Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jan'Moosh The Hutt.

NAME: Jan'Moosh The Hutt

FACTION: Reim Imperium.

RANK: Crime Lord.


AGE: 785 Galactic Standard.

SEX: Hermaphrodite. However, he takes on a male personality.

HEIGHT: 3.9 meters.

WEIGHT: 1,358 kilograms.

EYES: Green.


SKIN: Green.


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Crime Lord. He’s got the influence and the power.

+Wealth. Due to his occupation as a “Legitimate Business Man”, he’s gained a rather large sum of credits.

-Hutt. He’s a huge, green, slug. He can’t move fast, he can’t shoot fast, he can hardly do anything when it comes to putting forth effort.

-Smoker. He often finds himself puffing on a hookah or cigarette.

A green, slug-like creature. Bright, green eyes. A small scar can be found going down his left eye.

Born into the Hutt Cartel on Nar Shadda, Jan’Moosh The Hutt was constantly planning to undermine his father, who Jan'Moosh believed had acquired undeserved fame and reputation. However, the Hutt took on a rather surprising hobby: Antique collecting.

Whether it be antique hookahs, Jedi lightsabers, or simple pieces of scrap metal. Jan’Moosh finally managed to trade several of his antiques in exchange for a skilled, and fearsome Clawdite assassin. As Jan’Moosh expected, the assassin soon took down the Hutt’s father, his father’s assistant discovering his corpse locked in his personal smoke room.

Soon, Jan’Moosh rose to power, acquiring his father’s wealth, slaves, bounty hunters, and slythmongers. Of course, the Hutt satisfied his dark sense of humor and thirst for blood by luring the assassin of his father to his private quarters, before watching in complete joy as he watched as the assassin was quickly disposed of by his men.

In an attempt to earn his reputation as a dangerous and ruthless Crime Lord, Jan’Moosh began organizing bounty hunters, assassins, and simple low-lives to handle local competition. Whether it be clearing out local gambling dens, destroying spice dens, or simply torturing fellow Hutts was enough.

It was soon after that the Hutt began to crave more power and wealth, doing almost anything and everything to gain it. The Hutt began to lash out at the simplest things, something as simple as coughing in Jan’Moosh's presence would lead to the offender to be beat, and threatened by the Hutt’s men, occasionally going as far as murdering the offender.

The Hutt now takes part in spice dealing, assassinations, credit laundering, and more.

Does not need one.

His men do this for him.

He is not a bounty hunter.


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