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I Feel Something So Right Doing the Wrong Thing - A Past RP (Akio/Invite)

Mirien moved slowly, shuffling about in her old fighter. It had served her well so far and now she was pushing the ship down into the atmosphere of Atrisia. There were rumors of an ancient temple on the planet, one that held a tablet of great power. Power that she needed to gain a greater footing in the galaxy at hand.

Finally she softly set the ship down in a small grove. Opening the ship, she leaped to the ground with an uncanny grace for a woman of her size and mass. After pulling out a small pack, she retrieved a datapad from within. Now a map in her hands she bolted off to the north. The temple was supposed to be in that general direction, that was if she was not just chasing down dead leads again. It had already happened more than once and right now she just wanted to get there and know the truth.

After a good thirty minutes a break in the trees was visible to the young sith. A large stone structure towered above her as she came out of the tree line. A dark smirk spread across her lips. If the temple was real enough, then there was a very good chance that the tablet was just as real. A thought that excited her greatly.

A couple more minutes of walking and she arrived at the temple gates. Glancing to the statues of some dark lord of the past, she felt comfort in the twisted, evil and crumbling stone figures. They were what she aspired to be. I only need time, and I will be you. A thought that she loved and clung to every minute of the day.

Once inside the structure, Mirien withdrew a small glow lantern. With the light in her hand, an unlit saber in the other. In dark temples like this, she knew all too well that there were often traps left behind. If that be the case, the brunette would be ready for them. With her eyes on the map for a moment, she quickly orientated herself to the maze like halls as she moved deeper within the ancient building. The alter has to be here somewhere. The map told her four more halls to pass, and the room should be down a small set of stairs on the right in a large ceremonial room.
Akio Kahoshi

Atrisian Vice Admiral
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Posted 08 September 2013 - 07:46 PM

A low level technician sat in front of her scanner screen, looking as bored as one usually did when staring at an empty screen for a full eight hours. That was until there was a...divergence. A small blip in the senor readings that immediately sent the young tech into action pulling every bit of data together that she could. In the end it all lead to a single conclusion. "Sir, we have an intruder!"

"Alert the Admiral," the captain in charge of the watch station announced.


"How many?" Akio asked his Senior Intelligence Officer.

"Just one ship. Small, which is why we only barely noticed it. Has to be a fighter. Single seat, double at most. Best guess is it landed somewhere in the Kinmotsu forest."

"Kinmotsu? Nothing anywhere near there except the forbidden ruins. Perhaps someone hoping to steal some ancient treasure? No matter, ask General Yu to dispatch a Force to track the intruder, or intruders."


An appropriately Imperial fashion, the general dispatched hundreds of his men and women to search for what as likely only a single intruder. Aircars searched from above as AT-STs, speeder bikes, and stormtroopers on foot searched the ground. They found the fighter quickly enough, all they had to do was search the few clearings large enough, and they moved from there.

It was apparent that the intruder really was heading for the forbidden ruins, a place that had not been created by Atrisians or any of their home grown faiths. It was an unsettling place, and most people were happy to simply let it be. This new comer was apparently not content to leave things untouched. Something they would probably regret once the Empire caught up to them.

#3 Mirien Valdier

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Posted 08 September 2013 - 09:21 PM

Mirien moved deeper into the maze like structure, her heart racing within her chest, excited over the prospects to come. So much could be gained, if the rumors were true and if she could figure out the riddle that had eluded many Sith Masters over the years. Basically the young woman was going to have to do the impossible and win if she wanted to get away with the tablet and get out in one piece.

Even now she perked up, feeling more people in the distance. Not a feeling that she liked at all. No, this was not good, there were so many people on the ground that she could feel and only one of her. Must hurry. I have to get this and get out before whoever they are get here. She broke out in a dead run, ducking through the cobwebs within the ancient temple. As she rounded a corner the temple opened up into a large room. Skidding to a halt she lifted the glow lantern and peered into the darkened room. Water could be heard creepily dripping into pools on the floor below and the light from her lantern cast a strange shadow upon the pillars in the room.

An excited smirk fell across her lips. This is the place. Looking above, crowning the towering pillars were carved serpents, a strange sight to her but yet fitting of the evil she could feel resonating through the building. Her own footsteps echoed upon the stone floor. For the time being she was alone, but knew very well it was not likely to last for long. Soon in the darkness her eyes straining to see beyond the dim glow of her lantern, and there was the alter inscribed in the ancient sith language.

Now she raced forward in the darkness, tracing her fingers over the alter and slowly reading over the runes before her. The riddle laid out before her in all it's glory. "So it is real." She smiled, happy as she could recall being in years. But the riddle was no easy task. Certainly not made for simpletons. Knowing she'd need time, she took a seat next to the alter and crossed her legs beneath her pondering the riddle and struggling to work it out in her head. Don't have all day... She reminded herself as she focused, and reached out touching at the runes once more. Maybe then the answer would become clear to her.

#4 Akio Kahoshi

Atrisian Vice Admiral
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Posted 09 September 2013 - 09:15 PM

The forces sent by General Yu made their way to the ruins hidden within the trees. They had no idea what was inside the ruins, and they had no idea who it was they were tracking. Given these two facts, the commander of the search party had decided caution was the best tactic. That was why they slowly made their approach to the ancient building, coming in on all sides. First every possible exit was located and put on watch. Only then did they assemble a team to enter the building. Given the unlikely nature of the task, a platoon of volunteers was formed.

Once the forward team had been decided, then made their way through the most obvious entrance. They stepped warily, blaster rifles at the ready and sweeping back and forth as they watched for traps or targets. Even though their steps were slow and measured, their boots made a click with every foot press that echoed softly through the great passages. It did not take long to realize that the place was a maze, and at their current rate it could take hours or even days to find the target. Then a vine swept down and brushed the front of a stormtrooper's helmet, causing him to panic and fire wildly at where the vine had come from.

"Hold your fire!" the captain in charge of the platoon ordered.

"Yes sir! Sorry sir!" the admonished sounding stormtrooper replied.

Reaching for his comlink, the captain called back to his commander. "Sir, seems clear so far but this place is a karking maze. We're never going to find the target by ourselves."

"Understood captain, we'll start sending in more teams from the other exits. Keep moving for now."

#5 Mirien Valdier

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Posted 10 September 2013 - 08:55 AM

The blaster fire startled the young sith. It was still a fair distance away but that didn't lessen her concern. Things just got complicated. She could feel other bodies moving into the temple, from every direction. She shook away those matters, pressing as they might be. Mirien still had a task before her that had to be completed. Then it clicked in her mind. Cocking her head to the side, she looked at the riddle before her and it all made so much sense to her right then and there. Reaching out she awkwardly stretched her fingers over several of the runes and focused with the force pushing on them at once.

She was rewarded with the sound of grating stone moving. A smirk came to her lips. And it really took only a thousand years for a Sith to figure that out. Even masters tried and failed! But I succeed? She shook her head, ecstatic at the find. Ecstatic that she had succeeded where Masters had failed. Proves what I am worthy of... With that she reached into a small opening on the back of the alter and pulled out a small onyx tablet. Upon it inscribed in ancient Sith, was yet another bread crumb that she needed. She took a moment, maybe a second at most to skim through it. Excellent...

Now happy, she rose from her knees. Just to get out of here without being found. I doubt they have a map of the complex given how long it's taken them since arriving on scene. Hmmm ... So, I may have an advantage they do not. Beautiful. An evil smirk upon her lips as she slowly crept ever so silently to the back of the alter room. Keep quiet, keep moving. You know every exit and entrance. One can only hope they do not hold the same knowledge. In fact I know they don't. Overconfidence perhaps, but Mirien was that bold to believe such things.

#6 Akio Kahoshi

Atrisian Vice Admiral
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Posted 10 September 2013 - 07:45 PM

Over the untold centuries collapses had caused many exits to be closed where ceilings fell while causing new ones to be opened where walls had collapsed. It was impossible to know where every change had occurred, not without a detailed survey. There was a large possibility that there was one the Atrisian forces had missed that the intruder would find, or that the intruder would find only dead ends.

Assuming the stormtroopers did not capture the intruder first. Even now sheer numbers had allowed a couple of squads to get closed to the alter site. Weapons sweeped, the darkness of the ruins their friend rather than foe as infrared in their helmets guided the way. As one such group rounded the corner, a stormtrooper stopped and pointed her weapon at a warm shadow against the cold of the structure.

"Don't move! You're under arrest!"

#7 Mirien Valdier

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Posted 10 September 2013 - 08:08 PM

Mirien heard the voice behind her, glancing over her shoulder she could make out a few of them at the very edges of her vision in the lowest of lights. A smirk came to her lips, tucking away the tablet into a pocket on her breast, she plucked her weapon from her belt and ignited the crimson blade. "Not a chance, darling." She taunted, allowing for her voice to carry to the grouping of troopers near the back of the room. "Can't get what I want if you arrest me, now can I?"

Ducking away, she dove fast down a hall and disappeared from sight, at least for a moment or two. Normally she would have welcomed the challenge of a few stormtroopers. Mirien may have been over confident, but she was far from stupid. Staying in one place would have been quite foolish for her given the sheer numbers of people in the complex. Her footsteps now loud on the stone blocks beneath her feet. It couldn't be helped. There simply was not time to quiet her steps. With some luck, she hoped not to run into another grouping of stormtroopers. It would only slow her progress to have to tear them limb from limb, but if it became necessary she'd do what she must to survive. Everything now rested on her making it out alive.

#8 Akio Kahoshi

Atrisian Vice Admiral
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Posted 11 September 2013 - 06:31 PM

"She went down there!" the stormtrooper called as she sent a ping on her HUD map to the other stormtroopers.

A voice broke into the local comm circuit. "The Admiral wants to talk to this individual, stun settings only," came General Yu's stern voice. The speed at which every E-11 was switched over would have been astonishing if one did not know what it was like to incur the wrath of the normally jovial major general.

Now stormtroopers began to enclose on the general area indicated by the female stormtrooper. Some squads ran into dead ends in the maze, but others found their way around. Every once in awhile one would spot the elusive intruder and fire off a shot of blue rings in her direction. The circle was closing, and eventually she would have to get past some of the stormtroopers if she wished to leave the ruins. For now they would just have to keep chasing her down further into the decrepit building.


#9 Mirien Valdier

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Posted 11 September 2013 - 07:37 PM

Stuns ... if ever there was a face palm moment it was as Mirien realized they were trying to capture her alive. She slammed herself back against the stone wall, narrowly avoiding another stun ring. Damn things are hard to avoid. This got complicated fast. Why couldn't they just be like everyone else and try to kill me? It makes my life sooo much easier. Mirien was doing her best, spreading out here awareness to try and avoid the groups of troopers, but the sad fact was they were all around her. Even now, she could feel them closing in. For the briefest of moments, doubt began to seep into her mind. This isn't going to end well.

As she ran, picking up speed with help of the force, Mirien tried to keep up with the map in her mind. Tried to keep up with where she was going. There had been a dead end, crumbled stone blocking her way that forced her back down the way she came. Soon she took a right as she suddenly found herself ducking more shots. Do they know how annoying this is... can't bat a stun back at them. Gods I wish I had a blaster.. Just shoot them, seems so much simpler than the saber method. The chase was starting to take a toll, she couldn't out run them forever. To even try would exhaust her force reserves and leave her completely useless. Not a way the Sith wanted to be found.

With the hall she was now it, it soon turned to a set of stairs, old and crumbling and sadly they only led downwards into not up. "Karking A!" She groaned. Going down, was not going to get her out. That much she knew. With little other choice as she could hear booted feet in the hall behind her, closing now, she raced down the stairs with as much speed as she dared attempt them. Maybe there will be another way out. There's got to be something.

#10 Akio Kahoshi

Atrisian Vice Admiral
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Posted 11 September 2013 - 08:10 PM

"You have been authorized to use flashbangs. Use your discretion to avoid more sections of the ruins to collapse."

That was all the motivation the stormtroopers needed. This was the first time in ages that any of them had been given a target to take down, and now they were getting to use some heavy weapons. Sure it was all non-lethal, but that did not make it any more exciting for the typically bored soldiers. WHich left it up to the unit commanders to keep the idiots from throwing a grenade and getting them all buried in ruble when the blast knocked an already teetering wall down on them. Whoever had authorized the flashbangs had not gained many friends among the officers and senior NCOs.

Not that the trigger happy privates cared.

"I think she went down the stairs!" One such private called over the comm when he reached them. Looking around there was no where else she could have disappeared to after he had shot at her last. That she had managed to somehow dodge all their shots was pretty damn impressive though. It was quickly dawning on the pursuers that the pursuee was not just a normal tomb robber. Which meant they had to be even more cautious and make sure they did not give the woman a chance to escape or counter attack. WHich, clearly, meant only one course of action.

"Fire in the hole!" the private called before chucking a grenade down the stairs.
Mirien Valdier

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Posted 11 September 2013 - 08:40 PM

Oh to be young and stupid. There was a tinkling sound on the stairs behind her. Mirien could only guess at want it was. Thinking like she always did, people trying to constantly murder her left her with a certain level of paranoia. You hear "fire in the hole" ... you think grenade, bomb, explosive or incendiary device. No matter the form it's something that is going to kark things up big time. By the time it had reached her it was really too late. Enough time had passed on the internal timer that things were about to hit the fan and hard at that.

Mirien acted quickly, wrapping herself in a protective bubble of the force. Hopefully it would be enough. Hope was all she had as she closed her eyes. Flash bangs are interesting things, mess with you in the strangest of ways. The shockwave, certainly does damage, but the sound and light just as much. Messes with everything from vision, to balance ... to hearing. One thing is for certain there will be no concentration that you will be capable of by time time it's over.

The sound wave rippled out, the shockwave not far behind it, and the light, even with her eyes closed nearly blinded her. Even with the deafening sound, she could feel the shift of the stairs beneath her. Oh in the name of the seven hells ... a flashbang will be the death of me? How karked up is that? Was the only thought she had time to form as the stairs beneath her feet crumbled away. Try as she might the force was no longer with her. She couldn't focus, couldn't concentrate. Nothing was working for her as she started to fall.

It might have been a good thing that she couldn't see when she opened her eyes. Falling is not so bad really but its the sudden stop at the bottom that gets you. At least that she could not see, though Mirien knew damn well it was coming. The stone fell just as quickly as she did, smashing into the stone floor, three stories below. Somehow, someway, she was able to put up a small and weak protective bubble around her body at the last second. It wasn't enough to save her from harm, but enough to keep her breathing for now.

Her chest rose and fell slowly, almost strangely on one side as the lung was no longer expanding. One of her lung collapsed in the fall. She had more broken bones than could be counted, but it was her head that was probably the most concerning as blood started to pool beneath the brunette. The back her head, a large cut was present, slowly bleeding out around her. The woman did not stir, did not move, completely unconscious.

#12 Akio Kahoshi

Atrisian Vice Admiral
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Posted 11 September 2013 - 09:21 PM

If the white helmet were not hiding it, the dumbfounded look on the privates face as the staires collapsed would have almost made up for the sheer stupidity of what he had done. As he stood motionless, still not entirely sure what had happened as the gears in his mind failed to turn, more experienced (or at least less shell shocked) stormtroopers swept in.

Soon enough they had rigged up a cable lift using the cable from their utility belts and a string of stormtroopers acting as the winches. Once four had gotten down they could see how badly the intruder was injured, and none of them wanted to be the one to tell General Yu or the Admiral that the prisoner they had wanted alive had died due to stupidity. So to go with the cable lift system, they managed to device a sling that allowed them to get her up without hurting her more.

There a stormtrooper with medical training carefully wrapped her head to try and stop the bleeding, then she was rushed to the waiting hovercraft and back to Jar'kai. Once in the capital she was brought to a military hospital where her wounds were properly treated. Her belongings, and the tablet that had been on her person, were quickly taken away while she was stabilized. At first only a pair of stormtroopers guarded the injured prisoner, but it did not take long before a solemn faced man in an IIB uniform appeared as well. Interestingly not long after the fact that she carried a lightsaber was discovered.

After the doctors had done all they could, all that was left was to wait.

#13 Mirien Valdier

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Posted 12 September 2013 - 01:42 AM

And wait they did. Four days passed before the woman started to stir. A flutter of the eyes at first, a soft groan, followed by a tug of her wrists, trying to pull them up to her face and roll over. Feeling horrific pain in that action, as she found not only was she hurt somehow, but bound to the bed. Groggy chocolate eyes snapped open with a look of utter and complete confusion. She tried to lift herself enough to see what was holding her, but the pain shot through her like lightening. Everything hurt, her head especially. Her lungs ached badly, legs ... arms... As she tried to shift to somewhat sit up, the pain drew a scream from her. Tears soon followed as panic and pain began to overwhelm her completely.

From her restrained position, she struggled, panting for breath and each breath hurt more than the last. Her vitals were stable, until she woke. Now they were all over the place as the panic grew worse. "Ahhhhh!" She cried out, her head shifting from side to side, trying to see anyone, anything. Trying to figure out how she got here in the first place. Right now not much was coming to her, a thought that she was quick to push away. "Please ...." She whimpered through panted breaths, "Someone .... Help .. Me... Please..." She pleaded, still not sure what was going on, how this had happened to her, or even where she was at that moment. "Anyone?!" Her voice grew louder, as did her panic. She despite the pain, struggled more violently against the bonds that held her down. "Please! Someone!"

After that, she let her head fall back to the bed, sobbing and whimpering. Her heart rate was nearly triple what it should have been, bordering on dangerous. It couldn't be helped. She was confused, unsure of what happened, not sure where she was or why .... why she was restrained? It beyond terrified her, and in these fragile moments everything was worn on her sleeve for all to see.

"Gods please!" It was now less sobbing, and more panicked breaths ... more screams. A panic attack now taking over the small woman. She pulled even harder against the restraints, freaking out completely as no one had come yet, no one responded to her. At this rate, she was going to do some serious damage to her weakened body, if not reopen her wounds. The bandage on her head, already red with blood, even some seeping through onto the pillow beneath her. Right now, she needed help, right that second and not seeing anyone, and unable to really lift her head to look only made it all worse for her. Feeling trapped, certainly not helping her fragile mental state. Still one thing had not dawned on her yet .... That there was nothing, absolutely nothing that she could recall before waking in this room. Other matters, such as her pain, her panic and fear were more pressing matters, and she hadn't had the time to truly sit down and think about everything.

#14 Akio Kahoshi

Atrisian Vice Admiral
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Posted 12 September 2013 - 04:30 PM

When she first awoke, the man dressed in the IIB uniform held up his hand to stop anyone from going to help. His expression held a cold curiousness, the kind of look a scientist might watch a petri dish with. He wanted to see what she would do in her restraints, and judging from his expression whatever he had been expecting was different from what was really happening.

Even still he waited, possibly to see if it was an act, possibly waiting for something he was not going to share. Eventually he stepped forward, when it became obvious she was beginning to do serious harm to herself. "That will be quite enough." The worlds were carefully spoken, and contained enough menace that even the other Imperials in the room seemed to shrink back. Another motion brought a doctor rushing over to inject the prisoner with an anesthesia to stop her from thrashing anymore.

"I shall return in an hour, when that wears off," the man said cooly. "You have that much time to think, and to learn to behave yourself. Otherwise I might have to do something unfriendly."

#15 Mirien Valdier

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Posted 12 September 2013 - 04:49 PM

She howled at the injection but it spread quickly and soon she found herself unable to move at all, though completely aware. Nothing would respond to her, not even her eyes which had remained open. Pain still radiated from every limb, every part of her in agony yet she couldn't even cry out now. Slow tears oozed down from her open eyes. This, she did not understand. Why? What? What happened? Where am I? Who are they? Fear grew steadily inside her mind, frightened of the man who had done this to her. People seemed to be taking orders from him, and were terrified of him, but why? That she wanted to know.

Her heart rate slowed, breathing normalized, by force. She had no control over what he had let the doctors do to her. Nothing made sense to her, and yet she could feel a cold anger and frustration building within her body. While he left a doctor came over, lifting her head to check the wound as more blood had seeped down onto the pillow. A couple of her stitches had popped in the struggles. Soon enough that was repaired and her head laid to rest back in a more comfortable position. It left her to stare at the ceiling above her, unable to blink, unable to look away. The more she tried to move, the more frustrated the woman got. Finally a glass beaker sitting on the shelf nearby exploded. Having little idea that she'd been the one to do it, left her even more fearful of the environment around her.

Slowly now, completely trapped in her thoughts, things were starting to come together for her. It finally dawned on her, she couldn't remember where she had been before this, couldn't remember what she had been doing, couldn't remember a damn thing. Her name? She couldn't recall that she had one at all. A thought that left the tears rapidly pouring from her open eyes.

Time passed slowly, seeming to take an eternity in the state she was trapped in. But eventually she found herself able to move her eyes, close them. Slowly very slowly she was gaining more control over her body. Tears kept flowing, her pains hadn't lessens in the least which given what she had just discovered only made matters worse as she began to sniffle and cry softly. This time, she didn't struggle, didn't pull on her restraints. She left everything alone and closed her eyes to try and be alone with what little thoughts she had, what little she could recall. It seemed a much safer place behind closed eyes.

#16 Akio Kahoshi

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Posted 12 September 2013 - 05:15 PM

At sixty minutes on the dot, the solemn faced man returned to her side. His time away had not been wasted though. He had seen everything that had occurred in his absence, and what he had seen had confirmed his suspicions. Much of that time had been spent arguing with the Vice Admiral over the best course of action, eventually they had come to a compromise. Ultimately the course of the prisoner's life rested on what she chose to do from now on. Her options were... somewhat limited.

"So you have calmed down I see," the man said in his usual warmthless voice. "You are wanted by the Admiral, and I am to lead you there. Attempt resistance and you shall be eliminated."

Following his words, doctors began to quickly unstrap her restraints. It did not seem that he cared that her body was injured and weak, for he left her to follow on her own. Sure he moved more slowly that he might have otherwise, but he did nothing to help her. Luckily the walk was very short, leading to a doctor's office that had been borrowed for the moment. Inside was the Vice Admiral seated behind the desk, and no chairs beyond the one he occupied. The solemn man moved to stand beside the Admiral, apparently the prisoner was expected to stand before them.

"Tell me," Akio began, "Who are you?"

#17 Mirien Valdier

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Posted 12 September 2013 - 05:55 PM

Her eyes snapped open hearing that same terrible voice. Her body responded in kind, remembering the last time he had been with her, now trembling. "Resist? You have to be kidding. I can barely move!" She protested, feeling too much broken, too much hurting. Even a glance to her body told her just how karked up she was. For a moment she just blinked a few times as he headed off, no wheelchair, not an aide to help her ... Nothing. "Where in the hells am I?" She asked, but had a feeling he would not answer.

Mirien feared things were going to get worse if she did not at least try to follow. So slowly she gathered the courage after the restraints were pulled away. With great care she started to sit up, a cry of pain was what she was rewarded with. She shook her head, trying to fight the pain within her body. Insane, this is insane. Why am I doing this? For a moment she thought on it, but she kept moving, just having that feeling that her life might end if she didn't. A scream followed as she put her feet on the floor and tried to stand. Her legs nearly collapsing beneath her body. In her casts and whatever else was supporting broken bones, she could feel the pressure, feel them grinding on one another. After a moment, nearly passing out, she managed a couple of steps, still clinging to the edge of the bed.

A few more steps were taken before she collapsed on the floor. Tears were streaming down as she struggled hard trying to get back up. Agony was an understatement. Still she pressed forward, crawling her way to the wall and used it to pull herself to her feet once more. Whimpers, and soft cries could be heard the whole time, every step more painful than the one before it. Now dizzy, bordering on truly passing out, she made it through the door with the Admiral. A look of utter confusion as she glanced to the men and the lack of a seat. Reaching up she clutched at the back of her head, waves of pain rolling through it from the wound in the back. Nothing was making sense to her, absolutely nothing.

More stumbled and awkward steps and she collapsed once more in the floor in front of the two men. Blinking, her head bobbed forward, darkness threatening to pull her under. She couldn't stand. There was no way, too weak, too hurt. It wasn't going to happen, even though they seemed to expect it of her.

Then came the question .... Who are you? It resonated through her mind. Closing her eyes, she tried to remember, pushed hard to dig for the name of the woman she was. But soon, only agony was her reward for trying that. On an instinctual level she tried to use the force to help her, but no ... it wasn't working. She clutched at her head, crying out. Tears came faster now, as she looked up to the Admiral through pained eyes, "I... I ..." She stammered, biting at her lip, trying so hard to remember, something, anything at all. "I don't know." She finally managed, her voice cracking and trembling at the words that fell from her lips, scarcely believing it was true.

#18 Akio Kahoshi

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Posted 12 September 2013 - 07:41 PM

Something that might have been sympathy touched the features of the Admiral, but while he might feel sorry for the woman's current state his job came before her comfort. When she professed to not know who she was, he studied her for a moment before turning to the man beside him.

"So it looks like your suspicions were right. If she is telling the truth, of course."

"I believe she is."

"So do I," Akio said turning back to the woman. "You, to put it bluntly, are a criminal One who would very probably be dead already for your crimes if not for your current...circumstances. Perhaps this incident will offer you a chance to redeem your previous self's transgressions. This man is Chief Inquisitor Lai. Inquisitor Lai, you know our agreement."

"I still think Moff Shu would disagree with this."

"Moff Shu left the matter to my discretion, as he often does."

"Hmph." The Inquisitor did not seem impressed, but he knew well enough not to argue in front of a prisoner. Turning back to the woman, his solemn expression turned dark. "What do you remember about the Force?"

#19 Mirien Valdier

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Posted 12 September 2013 - 08:45 PM

Mirien sat quietly for a moment, trying to absorb what had been said to her. She shook her head frantically at the mention of the word criminal. She wasn't a criminal, was she? It felt so wrong. Everything felt wrong. "No ... no.." Her eyes searched the ground in front of her as if it might hold the answers she wanted. But alas, nothing came to her. Nothing at all. "I .. can't be." Both hands went to the sides of her head, pushing fingers into her hair, confused, and afraid. "I'd ... surely ... remember that." But you don't remember anything do you? Slowly dropping a hand, she wiped away a few of the falling tears. That realization that she could have done anything, came hard. Hitting her like a ton of bricks. It left her briefly gasping for air. Simple fact was there was no way to discern if they were telling her the truth, or baiting her.

She paused in her thoughts, and looked the Admiral directly in the eye, "What have I done? Why I am here?" She took a breath trying to calm down, "What happened? Something happened, for me to be this way. This ... hurt. Memories gone. What happened?" The girl repeated more firmly but no less afraid.

She looked up to Inquisitor Lai. The title gave her little bearing to his true purpose. Her brows knitted together and she tried to think, recall something, anything that would help her. "The Force?" The statement alone clearing up exactly how much she recalled about the force. Still she fought trying to put something together, anything but it wasn't happening. The more time passed the more she realized just how far gone her mind and memories were. She seemed baffled by the word, unsure of where the man was coming from. "I don't ... recall anything. No force?" She cocked her head to the side strangely, a bit like a child would.

#20 Akio Kahoshi

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Posted 12 September 2013 - 08:56 PM

"You committed a capital offense, you need not know more than that." the Inquisitor said flatly. In this case both he and the Admiral agreed the less they said the better. It almost seemed like her not knowing about the Force had put him into a bad mood. Almost because his face did not really change at all.

"The Force is the most powerful tool in the Galaxy, one only a few chosen can wield. It has power beyond what most normal people can imagine." As if to emphasis his point, the Inquisitor reached out and pinched his fingers together. In responce, the Force closed around the prisoner's throat, closing off the flow of air. When the Admiral realized what was happening, he shot a warning glance to the other man.

"Lai, that's enough."

Dropping his hand, the Force grip vanished. "You too are a Force-user. A weapon. Weapons must be either controlled, or eliminated. That is the choice you have. Either become an Inquisitor and swear complete loyalty to Atrisia and the Inquisition, or die."

"And," Akio added out of sympathy, "we will give you your name back to you. You're real name."

"Unless you would prefer to die never knowing it," Lai apparently had to add.
Mirien Valdier

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Posted 12 September 2013 - 09:41 PM

"But ..." She started, interrupting him. Soon her hands flew to her throat, struggling to pull at the invisible hand that had wrapped around her windpipe. The second she was released she was left gasping for air, leaning forward on her hands. A cold icy glare was shot back to the man that had just done that to her, Lai.

The words that followed seemed to only further shock the woman. She, despite the pain and agony moved, turning over she pulled herself to a free and open corner and curled up albeit painfully against the wall. Tears never had stopped falling truly and were back just as before. Panting, she tried to force air into her lungs, to make it work for her. Trapped, she felt utterly and completely trapped. Panic slowly began to take hold, though she tried to fight, to push it away. But here she was, there was little option before her. Do as they wanted or die.... And to die not knowing her name ... To die never knowing who she was, that was a thought too painful to manage.

"I don't want to die." She said softly, almost whispered as she cried in the corner. Slowly she shook her head, hating all of this. "Not like this."

#22 Akio Kahoshi

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Posted 12 September 2013 - 09:55 PM

"Then do you accept?" Inquisitor Lai asked harshly.

"It is not an easy position we have placed you in," Akio said as if Lai had not spoken. "Once you become an Inquisitor, that is your life. Inquisitors do not retire, nor do they get reassigned. You will forever live in the shadows, the real you, the Inquisitor, must be hidden from the world. For if the public knew the truth of your existence they would fear you, and then hate you, and ultimately want you dead. Your entire life from now on will have to be devoted to Atrisia and its goals. And you will exist solely to keep other Force-users like yourself in check."

As he spoke he typed a message into a datapad in front of him. Then when he paused his speech, the room opened long enough for another pair of men in IIB uniforms to carry in a comfortable looking chair and placing it in front of the desk. When they had left, Akio motioned to the chairs. "Please, sit and try and calm yourself. You can take a few minutes to think, though I believe you have already given your answer. I simply want you to recognize what you are getting into."

#23 Mirien Valdier

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Posted 12 September 2013 - 10:13 PM

Mirien had been staring at the floor in front of her feet. Hearing every single word he had spoken, but she didn't respond or move. Not until the chair was set back in front of the desk. Her arms being the least damaged of her limbs, she once more pulled herself slowly across the room. With great effort, she managed to pull herself struggling, hand over hand into the chair. That wasn't to say the whole process didn't hurt. Her cries and whimpers proof of the kind of pain she was in but somehow trying her best to ignore, though it was no easy task.

She didn't need time. Didn't need anything, once in the chair, she merely nodded. "I understand." Maybe she did, maybe she didn't. The only thing she was certain was this, "I do not want to die." She emphasized the word heavily as she leaned her head back in the chair and closed her eyes, trying to take her mind far away from the situation as she possibly could manage. Trying to remove herself from the agony her body presented her. "I'll do what you want, just let me rest. Let me have something for the pain, and let me sleep." It couldn't come as a surprise that she just wanted away from Lai, and back safely in a bed. "I'll be an Inquisitor. There is no choice in the matter." Letting them kill her was something she couldn't allow. She couldn't willingly put herself up to die for things that she never recalled, did not know and could not remember. It hardly seemed fair.

#24 Akio Kahoshi

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Posted 12 September 2013 - 10:27 PM

"Then it is done," Lai said with finality. "Welcome to the Inquisition Mirien Valdier, once you've recovered I will expect you to begin immediately. I will be watching your work carefully."

Then, apparently not worried about the weakened former sith doing any damage, the Chief Inquisitor left the room leaving her and the admiral alone. As if any further details were beneath him and better left to those like Akio. It was a small slight, but one the Vice Admiral would remember. Cold blue eyes followed Lai as he left the room before returning to Mirien. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out an ID card and stood up to hand it to her. Most of the information has been permanently blanked out, never to be recovered, but what remained was her image and her name.

"That was found on you during your capture. Proof of who you really are. I'll let you get your rest soon, but there are some things to cover first. As far as anyone in the Galaxy will know, Mirien Valdier does not nor never did exist. Within a few days, this will be true. Publically you will be an agent working for the Imperial Intelligence Bureau under a fake identity that will be far more real than the real you. Rebecca I think, I've heard it is a common enough name in the rest of the Galaxy. Should anyone ask your name between now and when your identity is complete, answer with only that. If they ask for more, simple say you can't remember. Which, for the most part, will be the truth. Do you have any question for me before I take my leave Miss Valdier?"

#25 Mirien Valdier

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Posted 12 September 2013 - 11:05 PM

Mirien glared at the Chief Inquisitor, watching him leave with bitter resentment. This was the start of a very tedious ... relationship, one of murder, sabotage and oh so much more. Her focus went back to Akio as he stood, reaching a hand out with something in it. Slowly, timidly she reached a hand out and took it. Her eyes searched over the ID, so much information was gone from it. But her name was there, her image. She looked from him to it, and back again. Idly she ran her fingers across the photograph as if that would help her remember who she was. The woman was there staring back at her, almost cruelly mocking her. "Okay..." She spoke softly, sounding completely defeated. For a while her eyes never moved from the image she held.

Then finally she did look up to him, "What happened to me? How did I get hurt?" In her eyes a horrible, lost emptiness. "Can you tell me anything of who I was?" She asked quietly, her eyes darting away from him, back to the ID in her hands.

#26 Akio Kahoshi

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Posted 12 September 2013 - 11:15 PM

"As I said before, you were a criminal " Akio said with a shrug. "You were injured resisting arrest. That you ended up as you did was an accident, but as much pain as you may be in that accident very likely saved your life. Inquisitor Lai pushed for your execution as soon as your identity as a Force-user was discovered. It was I who convinced him to give you the choice to become an Inquisitor. I believe that criminals should be appropriately punished for their crimes. However, you are no longer the person that committed those crimes. So I decided to give you a chance."

The Admiral shrugged again, this time it seemed apologetic. "As for the rest, it has been decided that the less you know the better. Perhaps one day you will learn more, but if I were you I would resign myself to never knowing. Think of this as a second chance to start your life over, because the actions of your previous life lead you to death."

#27 Mirien Valdier

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Posted 12 September 2013 - 11:31 PM

Mirien seemed shocked, finally looking up from the ID card. "I.." She stopped, bit at her lower lip and sighed. It was because of the man before her that she was even alive at all. Slowly she blinked and ran through the words he had spoke again, taking it all in. "I guess I owe you a debt of gratitude." She bowed her head slowly, sighing. Sad dark eyes met with his, "You didn't have to, you know. You didn't. But none the less, thank you."

She glanced over her shoulder as if talking to a ghost for a moment. "I don't know what she did, or who she... was." The last word she choked on. "But it's not fair to die for something you have no idea you did. No idea what you've done." Another sigh, "So thank you for not letting me suffer that kind of death."

At the mention of resigning who she was, she frowned quite noticeably. Not something I can let go so easily. I will find out who I was ... who I am. I will find out. "Second chance, right. Not many folks get those. Ever." While it was true, she wasn't quite ready to give up so easily. Whoever she was, was out there. Someone knew something, and one day she would find them.

Then a curious question came to the young woman. "How old am I?" Her eyes were back on the ID, her birthdate blackened out.

#28 Akio Kahoshi

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Posted 12 September 2013 - 11:54 PM

He could see it in her eyes, she was not going to let her past go. That would probably make things hard on her, because he knew even as he spoke there were individuals working to find every bit of information on a Mirien Valdier that they could, and erase it. The information off planet might take some time, but it would be gone long before she could ever track it down herself.

Eyeing her, he decided to give in one last time. If only because he recognized not knowing her own age would likely cause problems down the line. "Your ID gave us an age of twenty. As for the day of your birth, consider that today. Now get some rest, Inquisitor Lai will not be easy on you. Consider him your enemy within Atrisia, he will be waiting for any misstep."

Moving around the desk, he walked by carefully not touching her left he touch something sensitive. Before exiting the room, he turned. "And try to remember who it was that saved your life. I have no doubt you and I shall meet again." With those final words the Vice Amidral left the room, summoning the medical staff that would take care of her. Their newest asset had to be well cared for, she had much work to do.

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