Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dr. Firk wandered around the business sector looking to score some investors in spite of his wrap for being somewhat insensitive with humanity's laws in the past. Truly, Dr. Firk was a man of science and if it meant stepping on humanity's toes then so be it. Dr. Firk's intellect did not need to be restrained by the unwashed masses' limited ability to understand his thought process.

Dr. Firk stood looking at the disgusting creatures in business suits and robes. He didn't like dealing with the moogles, but unfortunately financial capital was the necessary evil.

He went into the first business to speak with one [member="Jacen Cavill"] a man that might have had the same interests as him.

He sat in the waiting room waiting for his name to be called tapping his foot impatiently on the floor as his eyebrows furrowed more and more with each passing second. Dr. Firk was a man who needed results and he was not used to waiting.

[member="Sila Blaire"]

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