Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Honey, I'm Home! [Xalus]

Chiasa grinned as she entered her Suite. Official position within the Ravens, very good! Much quicker than she'd anticipated. Of course the power change over had helped, which left her with mixed feelings about it. She still thought of Lysle as the original Red Raven, but Cryax being in charge and needing to keep those who were useful loyal and close was.. A tremendous opportunity for the Twi'lek. Not one she intended to let pass her by either. Envoy and Eye-Candy. She could do that. She could do that very well indeed.

With a chuckle the Twi'lek kicked off one of her heels. They were exceedingly comfortable for heels, which they'd best be since they were also exceedingly expensive, but footwear like that only got so comfy. The other did not want to come off by itself. Had there been an audience it would have been all slow bending over, sultry glances, hands sliding down legs etc. There wasn't. So she high kicked the bloody thing a few times until if flew off.

"Well. That might be a problem."

She laughed, running a hand over her face. The shoe had not come down. It was in fact lodged in the ceiling by the heel. She glanced around the rest of the suite. Usually Chiasa kept it quite clean. Firstly because then it was easier to pack in case a quick getaway was needed, and secondly she projected a very specific image, and that would be rather damaged by a gammorean-pen for a room. She was efficient and attractive. Her living area had to reflect that. Tidy, tasteful without being garish..

The announcement of the event for the changing of the guard had been rather last minute however, and while she could be ready in minutes if necessary, when the opportunity presented itself, the Twi'lek preened and fussed like the vain little peacock she was. Which explained the undergarments strewn about near the dresser as she'd tried to choose what to wear, and the excessive amount of makeup taking up almost the entire bathroom countertop. She didn't generally wear much of it, but she had to have the best and to have choice. To the untotutored eye it might look like fifteen tubes of the same lipstick, but the shades were ever so subtly different.

Tomorrow she'd have to tidy. Well. Do the initial tidy and then have one of the housekeepers do it properly. She wasn't the maid.

She glanced at her bed, getting out of her dress and crawling in there was going to be amazing. It was a very nice bed, with very nice sheets, and it had been a long day. Pleasing, but long.

Considering he had been in the mercenary business for a straight nine hundred years, you expected a being such as he to own more than just a pair of duffel bags full of God knows what. It wasn't like he needed a change of clothes, toothbrushes, or anything else for that matter. Hell, he didn't even really need food. Xalus' body was literally just muscle and nerve clusters with a brain fixated at the top. Appendages could be grown upon command and it took more than just swallowed frag grenades and zooming speeders to knock him down.

He sighed, stepping forward to make his final approach vector to the little suite that she lived in. Quaint wasn't exactly the word used to describe it. Obviously high-end and well-maintained, the Red Ravens seemingly always made sure their top agents were paid and furbished with whatever they desired. Xalus preferred not to be on that list. He made his own money with his own two hands. Well, not just his...


The robotic voice of a security droid chirped inquisitively behind him. The armored hulk took a moment to turn around and look the bot from top to bottom with a satisfactory smile hidden beneath his helmet. He liked droids. They lived forever too.

"Secure the perimeter. Don't go inside yet." He growled in reply. The battle droid merely snapped a sharp salute and he and his single companion were off, trotting around the building with rifles in hand. It wasn't uncommon to see these droids roaming Antecedent so their presence wasn't shocking to the rest of the citizens that lived in this area.

And with that, he continued his stride and threw open the door like it was some sort of ragdoll. His appearance here today was planned so he assumed his new charge wouldn't mind the noise. It wasn't like he would speak to make himself known, so the door was doing him a favor.

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]
Just as she was about to start shucking off her clothes, the door flew open, crashing back against the wall. That it stayed hinged was testament to the quality of the building. Chiasa on the other hand let out a rather undignified squeak and dove for the can of mace she kept beside the bed. You never knew. In this case leaping before looking seemed a good plan, if it was an assailant they could be training a weapon on her already, the time she took to stop and look could be the difference between another breath and death.

Peering under the bed toward the door the Twi'lek saw.. some rather familiar looking armoured feet.


It was testament to how much of a shock he'd given her that she swore in Ryl, she did not usually speak the tongue she'd been born to. In her defence though, her heart was still racing like it wanted to get out of her chest.

Rising, and setting the can back on the bedside table she schooled her features into a rather more controlled expression.

"Xalus, I am.. rather surprised to see you here, at this hour."

In my suite.. Just letting yourself in.. Maybe someone is dead. Has there been an attack? No, someone would have contacted me surely. Unless the comm signals are compromised. That's rather drastic. It must be something else.

"Is something wrong?"

The seven foot tall commando merely stood there. Barging in like this was his way of saying, "Hello, I live here now." In actuality, it was the real truth and he tended to be a little rough with his own things like that. You should see the state of the prison cells back on the Cerberus. Sometimes it's best not to talk back to such an emotional little Gen'Dai. They have feelings too, ya know.

"I'm moving in."

That was it. No friendly greeting or a wave of any kind. Simple and to the point. Judging by the way she had just reacted to his obvious intrusion, she was indeed in need of his protection. Had he not made his arrival apparent, then she would've been hanging by her feet from the ceiling with some insane psycho-killer lopping off limbs like there was no tomorrow. Her first reaction was to seek cover and a weapon, which was a good start.

The mercenary gave a shrug and dropped his duffel bags to the floor and knelt down to dig through one of them. "I am your guardian." His armored fingers produced several tiny cameras that were even small compared to average human hands. Each one was synced right to his helmet's HUD and he would be able to see every inch of this little suite at any time he so desired when his own two eyes weren't good enough. Xalus quickly began moving about the room, jabbing them in locations that nobody would ever expect.

"I serve until the job is done."

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]

The Twi'lek stopped. She wasn't angry, though the invasion of a space she'd come to think of as her own could probably have sent her that way. No, she was.. Well incredulous was probably the closest. This was unreal. Was he serious? Well he'd brought his bags and now he was going around sticking cameras everywhere. Cameras! In her home! Everyone was convinced this was a den of sin and inequity and he was putting up cameras. How was she supposed to change let alone.. Anything else.

"You are my guardian, this is so."

She agreed. Granted she'd sort of thought it would be more of an on-call kind of thing when she was sent out to act on behalf of the Ravens and less of an I'm here living with you sort of deal. Besides, she'd specifically requested him. In front of people. It would look foolish if she immediately sent him away. And she had enjoyed working with him in the past, she just hadn't had to share a living space with anyone since her first solo performance back on Ryloth. She would be the first to admit she wasn't room-mate material. If she was in a hurry things got left around, she didn't like people touching her belongings, she kept bizarre hours, she was loud whenever the mood struck, it was not uncommon for her to wander around in the nude.. She just wasn't a room-mate person. But apparently she was now.

Now he'd moved to putting cameras in the refresher. She padded after him on barefeet.

"Where precisely is the feed for those going?"

If it was being fed uplink to a team of technicians this was so not happening. Bad enough some little mouth breather would be getting a free show, you could almost guarantee that no matter how stringent the security and screenings were meant to be, it would find it's way to the holonet. If and when naked holos of her ever became available, she would be in control and she'd be getting a hell of a lot of credits for it.

She almost unconsciously started tidying the bathroom. Various creams, lotions, powders and make-up disappearing into kits and bags until the counter was mostly visible again. She really wished she'd known he was coming, and with cameras at that.

"And when do you consider the job done?"

Because I would have thought a good time to be off the clock would be when I was safe at home..

It was all part of the job when it came to being safe. He'd been at this game for well over a dozen lifetimes in average human standards and his expertise was nothing less than perfection. If Chiasa's boyfriend was walking down the street miles away, Xalus would know. If a bird zoomed by and laid waste to the birdbath, Xalus would know. If a special forces team was inserted on the roof, Xalus would know. Xalus always knew. This condo was about to get a makeover with what seemed like fashion advice from a military dictator.

However, he was probably the most loyal being that Chiasa would ever meet in her life. What she would say would become his law, with exceptions surrounding the security matters. Not only did the deal come with him, it came with his ship, his equipment, and his own little legion of droids to cater to her every whim, maintain her household, and guard it.

"The feed?" Xalus mumbled as he slapped a camera in the refresher. "They go only to my helmet," he assured her, "The link is encrypted and wipes all files if compromised."

Xalus knew what her feelings were on this. Of course other beings changed their clothes and it was something of an intimate matter to them. The hulking mercenary started to move out of the 'freshers as she began tidying up.

"The job is never done. I am in your service from here on out."

This was a lucky woman. Those few sentences were the most he had ever spoken in a series in his entire life. Xalus felt that she should know his intentions and mindset. Straight to the point, business-like. This particular Gen'Dai was serious about his commitments.

His helmet chirped, notifying him of an incoming comlink connection. "Hmm?" He grunted, toggling it on.

"The perimeter has been secured. All waypoints have been detailed on a map analysis."

"Good. Proceed indoors."

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]

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