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Private Joining a Crew

Location: Toydaria
Tags: Talohn Atar Talohn Atar

Hover cars sped past the small bar, flashing sign proclaiming it the "Flying Grabworm." The inside of the bar was dimly lit and smelled faintly of mold like the majority of the planet. Patrons sat at the bar, nursing drinks or around tables, talking and gambling.

Among them was the Togorian Mando. He wore his full armor, just in case this meeting went south, and had an untouched glass of alcohol in front of him. Under the helmet, Venku's whiskers twitched and his ear flicked back. Honestly, the investigator wouldn't normally be doing any jobs like this, but he was sorely lacking when it came to a client base and it was begining to effect his bank balance. He sighed out his nose, low and long before looking up as the door opened.

Venku had arrived early, Intent on scouting out the meeting place and it was just now getting to when he meant to meet this Talohn person.
Well-Known Member
If Venku is an investigator, he likely picked up a lot of strange info about this man when looking into the job position. A highly competent mercenary is what those who have dealt with him say, some people tell horror stories about his psychopathic droid as well, which supposedly has enough evil in it to scare sith. The oddest part id the info on this man is what happened recently, supposedly. Talohn, and his droid named Madlad, fought a sith lord...and lived. A rare sight to be certain, steps into the bar. A cathar, that matches the picture of Talohn Atar which was on the job ad.

Following him is a droid of about the same height, painted white and orange. It's more humanoid than some droids, built flexible and meant for both agility and combat. Eerily close to an assassin droid. The droid seems to exude an aura of death around it. as if it's haunted by some sith spirit. Following the droid, and funnily enough, holding it's hand, is a blue furred child. She looks to be part cathar, and part calamari. A catfish. How cute. Talohn gestures foe them to head over to the bar before making his way to Venku's table, and hopping into a seat. He's dressed casually. Jeans, leather boots, a white shirt, and a brown leather jacket The only visible weapon is a blaster on his right hip. "You're Venku?" He questions.

Venku Bralor Venku Bralor
Talohn Atar Talohn Atar

Venku eyed the droid beneath his helm. It was an odd thing, obviously highly customized, and if the stories he heard were true, more than a little insane. Which made the sight of the child clinging the droid that much more odd. Then again, insane doesn't mean lashing out at everything. He was a cute kid, though the mandalorian wasn' quite sure what he was. Odd that a merc of such a high reputation would have such a young kid trailing after him.

Ears swiveled to the Cathar as he spoke, pulling Venku out of his thoughts. "That's me." Golden eyes swept the man up and down, "A pleasure to meet you." Gloved hands lifted to remove the helmet, placing it on the table beside the drink. Offering the Cathar a blinding smile, or a smile that would be blinding if his mouth wasn't full of sharp teeth and the pull of his muzzle hade it all too much like a snarl for the comfort of most species. "I didn't know you had a kid. He's cute."
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Well-Known Member
Talohn sighs. "Kid's a she...and it's a long story. She stuck to me like glue after I fought that sith...." He looks back at Monari, who is distracted making conversation with madlad. The kid seemed to be one of the few things that even the droid refused to be mean around. "Her parents fell victim to that queen. I usually don't mind sith, but Amalgam? That....thing...was as rotten as they come." He shakes his head, looking back to Venku. "Name's Talohn Atar, pleasure to meet you. Didn't know you were a mando...great. Now I have to suffer from armor envy." The cathar jokes lightly.

He then calls out to the nearby waitress, requestiing them both a drink. "Wine please, get out the expensive stuff." Once the mugs are on the table, Talohn takes a nice long gulp. "Alright, let's talk business."

Venku Bralor Venku Bralor
Talohn Atar Talohn Atar
Laughing, the Mandalorian smiled at Talohn. “Glad to hear you like it at least, it was a pain to make.” While Togorians and Mandalorians had a history with each other, his race rarely seen, making him one of the few togorian mandos. Which in turn made forging armor a lot of trial and error, finding what working for his body shape and what didn’t.

Draw out of his thoughts by the approaching waitress, his ears flicked towards her before pinning on Talohn. “What would joining your crew entail?”
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Well-Known Member
" might get stuck with babysitting the kid on occasion? Other than that, we'll do the occasional job together...uh, and on such jobs, we will split the profit equally." He nods. "But you're also free to go out on your own jobs if need be. Basically, it's just a sort of alliance. You don't have to stay on the ship if you've got your own. We can just meet up for jobs whenever. Nothing too demanding, but I can't offer steady pay because mercenaries work on a by job basis."

Venku Bralor Venku Bralor
Venku was getting the impression that this was all a new experience for the cathar. Not that he was surprised by this, mos of what he heard about the male lend itself to the idea of him being a bit of a loner, aside from his droid and now the kid. Speaking of the kid, "I wouldn't mind babysitting, I like kids."

He'd never really had a younger sibling, being the youngest one in the family. He had several younger cousins, clan Bralor being as large as it is, but he didn't see them often. The clan spread out across the stars, only a few smaller families staying in the mandalore system. Maybe now he could have a younger sibling of sorts, or at least a younger cousin he'd get to see more.

"That sounds good, I've got a few things lined up in the near future, so I'm not too worried about stable pay at the moment. Although when we do any jobs, I'd likely be joining you on your ship, mine isn't really the best." The TIE Darth Varloc had given her was nice for travel, if a little slow, but he didn't want to get caught in a space fight with it. "Anyway, assuming you've decided to let me join, should i meet Madlad and the kid?"

Talohn Atar Talohn Atar
Well-Known Member
Talohn nods in agreement. "Warning, kid's a little smartass. I do have a few jobs lined up myself that I don't need a partner for, but I'll call you if I need you. You're alwasy welcome on the ship." He nods, grinning a bit. "You should save up the money. Get me some parts and I'll make that ship a thing of beauty, yea?" When the man asks to meet Madlad and the kid, he gestures for them to come over. "Don't worry, Madlad won't attack you, I think...." The droid, as it approaches, overhears those words, and states in its deep mechanical voice. "Your spine will not be broken today." It seems that is it's form of reassurance.
Meanwhile, the kid peeks out from behind her droid companion, and waves hesitantly.

Venku Bralor Venku Bralor
"I'll hold you to that. I've been wanting to make some changes to her, but I don't know near enough about mechanics." Looking over at Madlad, he cracked a smile. "Glad to hear it." Although he said nothing else, his body language hinted at mild amusement. Oh he was sure Madlad could very easily decide he would break his spine today, and for that he was wary in the long run, but right now the sheer amount of feral energy coming off the droid as it said that statement made the Togorian want to laugh.

Shaking himself out of his thoughts, he focused his attention on the kid. This close he could make out more of his features, helping him to realize that the other part of his heritage was some kind of fish based species. Probably a calamari. He didn't even want to think how that worked. Mammals and fish don't usually mix well together genetically. Probably some for of cloning. Taking DNA from both parents and skipping the messy part entirely. Hopefully the kid didn't have any genetic side effects of the match if that was the case. Or maybe his knowledge of inter-species anatomy was completely off and it was possible without any special science.

Shaking his head, Venku drew himself out of his thoughts. "Nice to meet you two. I'm Venku."

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