Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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In Orbit Above Damoria

"Greetings, Corvus.", Varus said as he saw the woman enter through the conference room door. He then glanced around the room to the rest of the others who had only recently joined them. "I am pleased to make the acquaintance of you all.", he admitted as he bowed to them all as to show respect to each one.

The group was small so far, but he had to figure it would only grow and that some who were intending to take part in their mission were simply waiting for others while the group in the conference room attended the briefing. He was proud to have been asked to come there, knowing that this only meant he would be trusted with more and more the harder he worked as a Jedi. It was certainly a reason to take pride, which he intended to do, though he would try not to show it.

All he needed to do was follow orders and do the job that was expected of him. He wasn't a leader yet, and if he had his way he'd never be. He didn't want to be the possible deciding factor in the life or death of those who served with him. He didn't know if he'd ever be able to make the calls when it came down to it.

[member="Kian Karr"] - [member="Kiskla Grayson"] - [member="Corvus Raaf"] - [member="Trinity"]
Location: Near the Republic ship
Enemy: [member="Bestala Vizsla"] [SIZE=14.3999996185303px][member="Harley"] [member="Nemesis K. Khurshid"][/SIZE]
Allies: [member="Kian Karr"] [member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Trinity"] [member="Varus Shatterstar"] [member="Haytham Kaze"]
Objective: Surface motive is to help the Republic, deeper reason is unknown
Identity: Unknown

It had been a while since the Jedi Shadow mission to invade and eliminate a Sith cult. Since Hakora's disappearance at the end of the mission, all word or even rumors of his existence had gone cold; much like chasing a ghost. Though maybe that was all Hakora had become, a ghost, or more of a Phantom. More to the point was his current location. Hidden in a ship that had no fire power, but amazing stealth capabilities was the Phantom once known as Hakora Cinthra. Over his comm links came a leaked message intended for only the Republic, but they had not changed their comms since Hakora's disappearance so he was able to hear. A legendary Sith Lord name Darth Junra was rumored to be above the planet Damoria. The Phantom had been listening to Republic chatter for months, but unable to respond and help, but fate and the force were with today as the Phantom was near Damoria. The Phantom reached out to the force to learn why he was called there and occurred to the Phantom that the Republic was still weak from the previous battles and would need aid. The Phantom kept his ship's cloaking devices and followed the force.

The stealth ship arrived at the location the force had led him to where he had found a Republic ship near the rumored location of Darth Junra's location. The Phantom, who was wearing a more modified version of the Valiant Jedi armor, but also a dark blue with dark gold trimmings. His face was covered by a dark mandalorian helmet and over it all was a dark blue robe and hood. He sat at the captain's seat with his ship still with a stealth cloak on, but sent a ping to the Republic ship to reveal his presence to them, but not reveal his presence to the Sith. He then used a voice changer and hailed the Republic ship to give a message. "Jedi, I am the Phantom. My identity is not important, but I am an ally to you. I bring you my assistance as an ally. My ship is much smaller than your own, but has advanced stealth capabilities for a small strike team to infiltrate the Sith ship." The Phantom waited for a reply. To hide his identity fully he used Force Stealth to hide his alignment and signature in the Force to make it apparent he could use the Force, but to create a new signature that would not be familiar to the Jedi, even the ones he was close to as Hakora Cinthra. Who the Phantom was was a secret, but his intentions to help the Republic was true. Though, the reason he wanted to aid the Republic was unknown.

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