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John Eldritch

John Eldritch


NAME: John Eldritch

FACTION: Republic

RANK: -/-


AGE: 24

GENDER: male

HEIGHT: 180 centimeter

WEIGHT: 76 kilogram

EYES: a dull blue-green

HAIR: blonde

SKIN: pink, or white as some call it

DISTINGUISHING MARKS: left arm ends in a stub, about half the upper arm is left


STRENGTH: He possesses the strength of an average human male. His right hand and arm are significantly stronger than average due to them being the only hand and arm he got left.

DEXTERITY: He is not a dancer. Nor is he an Acrobat. But he is good with his hands. He got quick and nimble fingers. The fact that he is missing an arm does give him a natural disadvantage. He got used to it by now but his balance is ever so slightly off.

CONSTITUTION: He got the constitution of an average human male engaging in regular, cardio vascular exercise.

INTELLIGENCE: He got a very high intelligence. He does have multiple certificates of higher education. He still adds to the list every now and then.

WISDOM: He is young, how wise can one be if one is young? Even if he has the one or other surprising insight into life, it is far from what an old or ancient being can offer in wisdom.

CHARISMA: Is it the body or the mind that charms other people? Or is it even the invisible aura of the force? Whatever it is, others don’t seem to trust his opinion too much. Sadly that is even the case if they should know better. Even if he is right almost all of the time people do usually instinctively choose to go by some other opinion first. Apart from that he does not have a problem making friends and foes alike.


- Technology: John is a tech specialist. That is his greatest skill. There is hardly anything that he cannot fix, modify or even build from scratch. Sometimes that skill can get a bit scary.

- Cybernetics: After he lost his left arm an interest in cybernetics and everything related to it sparked in John. He knows a lot about the topic. Medical and chirurgical knowledge was picked up alongside it.

- Science: Since building and repairing technology like a shield generator, a hyperdrive or an astrogation computer does not only require simple knowledge of blueprints but also in depth knowledge of the scientific principles that they function on he knows his natural sciences.

- First aid: He knows his way around simple injuries like bruises, burns, cuts and the likes due to having suffered them countless times in his life as a scientist and inventor. He has not received any training as a medic though. Nor would he be all that helpful in case someone around him got seriously injured.

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES: He is good with his hands. Well with the one he still has. If it comes to repairing, improving or building stuff John is the man.
Even though John can hold his own in a simple scuffle, he not equipped to take even a single trained fighter. How much training is pretty much irrelevant at that point. Mind you he can even use a blaster, but using it and hitting things are two different things right?
Maybe he is a bit stubborn. Of course he thinks he is the best, like young men often do. Especially the ones that have a real reason to do so like he does. Even up to the point where one could call him arrogant. But most of the time it is justified.


--- Evaluation of John Eldritch by Doctor Margret Beshiá ---

--- Final statement ---

I met John during a social gathering of high ranking republican politicians and officers. My first impression was that he was a charming but personal kind of man. He talked with everybody and made a good impression on most but he never talked about his personal life. Looking back I can see now how he manages to keep up the facade of a well-adapted person.
He is highly intelligent. Though his mental capacity is in the fields of mathematics, physics, technology and engineering, his analytical mind easily sees through the self-deception the general population suffers from. He is a true realist in the sense that he does not cling to illusions. He is a dedicated man and usually pours all his energy into his work.
On the other hand he can prioritize ruthlessly and even sentient life has no value to him if reaching his goal demands it. See Republic Intelligence file #[*REDACTED*].

While I do believe he is capable of developing some kind of sympathy and even respect for individuals, he despises the general galactic populace. I believe that I have indeed been able to establish a kind of relationship with him. Either that or he is a very good actor and liar. When I had him evaluated by a telepath the telepath was not able to tell me if John was being truthful with me. That statement worries me to this day.

I advise to keep John under constant monitoring and to closely control his work. While I had no reason to question his loyalty so far, and none of my colleagues have done so, it is hard for me to judge if John’s loyalties lie with the Republic or if we are simply a means to his ends.

Putting the possible risks aside my closing statement shall be to give John free roam inside certain boundaries which we would deem responsible. His potential is to great as to not use it. The republic needs minds like him. Just should we never underestimate John.

--- End of Entry ---

GEAR: Usually he wears a simple plaststeel prosthesis. Though it is more for show than anything. During his work on new creations he usually got one of many strange and exotic tools attached to his arm. Sometimes it’s just a fancy hypospanner though.
He does of course carry everyday items like credits, chrono and a com unit. A datapad is always on his person.

SHIP: -/-

PERSONALITY: You could call him withdrawn. He is not the guy you would want to go on a long trip with. Even if he can talk to other people alright he tries to avoid large groups. Mainly because usually if the group is larger, more questions are being asked. And he really does not like to answer questions. Well the personal kind at least. Ask him about tech and you might have some long hours ahead of you if you don’t shut him up. But apart from that he is pretty much a normal guy. Hurting people is nothing he enjoys or relishes. But he will do so if you give him reason to or if it is necessary to reach his goals.
Every now and then he gets that strange look, that thousand-yard stare, like he has seen stuff you can’t unsee. Ask him why and you might suddenly find a well aimed hydrospanner flying your way. Along with the disgruntled advice to mind your own business.

BIOGRAPHY: John was born into a small family of three. His mother and father were happy and cheerful at the expectation of having a son. Their little daughter Farah had brought so much joy to them that a second child was seen a very welcome addition to their family. While his sister seemed to be the brighter one during her early days, picking up walking and learning to speak easily, John struggled with these skills and had a hard time picking up on them. When trying to walk he fell a lot. He did not seem to be able to speak properly for the longest time. While his doctors had no explanation for it they were actually dumbfounded by the results of John’s brain scans. His brain was developed far beyond what was deemed normal for a child his age or even a fully grown adult. During his childhood and puberty this development only continued. While it did nothing to explain his development it only made his parents more nervous.
He finally learned how to walk and coordinate his legs properly at about the age of seven. After that he slowly started to talk in full sentences. Only when he was nine had he overcome those barriers and was starting to show the first signs of very rare genius.
With that the problems of his early childhood were quickly forgotten by his parents. Though his family was happy for their son finally draw level with other children his age the development of his intellect took off at full speed. By the age of thirteen he was reading books at the speed of a page a second and had no trouble remembering their contents. Even understanding them was no problem at all for young John, as he easily absorbed everything that he was offered. Only now did his parents understand what the doctors had meant with his advanced brain development. He was learning things at amazing speeds and slowly distanced himself from his family members.
He wrote his first dissertation on complex astrogation at the age of fourteen. After that he went on to look into hyperspace theory and physics. His work was noticed by local universities and was granted a full scholarship soon after. With that he was able to fully devote his time to studying. It was his eighteenth birthday when he was awarded his fifth degree. He had already studied math, physics, astronomy, and hyperspace engineering. His new degree was in weapons technology. While he had studied lots of other subjects on the side those were hid these were the ones he seemed to care about more than about others.
While his academic life was progressing well his personal life was stagnant at best. Apart from mandatory visits at his parents every weekend and the unrelenting visits his sister paid him his interaction with the sentients around him had become downright clinical. Even with his family he was rather distant. Only few “girlfriends” ever lasted past the one week mark.
While they were all gorgeous and smart, he never intensified any of those relationships and never showed much interest in having a family of his own.
After his studies he wanted to apply what he had learned and enter the world of research. He was turned away by all projects eh applied to. In his mortification he went on to simply outdo the projects he had been rejected by. John then proceeded to reject the offered apologies and only after having shamed every member of the projects he had been rejected from, he went on and accepted his very own project lead.

KILLS: -/-


DUELS: -/-


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