Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I chase the Sun (PM for invite)

Traveling through hyperspace wasn’t like dusting crops.

There was some Corellian through the annals of time who spoke those very words to bitchy little kid from a dust ball on the Rim of the galaxy. And it was one of those statements that Coren hadn’t heard, but had he been there? Well, he’d have agreed with the realist Corellian. Each time. But really, it wasn’t that hard. Well, not for people like the Starchaser that was flying his Corellian freighter through hyperspace.

He had a few pieces of new equipment from Silk, and would need to probably announce it to the galaxy via some galactic factory. But the Silkworm Hyperspace Package, Countermeasure Module and Cap Drain Modules were all installed on the ship and were taking up bits of floor space in the cargo hold. The ship was still able to do some small salvage or pick-up-and-delivery work, but she was now made for exploration and sensors. Maybe some day he’d get to work on having his brother make those sensor probes. Would help him get a wider range. They’d been at it for a few days, mainly making sure the Annaj to Dasid Anya route was as solid as it was said to be. According to Selka Ventus it was, but Coren liked to be sure for himself. Right now?

He and Inger were outside Dasid Anya and he was working on trying to make the trail work. They were going in reverse from where Selka had given him, but this part would be tricky, convincing the Chiss to play well would go a lot easier once they saw it was actually Coren Starchaser, and not someone who didn’t know who he was (that was assuming he found himself on the road, as it were), and proving he blazed the trail would go a long way.

It was time to prove he was a galactic citizen. The ship was in low orbit around Dasid Anya, and he wasn’t sure if Inger was aboard or she called a space taxi to get down to the planet for some time. Coren was at the table in the galley, physical maps printed out, giving him a lot of 2D directions for a 3D environment, a grease pencil in hand and some other navigation tools. Additionally, a 3D map of the Unknown Regions, only partially filled in, was existing. It was time to make the first link.
Some would say that she had came a long way from being raised with out any kind of technology at all. To her this was like a child in a candy store. In a way some would look at her like a child wanting to slap her hand away from some of these monitors others tech stuff. No longer was she the wide eye one that didn't understand at all thought it all came from the god of the sky.

Walking along all the others that seem to have trained into these position for as long as she had been off her home world. Just what is it with her now. Knowing is the first to understanding. Just like when first knowing that her gift from the gods was something more then just that a gift being called the force.

So much growth had taken place here she was right now. As she stood now letting a deep breath take place. Walking up to [member="Coren Starchaser"] in the outfit that would be the most appropriate for the task on hand. In this outfit one would think she was harmless not at all being of viking she knew how to fight even without any weapons at all.

"You going to gaze out or we going to get this show on the road, there Starchaser."
He looked over the maps again. What he really needed was just that one spark that made all these maps make sense. He’d get it, he knew he would. It wasn’t that far from Dasid Anya to the next world, but he wasn’t sure that it would be that easy. How many unnamed star systems were between there and here? He wasn’t sure, but he didn’t want to take the chance. He had plugged in some headphones, white ambient noise to pull him away from the starship, and away from anything that he’d be hearing that could need tinkering in his vessel.

The focus on nothing helped him focus on the Force, and that was translating into the maps. It wasn’t like he was some cartomancer using a pendulum on the starmaps, but he was drawing a few different paths through the systems. With the Silkworm installed on the vessel, he knew he wouldn’t have to worry about getting there, so long as the course was right. No need to go through a star.

He had it almost down, but was still… he wished he could navigate at light speed. Having drawn from Dasid Anya out and from Serpena backwards. It was just this last bit…How to connect the two paths? And that was when he didn’t notice [member="Inger Strömfire"] approach. When she started speaking he could hear her and the Force told him that she was there. Pushing the headphones from his ears, he looked at her.

“Just finishing up what should be the navigation for our first leg here. Making sure we don’t go through stars or too close to known pirate paths.” He’d spent time in the Unknown Regions, and that helped him recognize a bit of what was at stake out there. "Sure you're ready for this?" Maybe he should just plot from the navigator's chair.

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