Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ileris Sonn


NAME: Ileris Sonn
FACTION: Techno Union & First Order
SPECIES: Human/Cyborg
AGE: 68 (Physically looks 30)
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6’7”
WEIGHT: 198kg
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Dark
SKIN: Pale


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Designer: Ileris is a technological genius and puts it to good use through his company.
Business Minded: Some people can run businesses, others can own the galaxy. Ileries is the latter.
Cyborg: Ileris’ body has been improved over the years and has become overly adapted to change, he has immunity to poisons and gasses thanks to his artificial lungs and the like.

Weak: Ileris isn’t a strong person, his cybernetics are what make him who he is.
Greedy: Ileris loves the credit. He can be twisted in any direction for monies.
Glutonous: Ileris likes the finer things in life and will spend a great amount of time and money pursuing them.

While in truth Ileris is fast approaching his seventieth birthday he does not look a day over thirty.
Hundreds of Cybernetic enhancements invented by himself continually push his life ever onwards in his desire for Galactic domination. While practically invisible several implants can be seen and give hint to his nature.

Ileris was the only son of Gustro Sonn, the ancestor of the unknown designer/owner of Sonn-Blas. While many claim that Gustro held no real claim to the noble house and rather took advantage of the Gulag Plague to take ownership of the name it was held in no doubt that he had the business touch as well as the credits to back it up.

Ileris was taught everything he could be taught when it came to engineering and design. A healthy trust fund assuring that he was never seen without his wants.
It also started a obsession with implantation and enhancement.

An obsession that has consumed him.

To say that Ileris, now the sole inheritor of Sonn-Blas and it’s small fortune, is more machine now than man would be an understatement. However it seems to be pushing him in the right direction financially as he expands his operations outwards ever looking for complete corporate dominance.

None as yet.

None as yet.

None as yet.


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