Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Info Retrieval... Attempt

Location : Unknown Ecumenopolis
Date : Not logged
Time : Just after Dusk
Estimated Planet Population : 1 Trillion
Estimated Criminal Presence : Less than one quarter
Estimated Republic Presence : Half of the Population supports the GR
Estimated One Sith Presence : Little to none
Data log sent.

David Hoxt would dismiss his wrist-mounted holopad and stand to analyze his surroundings. He looked down at the streets of the city below, watching the huge crowds of people flood into their homes. The flooded streets slowly fading away. Hoxt turned around, he still had a while to get to his destination for the data retrieval. He started walking and evolved his walk into a run, running across the rooftops, occasionally clambering up the ledges to avoid death. He then knelt down as he reached his destination, the factory with the database that held the schematics for weapon development, item development, the such. The workers had left for the night, they needed rest, of course. But there were obviously droids in the factory.

David reached back for his DLT-19, but hesitated. He reached for the large, cold, staff on his back and slid down the wall of a nearby facility. He undid the bolting on a vent, and slid down into the lower areas of the complex. Seeming to end up in laundry. He was in, nothing would stop him now, less there'd be a vigilante of some sort... Huh.

[member="Stephanie Brown"]

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