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Iridiatrum crystals

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  • Intent: Personalised crystals for weaponry and equipment
  • Image Source: N/A yet
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: Shira Krytall
  • Affiliation: Shira Krytall
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: (Example: E-11 Blaster Rifle. For submissions where a model wouldn't be appropriate, such as a custom walking stick, put 'N/A' for 'Not Applicable'.)
  • Modularity: Yes, multiple purposes
  • Production: The scale is Semi-Unique
  • Material: Crystaline formations
Physical specifications
  • Classification: Crystal
  • Weight: Average
  • Colour: Metallic (any kind of metal, depending on the crystal)
  • Resistance: N/A
    • Energy: Extreme
    • Kinetic: Very High
    • Lightsabers: Extreme
    • Sonic: High
    • Force: None
  • The Crystals appear exclusively in metallic colors such as gold, steel blue, silver, tungsten, ect... Basically any color that normal metals have.
  • The crystals can bond with their user via a complicated blood ritual. After bonding they wont work against the person that it had bonded with.
  • Constructs using these crystals are extremely annihilating to energy and physical forms, such as lightsaber, walls, shields, etc...
  • Constructs that utilize these kinds of crystals are extremely light, yet carry the impact force as if they were heavier. This means that the shields made by it can be raised almost instantly and lightsabers/blaster bolts have an unmatched speed.
  • The crystals are emitting a strange kind of energy that usually overpowers other energy sources, burning them out shortly and violently. This also works against crystals that emit energy, however, said crystals usually will just be suppressed for a short amount of time, instead of destroyed.
  • The Crystals have an addicting effect. This effect does not deal serious damage of any kind but greatly reduces the addicted persons mood and can have minor effects, such as nosebleeds, urge to throw up, etc. This effect is even stronger once the crystals are bonded.
  • The crystals can damage energy sources by merely touching them, which heavily damages the circuits, energy source, and the emitter (shield generator, lightsaber lense, etc...)
  • The crystals usually create extremely potent effects for the things it is used for (lightsaber = extreme cutting strength, etc...; shield generator = extremely strong shields, extremely fast deployment)
  • Energy based weapons are very easy to use with this crystal as the constructs created with it are extremely light.
  • The crystals can amplify the effects of another item greatly.
  • Constructs made with these crystals resist EMP's, cortosis or items/effects that do the same.
  • Energy breaking: The greatest strength of the crystals is that they are able to break solid or energy-based structures (shields, lightsabers) with unmatched ease. This effect is even stronger than that of cortosis and constructs that utilize this crystal are able to overpower it. In the case of Lightsabers, shields or other items that require energy, even a mere touch with a construct of the crystal damages the other items' energy systems (circuits, energy source, emitters).
  • Bonding: The crystals are able to bind to persons. Once they are bound to them via a blood sacrifice they won't hurt their user anymore, yet retain their length.
  • Versatile: The Crystals can be used for technological objects, Lightsabers/Forcesabers, Energy-based weapons or shields, or even jewellery/artefacts/relics. And they can be endowed with many kinds of abilities if someone knows this and is able to do such a thing.
  • Fast: Structures or weapons infused or created with this blade are extremely light for the user or the machine that uses them, while they still have their original impact against targets.
  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 strength of this submission.)
  • Energy generating: The crystals are generating a lot of energy on their own, often taking the need for an energy source away. Due to this fact they can easily resist energy-draining effects.
  • Extreme cutting power: Constructs that utilize such a crystal have extreme cutting power against physical items such as walls, doors, armor, etc.... (counts for weapons and shields. Additionally, shields made with them can withstand lightsabers and physical weapons as well as energy-based ones.
  • No resistance to the force: The crystals have no resistance against the force whatsoever. An attack that directly hits the crystals has the potential to destroy them immediately.
  • Addicitng: The crystals are addicting even if one is standing too close to them. Once someone bonded with a crystal, this effect is much stronger. Not being close to a crystal of this kind will bring the usual drawbacks (nausea, sometimes nosebleed, mental instability, panic, tiredness). In order to avoid this, someone that had bonded with such a crystal needs to have one close to them at any moment. Similar to drugs, the user feels great when near one of those crystals, and miserable when they aren't.
  • High risk: While the crystals won't hurt the one that is bonded to them, anyone else, including allies or (especially) mechanical lifeforms or structures are in constant danger to be annihilated by the crystal in case they are hit.
  • Small numbers: The crystals are very rare, so no unlimited or mass-produced product can be made from it, only unique or semi-unique items.
  • Difficult way to obtain: Shira starts with 10 of these crystals. Should she ever need more of them (within reason) she will need to spend an extensive amount of effort to obtain them.
  • One and only...: While the crystals are generating a lot of energy, they won't allow other energy sources to be used with them in the same circuit system. Furthermore, systems that utilize such a crystal require special construction that is tailored to the crystal. Due to this fact it takes either multiple crystals to have effects on larger entities (large ship shields, etc...) or their usage is limited
  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 strength of this submission.)
  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 strength of this submission.)
The Iradiatrum crystals are a special kind of crystals that former Jedi knight and commander Shira Krytal has found in an asteroid cluster near the borders of the known parts of the galaxy when her ship had to stop for standard maintenance work.

Mispercieving the crystals as lightsaber crystals at first, Shira brought them aboard of her ship and conducted tests with them where their amazing properties were found out by her, most notably the immense cutting power they seemed to have against solid materials as well as the weird properties in relation to energy. The energy aspect of the crystals was found out after Shira tried to have a spar against a trainings lightsaber on one of her defensive droids, when the Iridiatium-Lightsaber not only overloaded the droids training saber but also cut straight trough him. A mistake that cost her a perfectly fine droid as well as triggered the alarm system of her ship.

As Shira had brought a piece of the seemingly larger asteroid into her ship that contained a chuck of the crystal that was about as big as a fist, she got highly exposed to the addicting nature of the spaceborne material.

Due to an accident where Shira cut her hand by accident with one of the crystals, she noticed the crystal changing in the form of seemingly glowing up next to her. Deciding to try a risky technique that was shunned by the jedi order, that being to bring a blood offer, she bonded with said crystals, which ultimately made her even more defenseless against the addiction that was beginning to develop within her.

By the time Shira had noticed the fact that something about these weirdly powerful lightsaber crystals was wrong, it was already too late and she was fully addicted to them. Trying to rid herself of the addiction she ordered the AI's of her ship to lock her in her room while keeping the stones in a specially shielded compartment. As the different stages of withdrawal all left a mark on her, the AI's finally decided to break her orders to save her. As Shira refused to take the crystals, the AI's had them brought to her and finally convinced her that the corruption she was suffering from wouldn't affect her if she was close to the stones constantly. On top of that, the positive traits of the stones were undeniable and so they were chose to be experiments further.

However, Shira also brought the asteroid back to where it originally originated and locked the memory away behind a highly sophisticated jedi technique, so, should she ever be captured, the information was safe within her.
Last edited:

  • Intent: Personalised crystals for weaponry and equipment
  • Image Source: N/A yet
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: Shira Krytall
  • Affiliation: Shira Krytall
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: (Example: E-11 Blaster Rifle. For submissions where a model wouldn't be appropriate, such as a custom walking stick, put 'N/A' for 'Not Applicable'.)
  • Modularity: Yes, multiple purposes
  • Production: The scale is Semi-Unique
  • Material: Crystaline formations
Physical specifications
  • Classification: Crystal
  • Weight: Average
  • Colour: Metallic (any kind of metal, depending on the crystal)
  • Resistance: N/A
    • Energy: Extreme
    • Kinetic: Very High
    • Lightsabers: Extreme
    • Sonic: High
    • Force: None
  • The Crystals appear exclusively in metallic colors such as gold, steel blue, silver, tungsten, ect... Basically any color that normal metals have.
  • The crystals can bond with their user via a complicated blood ritual. After bonding they wont work against the person that it had bonded with.
  • Constructs using these crystals are extremely annihilating to energy and physical forms, such as lightsaber, walls, shields, etc...
  • Constructs that utilize these kinds of crystals are extremely light, yet carry the impact force as if they were heavier. This means that the shields made by it can be raised almost instantly and lightsabers/blaster bolts have an unmatched speed.
  • The crystals are emitting a strange kind of energy that usually overpowers other energy sources, burning them out shortly and violently. This also works against crystals that emit energy, however, said crystals usually will just be suppressed for a short amount of time, instead of destroyed.
  • The Crystals have an addicting effect. This effect does not deal serious damage of any kind but greatly reduces the addicted persons mood and can have minor effects, such as nosebleeds, urge to throw up, etc. This effect is even stronger once the crystals are bonded.
  • The crystals can damage energy sources by merely touching them, which heavily damages the circuits, energy source, and the emitter (shield generator, lightsaber lense, etc...)
  • The crystals usually create extremely potent effects for the things it is used for (lightsaber = extreme cutting strength, etc...; shield generator = extremely strong shields, extremely fast deployment)
  • Energy based weapons are very easy to use with this crystal as the constructs created with it are extremely light.
  • The crystals can amplify the effects of another item greatly.
  • Constructs made with these crystals resist EMP's, cortosis or items/effects that do the same.
  • Energy breaking: The greatest strength of the crystals is that they are able to break solid or energy-based structures (shields, lightsabers) with unmatched ease. This effect is even stronger than that of cortosis and constructs that utilize this crystal are able to overpower it. In the case of Lightsabers, shields or other items that require energy, even a mere touch with a construct of the crystal damages the other items' energy systems (circuits, energy source, emitters).
  • Bonding: The crystals are able to bind to persons. Once they are bound to them via a blood sacrifice they won't hurt their user anymore, yet retain their length.
  • Versatile: The Crystals can be used for technological objects, Lightsabers/Forcesabers, Energy-based weapons or shields, or even jewellery/artefacts/relics. And they can be endowed with many kinds of abilities if someone knows this and is able to do such a thing.
  • Fast: Structures or weapons infused or created with this blade are extremely light for the user or the machine that uses them, while they still have their original impact against targets.
  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 strength of this submission.)
  • Energy generating: The crystals are generating a lot of energy on their own, often taking the need for an energy source away. Due to this fact they can easily resist energy-draining effects.
  • Extreme cutting power: Constructs that utilize such a crystal have extreme cutting power against physical items such as walls, doors, armor, etc.... (counts for weapons and shields. Additionally, shields made with them can withstand lightsabers and physical weapons as well as energy-based ones.
  • No resistance to the force: The crystals have no resistance against the force whatsoever. An attack that directly hits the crystals has the potential to destroy them immediately.
  • Addicitng: The crystals are addicting even if one is standing too close to them. Once someone bonded with a crystal, this effect is much stronger. Not being close to a crystal of this kind will bring the usual drawbacks (nausea, sometimes nosebleed, mental instability, panic, tiredness). In order to avoid this, someone that had bonded with such a crystal needs to have one close to them at any moment. Similar to drugs, the user feels great when near one of those crystals, and miserable when they aren't.
  • High risk: While the crystals won't hurt the one that is bonded to them, anyone else, including allies or (especially) mechanical lifeforms or structures are in constant danger to be annihilated by the crystal in case they are hit.
  • Small numbers: The crystals are very rare, so no unlimited or mass-produced product can be made from it, only unique or semi-unique items.
  • Difficult way to obtain: Shira starts with 10 of these crystals. Should she ever need more of them (within reason) she will need to spend an extensive amount of effort to obtain them.
  • One and only...: While the crystals are generating a lot of energy, they won't allow other energy sources to be used with them in the same circuit system. Furthermore, systems that utilize such a crystal require special construction that is tailored to the crystal. Due to this fact it takes either multiple crystals to have effects on larger entities (large ship shields, etc...) or their usage is limited
  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 strength of this submission.)
  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 strength of this submission.)
The Iradiatrum crystals are a special kind of crystals that former Jedi knight and commander Shira Krytal has found in an asteroid cluster near the borders of the known parts of the galaxy when her ship had to stop for standard maintenance work.

Mispercieving the crystals as lightsaber crystals at first, Shira brought them aboard of her ship and conducted tests with them where their amazing properties were found out by her, most notably the immense cutting power they seemed to have against solid materials as well as the weird properties in relation to energy. The energy aspect of the crystals was found out after Shira tried to have a spar against a trainings lightsaber on one of her defensive droids, when the Iridiatium-Lightsaber not only overloaded the droids training saber but also cut straight trough him. A mistake that cost her a perfectly fine droid as well as triggered the alarm system of her ship.

As Shira had brought a piece of the seemingly larger asteroid into her ship that contained a chuck of the crystal that was about as big as a fist, she got highly exposed to the addicting nature of the spaceborne material.

Due to an accident where Shira cut her hand by accident with one of the crystals, she noticed the crystal changing in the form of seemingly glowing up next to her. Deciding to try a risky technique that was shunned by the jedi order, that being to bring a blood offer, she bonded with said crystals, which ultimately made her even more defenseless against the addiction that was beginning to develop within her.

By the time Shira had noticed the fact that something about these weirdly powerful lightsaber crystals was wrong, it was already too late and she was fully addicted to them. Trying to rid herself of the addiction she ordered the AI's of her ship to lock her in her room while keeping the stones in a specially shielded compartment. As the different stages of withdrawal all left a mark on her, the AI's finally decided to break her orders to save her. As Shira refused to take the crystals, the AI's had them brought to her and finally convinced her that the corruption she was suffering from wouldn't affect her if she was close to the stones constantly. On top of that, the positive traits of the stones were undeniable and so they were chose to be experiments further.

However, Shira also brought the asteroid back to where it originally originated and locked the memory away behind a highly sophisticated jedi technique, so, should she ever be captured, the information was safe within her.

Hello! First of all, welcome to the site. It's always cool and refreshing to see new members around, and I applaud your attempt to submit an interesting item to the factory.

However, I unfortunately must reject this submission based on the amount of issues present, and for the overall concept as it sits.

I would encourage you to please review my comments below. After reflecting upon them, please make corrections to your sub before attempting to resubmit.

The general principle behind the majority of my comments are; please use your submissions to provide as much relevant information as possible. People need to know details about how and why your submission works the way it does, and it needs to be substantiated within the framework of star wars. If a submission lacks either or both of those things, then it needs further work. I think this submission has great potential, but it has a ways to go before it can be approved.

Also, please note - my notes do not address the strengths and weaknesses, because the rest of my notes would logically change the strengths and weaknesses once you address them. Please give attention to the entire submission before resubmitting.

Please see below for my comments.


OOC Information:
  • Image Source: ‘Not yet’ is not an acceptable entry for any factory sub. You must provide a link to the original source of the image you are using. If this was a work in progress submission, that would be one thing. But when you post submissions within the factory proper, it is assumed they are ready for judgement. There are no exceptions, and this must be done prior to approval. This applies to all future submissions.
  • Canon Links & Primary Sources: While this is not a requirement, I would heavily recommend linking wookieepedia articles to saber crystals you may have drawn inspiration from for this submission. It will help me and other judges to fairly appraise submissions if you are in fact drawing submission from canon. If this has not drawn inspiration from a canon reference however, that is fine. In such an event, you may disregard this comment.
Production Information:
  • Manufacturer & Affiliation: Please link the character profile of both the manufacturer and the person(s) or entities this item will be affiliated with.
  • Model: It appears as though you missed this section, as it possesses the default entry from the template. Please fill this in appropriately. If I may make a suggestion, I would simply say ‘lightsaber crystal’.
  • Modularity: ‘Multiple purposes’ is not really helpful here. The saying ‘less is more’ is certainly appropriate in some cases, but not always with respect to factory submissions. Please summarize the ways in which this submission is modular. It doesn’t have to be super long winded, but a few words to list specific ways in which this item can be modified or used to modify something. If you decide this is not applicable, then please put N/A.
Physical Specifications:
  • Resistances: ‘N/A’ is not an appropriate entry here.
  • Resistances: Your material is (3) points overpowered. To clarity, please reference this spreadsheet to help with balancing your submissions. In short, submissions are judged on a points system. The baseline is set with your production value. In this case, it is Semi Unique, which grants you +3 points to play with. (Mass Produced gives you 0 points, minor gives you 1, limited gives you 2, semi unique 3, and unique 4). Now, the values you choose for your resistances will either take away points, or add points to the pool to balance things out. Average is 0, everything ‘lower’ than average gives you points starting from 1 (low is 1, very low is 2, none is 3). The inverse is true, but it takes away points instead (high takes away 1, very high 2, extreme 3). With all of this being said, please rebalance your submission accordingly.
Special Features:
  • Constructs using these crystals are extremely annihilating to energy and physical forms... - This needs to be quantified a bit more specifically. Are you stating that mechanized constructs that use this crystal as an energy source have enhanced damage capabilities to physical and energy based forms? If so, please clarify the language to state this.
  • Constructs that utilize these kinds of crystals are extremely light, et al... - This goes back to my earlier recommendation to provide canonical references for any lightsaber crystals you may be drawing inspiration from. Thus far, I am not seeing anything to substantiate these abilities, and without context, this does not seem very plausible. Please expound a bit more on how this is possible, preferably with references from the wiki. If you can’t, then please remove this line entirely. Thank you.
  • The crystals are emitting a strange kind of energy that usually overpowers other energy sources, et al... - I am unclear what you are precisely saying here. Are you saying this crystal will overpower other crystals and energy sources it comes into a certain range of? If so, what is this range? Does it require physical contact? Why/how does it possess this ability?
  • The Crystals have an addicting effect, et al... - This part is also confusing. If it causes people to be nauseated, then how can it be used?
Technological Features:
  • The crystals can damage energy sources by merely touching them, et al... - How can this crystal be used if it would damage the very components used to harness its energy?
  • Constructs made with these crystals resist EMP's, cortosis or items/effects that do the same. - Either supply a canon reference you are using as the basis for this, or remove this line entirely.
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