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Jiroch-Reslia Galactic Cemetery

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The King of Ergonomic Assessments

Main catacombs entrance

Image source: Arlington National Cemetery

Name: Jiroch-Reslia Galactic Cemetery

Planet: Jiroch-Reslia

Nexus Alignment: Dark

Nexus Effects: The effects of the nexus on people going inside the Jiroch-Reslia Galactic Cemetery, are pretty straightforward: for many, its effects include feelings of being dazed and confused, and sometimes fear and paranoia: some residents near the cemetery are paranoid about explosions and blaster fire coming their way.

Size: Region

Development Threads: Year-round Halloween (32 posts)

Description: The largest cemetery in the galaxy, the ever-expanding Lesrekta Galactic Cemetery houses upwards of a billion bodies over many, many levels of catacombs stretching for miles in every direction since the Cemetery covers an area of over 3,000 square kilometers. Decorations of the sprawling cemetery include worn-down (and often inoperative) military hardware from the various factions that once controlled the planet in its history in various conditions of preservation, ranging from the well-preserved (mostly First Order) to the nearly completely derelict clone trooper equipment and battle droids from the Clone Wars. Nowadays, it is controlled by the First Order. As an amusement park, it features some haunted houses, roller coasters and other rides inside its blighted confines, thanks to Star Tours' contributions post-844 ABY.

Origins/History: When the Galactic Empire invaded Jiroch-Reslia in 10 BBY, in an attempt to stop the Reslian Purge, it also left a lasting impression on the Tunroth, saving the species from utter annihilation at the hands of the Lortan Fanatics. As a result Jiroch-Reslia, and Lesrekta with it, was loyal to the Galactic Empire until the Imperial remnant factions present in the region after the Battle of Endor were defeated. Also, in the battle for Jiroch-Reslia, the Lortan reduced the population of Jiroch-Reslia to a mere four million in the wake of the Reslian Purge, resulting in the near-total annihilation of the Tunroth's complement of dark-sided Force-users.

Due to the relative dearth of natural resources other than forestry and wildlife on Jiroch-Reslia, meat processing was the order of the day as well as the timber industry. For a while, until about 150 ABY, nearby Lesrekta was one of the major cities in the galaxy for forestry but mismanagement of the forests by the native Tunroth caused the inhabitants to move further and further away, causing Lesrekta's decline in the timber industry. The economic vacuum caused by the decline of the forestry industry and also the Tunroth's policy to supply free funeral space in perpetuity has caused the remaining space to be taken up by many in the galaxy that desire to hide their deceased from the eyes of the deceased' loved ones, especially due to the fears of warfare-induced damage. For centuries, the fortunes of the Jiroch-Reslia Galactic Cemetery were closely intertwined with those of Lesrekta as well as the Tunroth.

By 844 ABY, First Order contractors signed a contract with the Tunroth Assemblage of Three, who by then were appointees of the First Order, deeming the construction of the Force-nexus incomplete, especially as space in the cemetery was rapidly dwindling, and also that completing an unfinished nexus was much less expensive than building a brand-new nexus to the Tunroth's eyes. It was notorious for embroiling the Assemblage of Three in a scandal over the commercialism associated with the operation of a dark-sided nexus the way the Assemblage of Three meant it at the time: as an horror-themed amusement park. The initial 1-million budget provided Star Tours with the money to build a few initial rides in addition to the cost of the dark-sided rituals, such as a roller coaster, the equipment to outfit the main catacombs entrance to a haunted house used for entertainment. Since then the Tunroth promised "guaranteed thrills or money back", not realizing that many people who got their money back were either Force-dead or dark-sided Force-users, and several new rides were added in the following five years, with the greatest respect for the gravestones and other monuments already laid. As a result many rides are located underground, with most of the above-ground rides being roller coasters.

Intent: To provide the First Order with a dark-sided nexus and with an amusement park

Links: Lesrekta [Chaos Lore Challenge] - the city in which it is located
Reslian Purge on Wookiepedia
Star Tours - its operator as an amusement park
Good day, Let’s see what hotness you got for us .

Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review
Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review
Pending initial review
Pending Initial review
Pending Initial review

Klesta said:
Also you can use Force-powers using less energy than you would normally need, especially when dark-sided powers are in use. However, light-sided powers require more energy.
I would ask you to please remove this line, this not a normal effect of a force nexus.

Klesta said:
3,000 square kilometers.
Is the force nexus that large, it is not specified in the text. Also if it is then this needs to be shrunk down quite a bit as 3000k square is a massive nexus and not a minor one as noted here.


The King of Ergonomic Assessments
[member="Bryce Bantam"] I have removed that line about how light-sided powers require more energy but all other powers require less. However, how many additional dev posts do I need if the nexus covers the entirety of the cemetery?
To be honest I'm not sure it is a matter of dev, I think it is more of a subject matter issue, I'm going to ask [member="Silencia"] to review this now, not sure about turning canon cemetery into an amusement park, it just seems, off the mark.
None - and here is why.

This submission is being denied based on grounds of the following:

1. It undermines SW canon and makes a mockery of canon Force Nexi and their origins.
2. It lacks a compelling intent. A Force Nexus is not a child's plaything, it is not ever going to be an amusement part or public "attraction." Not now. Not ever.
3. You do not "build" a Force Nexus. That's not how they work and I know people have tried to explain that to you. People with a far greater background and knowledge of SW canon. The lack of worth you've given to their advisement is disrespectful and mildly insulting.


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