Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I'm going to be adding my character in a few days when I get a chance. I'm going to enjoy roleplaying here, I suspect! I'm debating light or dark, hero or villain. What is happening within the factions?

Merry Christmas and thanks.
Hi and welcome to Chaos! Hope you enjoy your time here, write some amazing stories and if you ever need any help, don't hesitate to ask!

Well, there are many major factions around, which you can find here. The main ones are the Galactic Republic and the One Sith, which are pretty much the vanilla Jedi and Sith factions. Mandalorians are pretty much the same as in canon, Techno Union is more focused on business and companies, Silver Sanctum is a Light Side faction which also hosts the Silver Jedi. Are pretty similar to the typical Jedi, but have some little twists. The Primeval is a more antagonistic Dark-Sided faction. The Hutt Cartel is a criminal Hutt organisation. Order of the Black Rose is mainly a Sith faction which (I think) has only female Sith in it. The Galactic Alliance is a Light-Sided faction, more adventurous and exploring than the Galactic Republic. The Jen'ari Empire is also a Sith faction with some little twists.

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