more than rare item. It is one with an even rarer knowledge needed to craft properly. Without training, a metallurgy craftsman would make a defunct item that would hardly be more durable than Durasteel." He said, "Which in the end would knock my heritage, and make the alloy worthless.

"With that you must then see the dilemma. If I have my men teach it properly, it would cause an out flux of items which will flood the market." Damien finished, resting his chin on his right hand.
Val reclined a bit in his seat, rubbing his chin. This was something he had predicted, yet not with such vehemence. It must be that Beskar knowledge was protected, in the end threatening Damien's safety with the reveal of the information. Though he strived for the success of himself and his company, it didn't mean he wished harm to one he almost called a friend.

"Well.. I am honestly not sure how to respond to that." Valashu stated, "I won't lie, I hadn't thought about it in such terms. With your worry, it is obvious the dangers present at revealing such. Maybe you could then trade some men?" He asked, arching a brow.

"I could pay for their transport, their income will remain the same, and I wouldn't need any others to be taught!"


Well-Known Member
Damien sat quietly for a long time. Longer than could be seen as mulling over the proposition. In fact, he stayed quiet for more time needed than a sign that would let him know to leave. Yet when it seemed Val might rise, he spoke.

"Valashu," He began, then quickly went on, "Yes I know your name is not Matreya. I read minds at my weakest, crush them at my strongest. You couldn't hide that.

"I am tired." He said, sighing heavily to accent that point, "Recently I have stumbled into a position requiring all of my time, and then even without that situation, I just..." A pause, "I don't enjoy being in charge of this organization." With such a dropped bomb, he went silent once more.
Valashu was well versed in maintaining stoic appearances, and even with this skill, he arched both brows in shock. What was he saying? He couldn't do business? Maybe this was the chance to ask for the men for little to nothing!

"Why tell me this Damien?" He asked, despite the inclination to press hard, "Are you offering to give up the men with no fight? Despite what you just said?"


Well-Known Member
"No, of course not. I said that as a warning." Damien murmured, almost thoughtfully, his eyes drooping to the desk, "To accompany my offer. I want to merge JAC with Merr-Sonn. Entirely joined together. You will receive all of my company has to offer.

"Under the stipulation that it will be a secret joint ownership. I will drop from the crowd eye, only showing myself in time of issue with your decisions. I will however, continue to make at least the same income I am currently, with active abilities found of an owner.

"Is this acceptable?"
Silence. That was the response. Just as Damien had gone deathly silent, so to did Val now. It was quite the offer. He knew that JAC was a heavy hitter; it owned multiple factories, plots of land with them, on many planets, with stockpiles of rare minerals all over, warehouses filled with arms ready to sell!

Effectively, this could double his worth. Overnight!

Yet... it seemed almost wrong to do so! JAC, though not founded by him, was Damien's baby. Taking it would be.. damn near cruel! Though this was covered in a way by the agreement that he would retain a portion of control...

"Where do I sign?" Val asked.


Well-Known Member
Damien sighed once more. Relief grew all over his body, even to the point he visibly sagged in relaxation. This was a weight he has been unsure he could bear since his recent events occurring within the Empire. It would have been just simply to much to do all at once. One would have fallen behind. That in mind, he would have had to find someone to run his company either way, and no one showed the drive that he found in Valashu.

"Its been recorded." Damien said, "I will add my own voice to make it official, stating for all to hear, that you are now the owner." He said then rose with a small grin, "Want to sit in the chair? I wanted to the first day.."

~~~~~~FADE TO BLACK~~~~~~​

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