Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jarik Abren

Name: Jarik Abren
Faction: Imperial Remnant
Rank: Imperial Knight, Apprentice
Species: Human
Age: 21
Sex: Male
Height: 5, 9
Weight: 197 pounds
Hair: Black
Skin: Tan
Force Sensitive: Yes


  • The Force - the force is a tool and to be respected. It doesn't influence the battle too much unless its increasing his senses. But its a strength just having it.
  • Lightsaber Combat - Jarik is very skilled in lightsaber combat. Not the best but he is strong against most opponents.
  • Calm - he's for the most part calm. Even during battle.
  • Agility - he has excellent agility since he has experience and training from a younger age.
  • Negotiating - negotiating is not his cup of tea. But he can if its an order.
  • Taking Orders - he follows orders given by authorized leaders but not from those who he doesn't know.
Jarik usually doesn't speak, if its in battle, or even if he's given an order. He just does it without question. You may consider him to be a robot since he's pretty much emotionless in most cases. But in the end, he's human. Sometimes, but rare, he may crack a joke. That's most likely when no Imperial Remnant official is around.

Jarik is a tall man in his mid twenties. He wears Imperial Knight armor almost at all times. He carries a silver lightsaber that is clipped on his utility belt. Jarik's hair is black and his eyes are brown.

Jarik's life starts on a planet called Coruscant. Where technology isn't primitive. He was about seven when something happened to him. As a child, Jarik loved swords. He still does now but he wields a lightsaber now. Jarik was kidnapped when he was seven. Maybe it was a pretty stupid idea to kidnap a seven year old but they knew he was force sensitive. Maybe they wanted to try and steal his powers, although it wouldn't work.

He was in capture for a few years. He never knew who kidnapped him for sure but he knew they soon met their fate not too soon after he escaped capture. The boy was near the age of twelve when he found himself on a sand like planet. Some called it Tatooine or the planet of two suns. This is where Jarik met his master. A man who was apart of the Jedi Order of the republic.

The man would spent ten years helping the young boy gain more power in the force. The years went by fast and were hard. He didn't get too powerful in the force. What he got powerful in was combat. Especially swords, lightsabers. That year, his master died at an age of of 71. He was now alone and wandering by himself.

The following year, he would join the Imperial Remnant and continue his teaching in it. He received a lightsaber to keep and use himself. He already trained with his master's sabers. So he was already good enough with one. He also received a full set of armor that year. The next two years would be full of training and fighting. He became very skilled in the lightsaber and somewhat skilled in the force.

  • Imperial Knight Lightsaber (Silver Blade)
  • Imperial Knight Armor



Rifle - Adept
Pistol - Adept
Launcher - Novice

Sword - Adept
Lightsaber - Proficient

Hand-to-Hand - Proficient

Flying - Adept
Firing Ship Weaponry - Novice

Known Force Powers:
  • Force Push/Pull
  • Force Barrier
  • Force Concealment
  • Force Sense
  • Precognition
  • Force Speed
  • Force Jump
  • Force Levitation
  • Tutaminis

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