Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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In His Footsteps

Arjant Clevenger

Caer Lazare, Skye.

A point of interest for the Knights of Ren and an iconic place of fear for the First Order to instill within the likes of the Galactic Alliance and other rebels resisting the imperial order of this new empire. But frankly, Ezra didn't care or mind about what was happening out in the Galaxy nor the pillars that established the First Order. He could care less if the Republic went full Republic during the Mandalorian Invasion of Roche which led to the so called "brilliancy" of Republic officers venting out hundreds of innocent civilians in the void of space; he could care less of the Galactic Alliance Invasion on Lujo that would determine if the Alliance were truly the bane to the One Sith; he could care less the plans of the First Order and what's their next move. The only reason why Ezra was here in the first place is to have the life he always wanted with his mother, and his long lost father who managed to find him could give them everything that they desired.

Here in one of the training rooms of Caer Lazare was Ezra, waiting for his father to join him so that they could finally begin his training. The Dark Jedi had no skills whatsoever as a force user, but that would soon change with the aid of his father which would put him on a path of greatness.

[member="Josiah Denko"]

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