Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I'm a Derp. :P

This is the last time I'm asking anybody stuff, cause I know nobody wants to have to answer my questions alone all day. So anyways, I'm a derp. I'm guessing there's a Star Wars game that I was supposed to get prior to joining SWRP. And I'm almost positive that there is. So here I come along, making an account and character without knowing anything. XD If any of you could tell me what I need to do, that'd be great. Thanks!
well watch the movies, extra credit for watching the shows too. Read one of the books or two but above all when in doubt Wookipedia is your best friend CX [member="Sethra"]

No game. Just a RP site.

We use sub-accounts here for the characters. The account name is the character name. Then you can go in the character creation section and post the character bio.
[member="Sethra"] No game! I know there are many players here who haven't read or watched anything outside the original trilogy and the prequels.

Wookieepedia is a great resource for most things, and a lot of it is learning as you go along.

From here on out, you can just go in to the Open Roleplay forums and pick a thread that looks interesting to you to join in on, OR post in Roleplay Discussion to find some like-minded people to make a story with. :)

Please don't feel that you can't ask questions - we're happy to help you get started.

Welcome to the Chaos!

All you need is imagination and a love for Star Wars. You're set after that, and you'll get the hang of things in NO time.

Just ask questions anytime and we will be here to help you enjoy your time here!


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