Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hi, everyone!

Heyo! I've been looking for a Star Wars roleplaying forum since, well, a lot of time for a great many reasons: mainly, a massive nostalgia trip issue xD (I started roleplaying almost ten years ago on an Italian RPG on a long exstinct forum).
I have seen you have lots of mandos, which finds me in an odd situation given that I am used to be the only mandalorian player on the loose xD, but I can't be more excited for that fact! I still have to figure out how the factions work, though, (or just understand which is which since the "canon" ones' official descriptions appear to be scattered here and there), but I think I already have the character in my mind ^_^
Looking forward to role with you, folks!

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
Major -
Mondos are your mandos
One sith are your normals sith
Imperative remnant is the empire
Galactic republic is well the republic with some jedi
Silver sanctum is the gray jedi
And a few others that are minor

The fractions aren't mandatory to join but they often help with character development, training and like minded people you can role play with so it's always a good start.

Any how welcome to chaos and please ask any questions. [member="Arva"]
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"]
Thank you very much ^_^ then I'm bound to join the Mandos, though I'm planning to have my guy join some Bounty Hunting organisation in game xD
The thing is this: We started off with like 5 of the canon factions, some changed or left, while others were added in. Over the years its lost some of the cannon touch, but a lot of it is still there.

The One Sith are basically the Sith Empire. They have an Emperor that's like the ultimate evil.

Mandalorians are still around.

Recently we got the Techno Union.

We had the CIS and others.

If you need any questions feel free to ask. I have had characters in basically all major factions since I got here. And I have been since a few months after creation
Folks, I have a tech problem: when I try to put in the data for the ship, either the system counts all the paragraph as a link (while I "check" as a link only the ship's class) or it cancels the paragraph in its entirety and only leaves what it is visible now (which is only the first line, then directly the gear section). Does anybody have some ideas?

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