Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Honor dictates valour

All her senses were screaming at her, wanting the unique focus to take a hold again of her slumbering mind and yet she wasn't willing to oblige them yet.

Ears flicked accordingly, unfamiliar scents accosted her nose, there was even this god awful taste in her mouth forcing her to come back to the realm of the living.

Everything was tender around her but it wasn't as horrible as it could easily be. But all this... all this left her with one question.

Where in blue blazes was she!

Knuckling out the blurry vision from her sights, the room she was in was unlike she had ever seen before, or even dreamt of. It was out of her element and yet she was here... why? Her memory was failing to recall everything to the very moment as much as she struggled to regain it. She stared at the wall closest to her, grasping at straws trying to bring back all that she could for this time.

Then it dawned on her.

"Jesta." she scowled.


Special Agent Joker
Jesta had brought her up to his ship the SS covenant. His personal frigate and home. They were at the crews level in the medical ward. Her wounds were gone and her arm was wrapped up. Jesta was in the room with her sipping on a glass of milk he looked the women he won the bet with jump to life and scowl his name. "Yeeeeeeees?" He asked looking at her from across the room.
Pushing herself upright in the bed she had obviously been placed in, she threw a look over to him sitting in the same room as herself. Out of habit, she threw a look down to her attire to make damn sure she was still clothed, before crossing her arms slowly around her knees when she pulled them up.

Just because she said his name, she didn't believe he would be in the room with her. Was that a perverted move or was that him trying to show his kindness? Either way, she wasn't so keen on trusting him yet.

"So yah won the bet, waiting till I awoke to rub your victory in my face?" she was bitter there was no doubt about that. Then she sighed realizing the first term to the wager, she had to be nice to him. Oh this was going to be hell in a hand bag.


Special Agent Joker
"Relax. I did not patch you up, the nurses did." Jesta said when she suddenly looked at herself and pulled up her knees. He sighed and spun around in his chair and looked at the celling. She asked if he was there to rub it in her face and he stopped and looked at her. "No. Im here to make sure your ok. I also brought you food since i do owe you a meal." He pointed to a tray next to her full of food and drinks. " idea what you eat so i just got that." He told her finishing his milk and putting it down. "So, you alright? Physically anyway." He asked.
Keen interest was strung to him never daring to flick away as she was trying to tone down her vicious tongue, she had a bet to keep. So she kept silent oddly enough, it was the only way she knew how to be pleasant for a few minutes.

Following his gesture to the side with the metal tray with an assortment of food and drinks; the blue hue of her eyes followed back just as adamantly.

Flaring her nose before twitching it, she gave him a once over leaned forward to rest her chin on her knees. "Peachy keen," she responded softly as she began to shuffle under the blankets, "Now I reckon I am to be joining up with that there republic matters," Azarah drew her eyes off to the side, "You could have left me alone you know, I would have been fine down there by myself. Just because yah made a bet with me didn't mean yah had to be taken care of little ol' me. I've had worse." she was trying to be calm, gentle and not the least bit condescending, so far it was a go.


Special Agent Joker
"Well Believe it or not. Your one of us, meaning we all take care of each other. The Republic are not a bunch of tyrants. We all look out for one another. You being soon to be in the military are no exception. Leaving you there would be like leaving you in a warzone. Not gonna happen." Jesta stood up and walked over to the tray and took a fish stick off a plate and ate it. "Also. I would you like to be taken to a military base were you would have to do drills and deal with arrogant ass hole drill instructors for training or would you like to be offered your very own room on the ship. You could train with my squad for spec ops. Everything in the ship you are welcome to just as the others. Including credits." Jesta said eating another fish stick. "God these things are good." He said.
As he spoke and she was listening craning her attention to follow him step by step as he moved along, the arch of her brow showed she didn't understand what he was talking about. She didn't comprehend the idea of being a part of a group let alone taking care of each other. That to her, didn't make a lick of sense.

Reaching down to take some of her food from the plate, her brow wrinkled further. She knew he was speaking english but everything coming out of his word just served to confuse her more so.

Eventually as he was devouring the fish sticks, she cracked her jaw idly. She wanted to say she didn't want what he was offering, but the bet was looming all around her. The ability to say shove it was not allowed.

"Looks like my options are limited," lips muttered, "It matters little to me in the end of all this, you are the one who won the bet fair and square. I can't holler or moan about the whole thing, so it's by your orders what me fate be. Y'all hold my chains now,"


Special Agent Joker
Jesta laughed and stared at her with a grin. "" He said rapidly, pointing to the sky. I may have one the bet but that does not make you mine. You are still your own person and you can make your own choices. You are a grown women and i do not chose your fate. I never will. There are no chains just a boundary." Jesta told her with a smile. Patting her on the shoulder. "And you dont have to suck up you know. I just said he nice. You know; please, thank you, can i, would you please not do this or not do that." He listed. "I just dont wanna be called stupid or a dumb cat. I mean; how would you like it if someone did that to you? If you disagree with something you don't have to hold it in. make your rudeness at least sound nice." He said standing and walking to the door. "Anyway come on. Ill give you a tour of the ship. You can decide later." He said with a smile. Waiting for her.
Squinting her stare to him as he began to point out how he wanted her to behave, she let out a noisy huff stating that she was only trying to appease without really understanding what was going on.

Looking down to his hand that he put on her before slowly lifting it upwards, she glowered at him. "Don't touch me... please." she tried though that one was still a little more nasty than her previous statements had been.

Finally as he finished, she frowned a little further slowly raising up to check how she stood before finally coming up behind him. Grasping a soft hand around her opposite forearm, ears wilted back downwards. So she was in a ship, that was fantastic... when was the last time she was up in space? She couldn't overly recall but she had the choice to leave before, this was something else.

Flitting her attention upwards through her hair to him, fingers squeezed her arm nervously before she would wait for him to move forward.


Special Agent Joker
Jesta took note she didn't like to be touched and he nodded. "Okey dokey" he said as she suddenly came up behind him. He looked over his shoulder and chuckled. "Brighten up at least im not some pirate who made you a sex slave. You can calm yourself." He said jokingly. The door slid open and he walked out into a large room that was called the mess hall. Or something. "This is the crews quarters. Most the crew stay down here and...mingle. Over there is the tech room." Jesta threw his head to the direction of the room. "You already know the medical ward." He skipped to the back and pointed to a door. "This is the game room. Pool, cards, a bar, ect." He said then walking down the hall and opening a door. "And if you chose to stay this will be your room. Kind of been sitting here for years and someone needs to take it." He said with a cackle.
Lips pursed tighter together at his ill comment, not overly enjoying even been referred momentarily even in off subject of being a sex slave. It did nothing but the opposite of calming herself, what sort of operations did he have here.

Though she followed along, taking wide eye note of the impressive ship. Slowly her mouth opened in slack jaw marvel, completely dumbfounded that this was actually real. She heard of ships of this magnitude but seeing it was something else.

Ears upright and perked to listen to him fully, Azarah paused to turn back looking around the ship before her gaze slowly drew upwards to consider him. Did the rest of his crew bunk like this as well, or was it just this room? She knew he said crew quarters but that didn't mean they were separate rooms, rather they could have all been jammed together.

Returning her gaze downwards and inwards to the room, she remained eerily silent for the time being. Taking her time and more of her patience, she finally sighed gently - not remotely as heavy as it had been before many times- it was rather dainty almost as if she was depleted already. Eventually her chin tipped in a slow nod getting motion though her gaze remained downwards to her own feet. She had made her choice to stick here, the room really did enticed her ; even more so than the idea of credits.

She muttered beneath her breath a sort of thanks but remained standing there as if waiting for further orders. She had no idea what she was suppose to do here honestly and what his ploy was for it all.

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