Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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it was one of the best years of his life. The boy by the name of Seral worked as a mechanic for a group of scavengers on felucia. the goup would walk into the depths of the forest picking up the war scarred pieces of machinery and broken weapons and sell them to other dealers to use how they saw fit. Seral was on a scavenge trip by himself one night when he came accross some sort of machinery sticking up out of the ground. its was his sense of curiosity that kept him going through the hours digging the damn thing up. finally when the hunk of metal was dug out of the ground Seral squinted through the thick dark of night to find the cold husk of a destroyed war droid. Lugging the droid home was the problem. then was keeping it a secret. once again his curiosity for what the droid remembered overwrote his sense of danger. over the next few months Seral stole what he could to find the right components for the droid. it took 6 months to make the droid compatable, Serals eyes went wide when the machine powered up, but only went to anger when the voice calibrater, the eyes and the joints didnt work either.
One month had passed since Seral had given up and left the thing to junk it his shack. Once again curiosity overwhelmed him and fored him back into slavery. Working every muscle in his body Seral had scavenged the planet thick and thin to get his hands on joints, a voice calibrator and some working eyes. finally Seral had realized that the parts where nowhere to be found on the planet. The only place he had to look was where he found the destroyed thing. finally arriving there he bagen to dig all around the spot where the droid had been. after a few hours nothing came up but a belt with a bunch of sensors and components on it and a pair of eyes, but no joints. Seral sat on the ground thinking of where else to look. That was when Seral found it. never before would he even think about stealing from his brothers, but he knew that they would have some in there. Seral snuck in and out with the joints. his curiosity corupted him to the point of betraying everything he ever faught for. finally in the middle of the night Seral had put the thing together and started it up.
Seral was up all night asking the thing questions and gathered the information that the droid didnt work for the republic, but some other faction, but he couldnt get the machine to tell what he did. Finally in the morning Seral realized the belt that he cound fit perfectly around the droidns inner circuts, so he clipped it on. the belt glowed red after a few seconds and the droids eyes glowed yellow instead of blue, and then turned red. once again Seral asked who he had worked for and the droid just looked at him. slowly walking up to the 18 year old boy the droid crouched down to meet his hieght. the boy feeling powerfull yelled at the droid to answer, but the hunk of machinery sat silen, looking at the boy. Seral became angry nd reached for the belt clipped to the droids circuty. in an instant the droid grabbed hold of the boys hand and said in a dark manner "objection: dont do that" "get your hand off me droid!" the boy yelled but the droid spoke again "question: do you still want to know who i worked for?" the boy once again replied "yes, but please get your hand off me, its hurting" the droid finally concluded "answer: i am the sith". Serals eyes went wide with fear, but never got enough time to let out a shreak. The droid grabbed hold of the boys neck and bent it in an inhuman position and heard a snap. walking out of the tent, HK-74 began walking into the forest, his new life had begun.

FACTION: none for now
SPECIES: droid
AGE: more than 1,000 years, but wasnt actually functioning in most of that time
GENDER: male
HEIGHT: 6 ft
WEIGHT: 250 pounds
EYES: red
HAIR: none
SKIN: silver


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES: cannot swim, does not cope well with humans (AKA meatbags) is extremely good in hand to hand and marksman, moderate in hacking

MG-42 a/b

We look forward to meeting another droid with similar conclusions about the factual inferiority of organics. We also appreciate the intellectual irony of having been named after real world gun models.


sorry about that, hes an hk and 74 is the year my mother was born, wasn't thinking that in depth :)

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