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Work In Progress HANS [Hybrid Artificial Neuron System]


  • Intent: To create a digital assistance protocol and personality and confidant for [member="Alban Roble"].
  • Image Source: N/A
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: x
  • Manufacturer: Roble Manufacturing
  • Affiliation: Alban Roble
  • Model: HANS [Hybrid Artificial Neuron System]
  • Modularity: To a degree, HANS can be upgraded and its code can be changed, although to do so requires extensive coding capabilities
  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Electronics, Code
  • HANS can interface with any type of computer, communications device, or hardware providing that there is some possible form for HANS to link with device, computer or communications service.
  • HANS can perform calculations, logic expressions, and any sort of computation as well as find, identify, and sort data all in nanoseconds. HANS also has hyper-advanced logic reasoning and problem-solving capabilities.
  • The software can directly interface with the TX-U1 Personal Guard Droid, which acts as a physical body for the software.
  • HANS is equipped with complete databases on all known manufacturing, engineering and coding materials and is able to assist in the design and creation of virtually anything, although it functions more as an advisor than actual designer.
  • HANS contains a sentient psychological nature, as well as a concept of morals, advanced linguistics, history, theology, psychology, and other sentient concepts. HANS also contains an ethics matrix that prevents the Artificial Intelligence software from becoming sadistic, genocidal, or outright psychotic and generally gives the program a more benevolent and well-meaning nature.
  • HANS has a deep memory core able to store terabytes of interactions, data, events, etc.
  • HANS has a distinct personality, and when it can vocalizes chooses to use a Male Coruscanti Accent.
Created to be a companion and assistant to Alban Roble, Head of Roble Manufacturing, HANS or the Hybrid Artificial Neuron System is an almost mentor-like artificial intelligence that acts as a secretary, design assistant, and in some cases as a friend for Alban Roble. With an extensive logic matrix, personality programming, memory core, and safeguards to prevent the software from becoming a sadistic galaxy-ending killing machine, HANS is an otherwise perfect and almost limitless software that can serves as the personal advisor and confidant for Alban.

  • Super-Computer: HANS is essentially a super-computer; it has extensive logic programs, databases that are only limited by its access to the HoloNet, it can perform calculations in seconds, and can assist its user in almost any way possible. It also is able to interface with nearly any type of hardware providing that there is a way for HANS to connect to it.
  • Personal Body: HANS can interface directly with the TX-U1 Personal Guard Droid and in that sense has a physical body.
  • Won't Go Sadistic: Thanks to an extensive and complex personality and ethics matrix, HANS understands morals and is not able to develop a sadistic, genocidal or psychotic state of mind. HANS's personality matrix in general gives it an understanding, caring, supportive, and overall generous attitude.
  • Vulnerable: Like all code and electronics, HANS is vulnerable to slicing, hacking, malware, and viruses. Although it does have preventional measures against this, nothing is impenetrable and if a slicer really wants to slice into HANS, they could probably (eventually) find a way. HANS is also vulnerable to Ion and EMP attacks, which can disrupt its functioning in a certain area.
  • No Connection: Although HANS can be stored and transported in storage disks and computer systems, its ability to connect to other hardware is dependent on connection availability. In places where there is low or none connection, HANS can be hampered significantly and cannot really do anything about it.

Runi Verin

Two pounds shy of a bomb.
[member="Alban Roble"]

Gotta say I dig the name. Solid, not to reachy acronym style names are always a plus in an AI.

Alban Roble said:
Not In Command: Although it technically has a higher intelligence than anyone else in the room, the personality matrix of HANS makes it an advising protocol, providing information upon request and deferring to others for definitive choice-making. While it may advise against certain courses of action, it will not step in and stop someone from doing it (for example, if you try to pilot your ship into a star HANS will say that its a bad idea, but not actually steer the ship away).

Alban Roble said:
Roble Only: The full functionality of HANS is only accessible to Alban Roble, and to what extent others can access him is dependent on permission from Alban. This also means that while technically HANS's abilities are limitless, in practicality they would only be applied to Alban's needs (i.e. HANS won't be trying to tank the galactic stock market, even though theoretically it would be possible).

I'm afraid these aren't actually very credible weaknesses, however. All you're really saying here is 'it will obediently follow commands' and it is 'only usable by the owner who it places above all others'. Neither are actually downsides when we're talking about a personal AI.


Get to the next screen.
Submission Name: HANS [Hybrid Artificial Neuron System]
Link: x
Reason for moving to Pre-Factory: Update to conform to current Factory and Personal standards.

Moved to pre-factory per OP request!

Please remember to include a list of changes when you tag a member of factory staff to move the submission to live judgement.

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