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Approved Species Glaucus Ready to be Judged

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Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
  • Name: Glaucus

  • Designation: Sentient
  • Homeworld: Unkown
  • Language: Galactic Basic, "Glaucanese" A launguage that consists of chirps and hisses as well as occasionally howls that resonate within their cranial crests.(this= Yuuzhan Vong language.
  • Average height of adults: 1.6-2.3 Meters
  • Skin color: Brown, Grey, Black, Grey-blue, Tan, Various Shades of Red
  • Breathes: All Known atmospheres.

  • Strengths: Adaptability: The Glaucus so far have shown that they are an extremley adaptable species. This is mostly due to them being able to breath in almost any atmosphere with a healthy disposition with planets with extremely thin atmospheres. Also observed has been their ability to hold their breath for extensive periods of time. This combined with their sharp teeth and semi-streamlined bodies indicates an ancestor from the deep.
  • Vong heritage: Like most of the predators on Yuuzhan'tar, they have a very specific part of their body that is extremely durable, even against lightsaber strikes.
  • Weaknesses: Breeding and Achilles: From data collected over the last few decades, the Glaucus have a very low birth rate. This coupled with the fact that they only give birth twice a year during a specific time brings their numbers to even less than a minority of the Galaxy. Without protection, their legs are also vulnerable due to their equivalent of the humanoid Achilles tendon being much more exposed and prominent on their legs.
  • Parasophus: The portion of their body that is extremely durable is also very weak. This area holds an organ that during a simpler time were vital for digestion and life at sea. It holds a second bladder and mammary glands. However, due to the species evolution, the bladder is no longer required. The bacteria that is in the organ naturally eventually builds up and leaks into the mammary gland which is used by both sexes to feed young. This bacteria can kill infants fed the milk-like substance that is stored in this area. Eventually the bactiria can also infiltrate the blood work of the individual and kill them.
  • Unlike many of the species they shared their home with they can be sensed in the force. There also has not been a Force Sensitive specimen of the Glaucus sugesting that they cannot be Force Sensitive.
  • Stigma: Because the time of their historic arrival was during the height of the Gulag Virus and their name closely resembles the plaugue's name they are often given lower paying jobs in the public sector, though many have made their livelihoods from working in the military or in one of the sciences (Engineering, Physics, Chemistry etc.)

  • Distinctions:
  • -Cranial Crest: This is a part of their body from eons past that probably served as a way to warn others in the event of a predator attack. These crests are capable of creating loud, low horn-like sounds. They are larger on males than females and tend to shoot straight out whereas the female's tend to be shorter and often curved down. A female's cranial sound is an octave higher than the male.
  • -Rough Skin: The Glaucus' body is covered in scales though the intensity and strength differ dependant on the part of the body. For example, the scales that adorn the Achiles are much tougher than those around the neck or back of the head.
  • -Parasophus: The large hard shell-like structure that forms around the the back and part of the chest of Glaucus is called the Parasophus. This structure, unlike most of the body of the Glacus is made up of a similar material to Vonduun Crab and could withstand lightsaber blows. This was to protect the second bladder and the mammary glands during the species' time at sea.
  • Average Lifespan: 65 Galactic Standard Years
  • Races: NA
  • Diet: Common foods are seafood and other animal proteins. During their earliest stages a purple liquid that comes from both male and female created in the mammary gland of the Glaucus. Vegitables and various assortments of sea weeds are also eaten. Things that are toxic to Glaucus include: lactose and grains
  • Communication: Speaking in galactic basic seems to be the trend among the Glaucus, though older Glaucus use the chirps, hisses, howls, and Vhongese.

  • Culture: Over the thousands of years the Glaucus have sported many different behaviors and cultures. At one point they were simple tribe-based hunter gatherers. Another time they were great warriors and conquers. However, one thing has been true since the beginning of their existence. The Glaucus have a culture that revolves around family, clans, and dedication. Strong bonds are important to the Glaucus as they have been through calamity after calamity, lowering their species count by millions at a time, every time. Because of this and the lack of a homeworld they easily form bonds with those willing to overlook their species and as such are often charitable to neighborhoods they grew up in. This differs greatly from their predatorial and war-like culture from ages past, however they often make good pilots. Due to their lack of a home world they have had to learn to coexist with other cultures and are very open in their views. Despite their openness they have a strong sense of justice and sense of Right and Wrong.
  • Clans: Clans are usually recognizable by their colored clan markings that adorn their faces and cranial crests.
  • Gods: Generally, the Glaucus are not religious and serve no gods, though it is not unheard of for Glaucus to find their way to an already established religion.

  • Technology level: Advanced

  • General behavior: Generally the Glaucus are a very polite and regal species, however they are riled up easily with the females being more violent and aggressive than males.

  • History: The Glaucus evolved on the shores Yuuzhan'tar as an aquatic-reptilian species. During their life on Yuuzhan'tar they lived in close knit tribes. Though they were generally peaceful, their neighbors, the Vhong, became a very troublesome group. They would steal their hunting grounds and would raid their villages, kidnapping their people in order to sacrifice to their gods. The attacks soon began to grow in number as the Vhong slowly realized that the Glacus would not attack in retaliation. In response the chiefs of the different clans among the Glaucus came together in order to stop the menace. They formed a small army to combat the savages, and though at first they pacifistic culture lost many battles, they soon became hardened by the loss of their loved ones. Over the years they became vicious fighters and began using the wildlife against the savages. After defeating and enslaving the monsters, peace was created. Centuries passed and due to the inequality between the two races, Glaucus created the planet's first starship and flew into the stars long before the Vhong mastered their unique form of organic technology. With no more want for their own planet, the Glaucus spread throughout the galaxy, spreading their empire where they could. However, a plague unique to the Glaucus caused a growing sense of failure and desperation. In their desperation, they created three large ships to carry the remaining uninfected population further into the stars. They eventually landed in the Galaxy that we know, deep in the Unkpwn Regions. From there the military leaders attempted to colonize the worlds nearest them.
Around the time of the destruction of their home world they moved further into the Unknown Regions evolving a tolerance for many different types of atmospheres. During this time period they conquered the small and large planets of the Unknown Regions however, they had slowly moved back to a less violent place in society. With their superior technology they saw no need to have to rule violently, as many of the more primate races saw them as gods. The other, more violent races who dared attack them were quickly whipped into shape from constant failures in their assaults on Glaucus controlled settlements and worlds.

Thousands of years past and as the other cultures around them became more intelligent, the Glaucus was pushed further and further to their new home world, eventually quashing the Glaucus Empire and wiping it from the history of the Unknown Regions. They were never conquered though, as they still were superior. Rather, they allowed certain races to ascend without influence. Presumably from some sort of wide spread calamity in the Unknown Regions the Glaucus left the Unknown Regions in favor of known space. However this move was ill timed as it was during the height of the Gulag Virus which killed most of their meager population. Since the end of the plague they have been struggling to recover their numbers, making their livelihoods mostly within Republic space.

  • Notable Player-Characters: [List player-characters]
  • Intent: The intent of this addition is to add to the lore of this board by adding a species that is playable by any who wish.

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
Added more history, but I'm not sure what to put for their culture. I want them to be culturally similar to the US, in that they kinda just pick up things as they go since they have been moving around a lot. The only thing that is certain in all of them is their dedication to family...
@[member="Darth Moridin"]
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