Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I doubt this will go in our favor. (Darth Mierin)


Coruscant. Who'd of thought that the city would return to Sith control? For the noble Republic to loose their home world? Well, that's not so unheard of. War was always changing.

But, to avoid war, actions had to be taken. Daichi came here for one reason. To talk to the Sith. [member="Darth Mierin"] to be specific. He wanted to keep his own students away from the war. At some point, be it Jedi or Sith, the Grey would be hunted. By the Sith for not converting, and by the Jedi for the dark they used to balance the light. Either way, the future looked grim for the Order of the Grey.

So, to try and protect the people he has come to care about, he came to Coruscant. Here, in this new Valley of the Dark Lords, he stood, waiting. There was a high possibility he would die this day, but, if he could perhaps get the Sith to leave the Order be, it would be worth it. He stood wearing a basic outfit. No robes, no hoods, just some slacks and a shirt. This was how he always dressed. In this day and age, cloaks which were made to make you blend in make you stand out more often then not.


Mierin walked through the Valley of the Dark Lords, her bright yellow eyes never touching upon the statues to her right and left. They lined her path, each standing massive and intimidating. She could feel power emanating from them, the strength from those who had passed on reaching and passing through her, a chill went down her spine, power flowing through her. Mierins eyes fluttered closed for a moment, composing herself as she came upon her guest.

“Greetings.” Her voice was cool and emotionless, her face impassive yet inquisitive.

There was an air of majesty about her, as though she were a Queen with no throne. This was how she carried herself, as a Sith Pureblood it was the only way she knew how.

Of course she followed the Dark Lord, but she still maintained that air of command, still maintained the overpowering sense that she was in control, and no one else. This was the way of her kind, the way that Sith Purebloods worked. They were the epitome of strength, of power, they deserved to rule over the lesser races, if those races weren't in the One Sith of course.

Bright yellow eyes studied the figure before her.
Daichi looked over his shoulder once. Surprise filled his gaze as he stared at the Pureblood. This was not someone he actually knew, rather, this was a new Sith. One he certainly did not expect. The startled gaze would fade swiftly however, he had come here for a reason after all. His whole form would turn, seeming to shimmer. To the keen eye, it would seem to flash, as if for a moment some sort of connection was lost.

But his presence emanated from himself. Emotion leached out, a mix of curiosity and concern at the new Sith. He spoke calmly in return, his pale blue gaze never wavering from [member="Darth Mierin"] . "Yo." He didn't say anything past that. For now, he'd try to get a read on the female. Whether or not this was a good idea, time would tell.


Lips turned down at the informality of the greeting. Already she didn't like this man.

“Why have you come?” There was no wasting time with Mierin, no bandying fancy words or jumping around the point. When she wanted something, she got it. That was how she had been taught to negotiate by her father. Never work from a position of weakness.

Of course here on Coruscant, Mierin could not have been stronger. She was in the center of power for the One Sith. Soldiers, Sith, and the Dark Lord were standing, figuratively, behind her. The advantage in whatever negotiations this man wanted, was hers.
A frown formed on the mans face as he watched [member="Darth Mierin"] . He wasn't surprised at the coldness, but more depressed by it. Sure, she was a Sith, but with the way this was going it really would end terribly. Daichi's form turned fully to face her and he bowed his head to the woman.

"Sorry, I did not expect you. There are more Sith then I had figured. Once more, I apologize." He stood straight once more, his blue gaze locking onto hers. Despite the fact he himself knew he was at an amazing disadvantage, his gaze was brimming with a fire, a sense of pride. He slipped his hands behind his back, intertwining his fingers as he spoke once more, clearly.

"I don't want any part of your war with the Jedi. Or any of my people. Keep us out of your holy war."


Mierin frowned slightly, then raised an eyebrow.

“Our war is not with the Jedi.” She said simply as though the message were clear and had already been delivered a thousand times. “Our War is against the Chaos within this galaxy. Against those who would seek to sow strife and resistance against the Harmony that will be wrought by our hands.”

It was true the Republic and the Jedi were perhaps the One Sith's greatest enemy at the time, but it was hardly a war against them. They simply happened to be the strongest opposition against their cause. The other factions of the galaxy would eventually have to be burned just the same as The Republic. Such a thing was an inevitability, not a thing that could be avoided.

“Those who stand against us, will be removed.” She said it simply, as though it were a fact.

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