Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: io​
FACTION: Red Ravens, Hapes Consortium
RANK: Noble
AGE: 23
SEX: Male​
HEIGHT: 168 cm​
WEIGHT: 68 kg
EYES: Green
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Pale


+ Education: Has extensive knowledge of history and foreign cultures. Strategically minded. Persuasive.

+ Force sensitive. He reacts faster than most, he's a little luckier, and when he gets a feeling about something he's right about it a bit more often than others. Doesn't know this is the force.

+ Been in enough scrapes and brawls to have a close relationship with pain. It can make him angry and more determined rather than discourage him.

+/- Comes from money. Lost access to any inheritance, but was given enough to live comfortably for five years. Spent most of it in a few months.

- Doesn't see well in low light. Suffers from chronic insomnia anywhere with a day/night cycle. Needs a stiff drink to get to sleep most nights, and stimcaf first thing every morning.

- io has an addictive personality, and currently has a dependency to alcohol and t'bac. Well, also adrenaline if you count that for junkie status. He takes risks others wouldn't for kicks. He has the potential to develop other self destructive behaviors.

- Due to a life filled with servants and money, most of his knowledge of how to do things suffer from application. If he knows how to do a thing at all.

APPEARANCE: Attractive in that androgynous, boyish way typical of Hapan men. Physically in good shape. Dark bags under his eyes indicate his lack of sleep. Usually holds his eyes in a fixed gaze on the horizon. As if contemplating something deeply. But its normally just a symptom of his insomnia.

Unless called to action he has a slow gait. If low light vision is necessary, he'll put on his ocular enhancer goggles. Otherwise he just squints and is more careful than normal. He speaks from the belly. io prefers attire that's either working class or looks like it belongs to a swoop gang. He avoids anything expensive or too new when possible.

BIOGRAPHY: io was the first son born to a Noble Hapan house, before and after his two sisters. He was tested and found to be force sensitive as a child. He has not been informed.

He was a stubborn, argumentative child and this caused him difficulty with his family, and Hapan society at large. When he wasn't getting into trouble he would read books and watch holo-docs, mostly about foreign cultures, history, politics and war. He particularly took a fascination with the Lorell Raiders, imagining himself a grown up pirate like his ancestors. Proud, at the head of his household, imprisoning his aunts on an asteroid.

As he grew older, io succeeded in convincing his mother into letting him pursue a higher education abroad, which she happily acceded to, as it got him out of her hair. He chose to study philosophy on Coruscant. Quickly on he realized if he wanted to convince people of a position, a well structured argument was not enough, so he took rhetoric as well.

After he was very nearly expelled for instigating and participating in a large brawl during a debate on Jedi ethics, io was assigned by his family to continue studies anywhere, as long it didn't involve coming back to the Hapes cluster. The day after graduation he was given enough credits to live comfortably for several years. This assignment was not optional. It had no end date.

io decided to do his assignment on Nar Shaddaa, wanting to learn to swoop and maybe join a biker gang for a few months. You know, for fun. He stopped using his old family name, Meropome, once he got there. His tendency to stare at nothing in particular had people nickname him eyeballs. He's not used to his new name yet.

SHIP: None. If he must travel he bums rides from acquaintances, hitch-hikes, or as a last resort, takes a commuter starship.

STUFF: Swoop bike, red. Ocular enhancers. Datapad. Commlink.

GOALS: Beer money. A ship. A droid to go with the ship, or someone who can help him pilot it. Show his sisters he's doing well, so they don't worry about him. Adventure. A new family.


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