Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jax Rhastu

NAME: Jax Rhastu (Jacks Ra-stew)

ALIAS: Assassin Rhastu


SPECIES: Rattataki

AGE: 20

SEX: Male



EYES: Brown
HAIR: None

SKIN: Chalk-White


STRENGTHS/WEAKNESSES: + Jax is an incredibly agile person. He is known for being able to run fast, run on walls, and jump high (this is not factoring force jumps) + Jax can perceive things faster than the regular eye. He process things much faster than anyone else, and thus can use this to outthink his foe. - ​Jax has always had a problem harnessing the force. He can use it moderately well, but still needs training in it. - Jax is ruthless. He doesn't care who it is but he will hunt them down and kill them. It could be his best friend, or his own parents, he would kill them at the drop of a hat.
+/- Jax has no morales but follow orders. It's almost like he has no personality.
+/- Jax is extremely obedient. He will always follow orders, even if morally wrong.

APPEARANCE: When Jax does not don his mask, his faces reveals two black lines that run across the side of his face on both sides. He has a huge scar across his right eye.

BIOGRAPHY: Jax was born on Rattatak by gladiator parents. His parents quickly died when he was young, and was taken in by a sith. He was trained from an early age to fight, and eventually discovered he had the force. Jax and his trainer were training on Lothal when his master was killed by bounty hunters. Jax took it as a personal mission to track them. After two years, he finally did, and killed them. Jax has since joined The One Sith and carries out bounties.

SHIP: None



If your looking for a teacher Simply ask any knight or lord that strikes your fancy and they will probably be more than happy to take you as an apprentice. Good luck CX

[Member="Assassin Rhastu"]

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