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Hypori Hit and Run [Imperial Remnant T2 Dominion of Hypori and Excarga]

Gida Freetaa

Post 1
Hypori High Orbit

17th Imperial Rapid Response Fleet (4100m)

Reverting from hyperspace in high orbit above Hypori Gida saw the complete mess that was left behind, part of an Imperial fleet was taking control of space around Hypori, although the massive Separatist fleet was making things quite slow, there was little left for interpretation on why the 17th IRRF was called to assist in the mopping up.

One of her Lieutenants spoke up, "Ma'am our sensors pick up vessels fleeing the planet, the tac net has them tagged as hostile."

"Good then, have the fleet spread into a blockade formation, launch all fighters and bombers, and ready to transmit on all open frequencies."

The response from her crew was quick, "Ready to transmit Ma'am"

Gida leaned over the communication console and spoke, ​"Attention fleeing vessels, power down your weapons, shields, and engines. Those who do not comply will be considered hostile and will be treated accordingly, this is your only ​warning."

[member="Agenor Dyre"]

Entering the foundry was an easier battle than fighting that starship; Red blaster bolts soared and impacted on the durasteel chassis of several droids. A few B2 Super Battle Droids were left but they were easily dispatched once the pesky B1s were destroyed. The squad of death troopers was about to enter the foundry with their astromech droid when a duo of droidekas rolled out of the entrance and deployed, activating their shield and firing on the remaining DTs and their charge.

They took cover behind a fallen TIE fighter's wing, only daring to look when the sound of blaster fire ceased for a few seconds.
Desmond C'artyom and the astromech droid began down the crest of the crater. The conqueror had taken out half the foundry and Des feared the infrastructure may have been to damaged. Still he'd try. So he and the droid carried on. Their was hardly any droids around and as Desmond began to enter the rubble of the foundry entrance he began to relax. But, just as he lowered his gun a pair of destroyer droids rounded the corner. It fired at the Chiss and he dove for cover. He hosed the droid with blaster fire with his gun on full auto.


The droids were quick, but DT-5981 was quicker; His arm appeared out of cover for a split second as he lobbed a thermal imploder between the duo of droidekas. His head appeared and he watched while an explosive cloud of fire appeared, then suddenly retracted into its source accompany a loud sound that radiated in all directions. He blinked and the destroyer droids were a pile of smoking scrap heap on the sandy floor of Hypori.

He and his two remaining squad mates met up with Special Agent C'artyom, who was already in the midst of battling another Super Battle Droid. They easily destroyed it with several shots from their E-11Ds.

[member="Desmond C'artyom"]
Desmond winced at the sound of the thermal imploder nearly deafened him. He watched as the droids were turned to slag. The drodeikas were accompanied by a superbattle droid which the agent and the Deathtroopers dispatched relatively easily. They moved onwards to the inner sanctum of the foundry where the building was less effected by the conqueror blast.


The DTs moved through the surprisingly quiet hallways; all of the droids were most likely outside on the battlefield fighting with the elite Imperial stormtroopers of the Imperial Army. The astromech droid whirred sadly behind them, tired of this battle like its organic counter parts. According to deep scans of the foundry, they were still a few hundred meters away from where the datacore of the foundry was supposed to be, where they would have the astromech droid upload the signal for the droid armies to turn over to the Imperial Remnant.

The group hid behind a geonosian-style column as they heard loud marching down the corridor.

The marching revealed itself to be a large column of B1 Battle Droids, moving for the entrance to the foundry so that they could add to their reinforcement pool against the stormtroopers. DT-5981 and his squad waited silently, their black armor giving them a small advantage in the shadows, as the column would pass by; not noticing the interlopers in their very own base. DT-5981 stuck his head out and saw the last line of droids disappear around the corner.

He gave the signal and the group continued on, intent on reaching the datacore before anymore Imperials had to die.

Gida Freetaa

Post 2
Hypori High Orbit

17th Imperial Rapid Response Fleet (4100m)

"MA'AM!" A communications officer shouted, "The Conqueror-class Firebrand is reporting overwhelming numbers of smaller vessels beginning to surround it, Captain Keikodi is requesting aid from any available vessels."

"Very well then," Gida was not happy to be mopping up the failures of others "Bring the fleet around to assist, leave this scum here and leave a probe to track their vectors should they jump out."

The ever so mighty Conquerors were a mistake in Gida's eyes, they relied too much on their forward mounted armaments to do their fighting, they needed a fleet of support twice the size of a normal star destroyer had to support it in order to get the same job done, she was glad that she wasn't on the bridge of one of those poodoo buckets. Her normal neutral expression turned into a frown as they got closer and the long range fire started, fighters reported engaging with droid fighters as well, it was becoming evermore clear a Conqueror had no place in this fight.

[member="Agenor Dyre"] (Your ships are free to run now)

It took a few minutes but they finally found it, a gigantic room with what seemed to be a bottomless chasm. In the center was the main datacore for the entire foundry; it was a bright, blue glowing computer full of hundreds of datadisks telling the automated machines what to build and how to build it. It wasn't guarded, for all of the sentries were currently outside in the dunes. DT-5981 and his squad rushed across a bridge that seemed too long for comfort to reach the datacore in the middle.

Their astromech droid rolled forward and opened up its compartment, one of its arms coming out to interface with the computer. The marching sounded like it was coming back.

Indeed, marching was coming closer to the datacore; suddenly a small army appeared in the corridor outside of the datacore entrance, and they were coming inside to greet the Imperial interlopers. Countless B1 Battle Droids marched in perfect synchronization and began to fire at the death troopers. The remaining DTs and their squad leader took cover behind a few command consoles and returned fire, taking out a couple of battle droids per shot.

A blaster bolt caught one of his squad mates square in the chest, and she proceeded to fall into the endless chasm, never to be seen again. The astromech was fifty-percent done, it just needed more time!

The droids attempting to march on the death troopers position were relentless, no matter how many were disassembled another took its place. Even more columns were appeared on all sides of this quasi-intersection, firing barrage after barrage of red blaster bolts with no regards for accuracy nor their own safety, these battle droids were designed to kill and do that only. His last squadmate was hit in the head with blaster bolt, and he too fell victim to the bottomless pit below them. It was only him now and he was afraid for his life, but he had a mission to complete.

He continued returning fire and throwing grenades, destroying scores of expendable battle droids. The astromech was at seventy-five percent and counting.

Gida Freetaa

Post 3
Hypori High Orbit

17th Imperial Rapid Response Fleet (4100m)

As soon as the 17th IRRF arrived on the scene it became obvious to whatever bucket of bolts that was in charge that they weren't going to win this engagement and the droid ships started to make a fighting retreat, a poor choice, had they been fighting a normal Imperial fleet that might have worked. The key flaw in the malfunctioning datapad of a commander's plan was that the 17th IRRF was not a normal fleet, and without any need for additional orders to push the advantage.

Gida had a channel opened to the Firebrand, "The 17th Imperial Rapid Response Fleet is here to assist."

The Firebrand responded, "Thank you Commodore, we are charging the main canon now, we'll teach these rust buckets a lesson."

This was it, DT-5981 knew it. He began his life so many years ago in the Colonies of the galaxy, a young boy. And now here he was, about to be killed by hundreds of battle droids, sacrificing his life so that the Empire could claim this planet as their own. As these mindless automatons converged on his position, he was about to activate all of his grenades and rush out into the group, until an excited whir came from his comrade. The droid had finished uploading the command codes!

The droids stopped for a moment, before looking around; all across the planet the droids did the same, stopping before dropping their weapons to show that they had changed allegiance. These droids belonged to the Remnant now.

The Imperial Remnant had won the Battle for Hypori.
Location: Droid Foundry
Allies: Aka'liit
Enemies: Imperials
Post: 5/20
Objective: Carry while GTFO

"It is a lost cause, but this was not our battle, Strider," the Mand'alor replied back to the old man, agreeing that this battle was lost. While this was a defeat for them, the Munin didn't take it in such manner. They were paid handsomely by their employer and this was not a personal battle for the Faithful Mandalorians. Even as a mercenary, the Concordian had taken some loses but those loses weren't something he fret about. The only time he truly cared was when his employer refused to cough up Vilaz's pay, and that would end up in a brutal way with the employer maimed or killed. Or sometimes both in chronological order, and then steal whatever valuable belongings that they have.

"Do we have most if not all of our equipment on those shuttles," the Munin asked in a demanding tone. Many of his warriors replied wth a yes while also telling him that they had more than half of what they brought to Hypori.

"More than half is good enough. Now get yours shebs on those vessels before we get blown up to oblivion by these Imperial cowards," he ordered while taking his wife's hand and rushing for Strider's personal vessel.

"At least we got paid."

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