Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Jafan Bibble

Jafan Bibble

AgeEarly Twenties
WeightIdk weights
Force SensitiveNope


Jafan's default state that he's always seen in is battered and bruised. Any day of the week, any week of the month. Different outfits? What's the point in that! If you've got something that's comfortable, just get more of it! That's Jafan's belief. Fashion is pointless, if you're always going to get it dirty or messed up at the end of the day.




The strong fight the strong. That's what Jafan stands by. In his mind, anyone who fights the weak is someone weak just pretending to be strong and he hates nothing more than that. As much as he's always ready for a fight, nothing boils his blood more than someone who picks on the weak. Though he'd never admit that, Jafan would usually just come up with some kind of excuse as to why he'd hop in to help someone.

The lad prefers to speak with his fists as opposed to his words. Mostly because he gets too flustered speaking and has more faith in his own hands than he does in his mouth. It's a habit of his that he'll run into a fight to help someone, before immediately backing away and running off before he could be thanked for his work. Plus they'd probably want him to help them out more and more, until he gets into some kind of trouble. He's only willing to get into trouble for himself.


Face, meet Fist. - Jafan's a fighter, born and somewhat raised. Hand to hand combat comes to him better than anything else and an entire childhood of getting into fights has caused him to also have a fair amount of endurance when it comes to punishment and pain. Even if he doesn't have the strength to stop himself from getting hurt, he has the willpower to fight through it and carry on through everything.

Gotta go fast - He has always lived his live without taking a break. Never settling down, Jafan has always flown or driven through the Galaxy at his own speed. Because of this, he has plenty of experience of piloting a wide variety of vehicles. Not that he owns any of them. To be more precise, he owns none of them. He just happens to...borrow the vehicles he pilots

Pick a way out - With a life of moving from place to place, and not settling down, Jafan found an efficient way to let him find places to let him rest his head for a night. Even if those places might be locked or under watch, the Lad would find a way to break his way in or avoid being spotted.


Reactive - Jafan is quick to jump into a situation without thinking. Alongside that, he is also quick to anger. Don't get him started on his name, the slightest joke or comment about his name can set the Lad into a rage, or at least it will very easily spoilt his opinion of people.

Friends? What are those? - Jafan's social skills are sorely lacking. It's hard for him to figure out when people are joking, teasing or being honest. It is also difficult for him to figure out how to handle compliments or help from others, always assuming that there is some kind of ulterior motive to the assistance people give him.


Jafan always gives different stories as to where he came from. A rich noble's son from Naboo that fell out of the family's favour, a street urchin from the dingy moon of Nar Shaddaa or even an orphan who's parents died in a war (though he never specifies which war). All that can ever be truly confirmed is that...he's a bum. No matter what might have happened to him in his past, the twenty something year old has no place to call his home and that's completely fine by him as he moves from planet to planet, never settling down for too long. Mostly because the lad doesn't want to make any form of attachment out of a misguided belief that it'll just drag him down more into the pit of rock bottom.

Currently, Jafan is settled on Coruscant, taking the odd jobs to get money to survive but sooner or later he might plan on leaving. The breeze of war feels like it is on the horizon and the idea of getting dragged into something that doesn't particular involve him doesn't exactly appeal to him. A battle for Coruscant does not need him at the end of the day and Coruscant doesn't need him either. At least that is his belief.

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