Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Giving a Hand to the Maiden

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Naboo was beautiful, ideal in many ways as a planet that usually knew peace could be. From the architecture to the clean streets and the people. The jedi master had come here when Feena was queen and made friend... life long connections as she had seen the Lake COunrty which was calming and ideal for a jedi to meditate. She was touching down in one of the Nubian ships given to her for use. Sleek and very beautiful to look at the interior of the ship was much that same. It was a mixture of being designed with space and luxury in mind. THe jedi master had done much the same with her outfit, the kimono styled jedi robe in colored of green to match the leaves on the planet right now. Her hair done up with kyber and kasha crystal bells that were small but jingled as she walked on the arkannes wooden shoes. Everything said and was designed for beauty to fit within the culture she had observed while here investigating the grove near the palace.

Exiting the ship though was a different story to the jedi master as she walked and was welcomed back to the planet she could see some of the people from the government. She did spend time helping a few she had met. Orphans who were adopted and cared for by Cassandra and Tsebin two former handmaidens, there was droids moving about the streets and she breathed in the scent of foods being cooked, could hear singers practicing, watch different people on their balconies painting models. It was a fairly peaceful world after all and rich... she could never forget that the people even ones who technically lived in the slums of the world were still fairly rich. Having seen some fo the accommodations for new teenagers who wanted to leave home to make it on their own. Hovels with usually two or three rooms and refresher. Much better then Coruscant and she knew that Alderaan could be much the same way oh the joys of peace and prosperity.

"The lady Cassandra welcomes you back master jedi." Two of the figures spoke who approached. TOgether in unison though it sounded almost like an echo... Handmaidens she knew were highly trained from a young age as queens and politicians so they could be immersed in the galaxy. Learn from it same with the junior legislative branch. Some queens even serving a single term as youth and then when they were older running for a second term because they had more experience then a young persons dreams and ideals. Never with venom just with an understanding and balance it can bring to the world. She was following them and walked through the streets seeing a few of the children in the care of the two women. It was considered not uncommon she had learned for partners on the world to adopt children and they made a household of it with all of the orphans who were displaced as it came into view. A mansion a little bigger then the others but the garden around it with different flowers and trees.

"Beautiful as always." She said it and looked as in the karlini dress one of the women was lounging on a cushion while reading a datapad. Novels were important but she rarely changed as some of the children were sitting around her. "I know you are not just talking about me master jedi." A smile tugged at the corners of her lips, eyes piercing and icy blue but everything was warm as her lightly tanned skin was within the sunlight as it came through the branches. "Here Rowena finish the story for the others." She passed the datapad off to the older child who was there with her and she started reading as Cassandra rose up. Hair in braids down her back, form fitted karlini dress hugging but it wasn't tight and you could see where it held gemstones that the jedi master knew concealed different things from a personal shield generator to a hold out blaster that she had been traiend to use better then some soldiers... but it would still let her move around like an acrobat.

"Cassandra you look beautiful as always of course but your garden, your home, the sounds of what you always wanted. Children under your feet." She scented the air. "Lorelei in the kitchen making her lemon cakes." THe jedi master smiled warmly though and while the handmaidens she had known were now older they had been allowed to live their lives and their names were whatever they wanted to be. Naboo she had learned was very open and accepting about certain things and it was not uncommon to change ones name to honor someone like their charge and it was commonly accepted to call them that or... She started walking with her and around the garden as the scent of cakes became stronger. The home for children extended to teenagers as well who needed a place to start out while they were starting and waiting for something to take off. A half way house in most terms since children raised here could be accepted to the programs like junior legilative or even the palace handmaidens.

"Yes she is lovely and our home has been filled with laughter ever since Feena passed away." There was some melancholy over that but Naboo funerals were something of a joyous moment. Usually within the first two days they were burned so their spirits and souls could return to the planet itself and renew it with their experiences. It was a lovely way to want to look at things and the jedi master didn't dislike it compared to some other times. INstead walking and seeing the woman in the kitchen smile. "But we asked you to come because one of the people who passed through here and has been welcomed among the handmaidens showed we believe potential in the force. I know you were always interested in training us but we were too old to change our lives with our queen alive and passed on we just decided to stay here on the planet." She might have regretted it the jedi master didn't know but if there was one with force potential she could invite to the silver jedi she didn't see why not.

"THen I shall endeavor to meet this young lady." She bowed her head though going into the kitchen and getting one of the lemon cakes as the dark skinned woman stood there. Plump and content with what was considered their first child by blood but not by love... all of the orphans who had passed through over the decades were on a wall. THeir images captured and painted to forever fill the halls of the place with warmth and a sense of family. The jedi master embraced the taller woman who offered the warm cake out of the oven and details about potential and where to go were laid out. She knew a few of the other handmaidens had taken up officers and places across the planet one of them in the Lak Counrty running a boat service. TOurs and parties catered in the comfort of Naboos scenic vistas. THe one she was set to meet and find would be [member="Metis Athena Elpis"] a younger teen and the jedi master spent the rest of the day and night meditating on a way to best approach and make introductions.
Metis was currently working on several projects. She was organising an educational information exchange between Naboo and Alderanian cultures.

Naboo and Alderaan share many distinct cultural similarities and value’s. Naboo is called ‘The Jewel World’ Alderaan ‘The Shining Star’, both culture’s place a high value on education and the arts, we both have a system of government of modern royalty and nobility, as well as a proclivity for designing and constructing aesthetically pleasing buildings, cities and even spaceships. Neither Planet has a standing army and yet have a strong specialist security forces. It is for these reasons that freedom of education information should be exchanged between our two planets. Officially sanctioned with emissaries, ambassadors, councillors and diplomats from the Royal House of Naboo and the Royal Palace of Alderaan, scholars, professors and students from the Theed University and the University of Alderaan, Engineers, mechanics and pilots from the Theed Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corp and Alderaan Royal Engineers. This educational exchange of information and culture should prove productive to both planets, and reinforce our strong relationship of goodwill.

Metis was also writing a report comparing, the contrast between various Shipwrights and the possibility of contracts with Naboo.

The purpose of this report is to provide a brief description and outline of possible Shipwrights to contract, for a possible expansion of Naboo Navy and Starfighter Corp.

The Corellian Engineering Corporation, is most well known for it’s variety of freighters available on the civilian market, often used by space fairers as an affordable yet reliable option easily and usually extensively modified. CEC ships are often easily Identifiable from their cockpit configurations everything from it’s well known YT-series too it’s VCX line, the CEC is known to make dependable and adaptable ships.
The CEC Freighters while well known for the phrase ‘their ships will run forever with a mechanic even half awake’ are unsuited to Naboo, because frankly Naboo prides itself on it’s aesthetic beauty of it’s ships, as they are a representative of Naboo itself and CEC ships while commendable transports and freighters, are somewhat… unsuited to Naboo culture.

Two products of particular note however are the CR-90 Corvette and the Consular Class Cruiser both respectable ships, that can be adapted and retrofitted during times of war, or provide official escort missions during times of peace. Their potential in an expanded Nubian Navy should not be dismissed lightly.

Conversely one of the CEC main competitors Sienar Fleet System, most famous lines of ships are quite different. The SFS are perhaps most infamously known for the production line of TIE Fighters and it’s many variants from the standard TIE Fighter, which relied on overwhelming Swarm Force Tactics, to the more advanced TIE D/Defender. The appearance of a spherical cockpit encompassed by wings have lead to a variety of short hand slang and jargon used by many military forces, such as ‘Squints’ for TIE Interceptor, or ‘Trips’ for the previously aforementioned TIE Defender.

While mass production of the TIE Series works well for the Imperial military and it’s various successors it largely depends an wave tactics and strength of numbers, making it unsuited to Naboo.

Incom Corporation could widely be considered the counter opposite to the Sienar Fleets Systems to the point that their products of starfighters often faced each other on the battle field. Incom’s most famous product would be the T-65 X-Wing a capable Starfighter, renowned for being the difference in several key victory’s for whomever was flying it. Incom corporation is also known for what is called the Alphabet line, with many of their starfighters named after letters they more or less resemble. UT-60D, also known as U-Wing’s Starfighter/troop transport, RZ A-Wing an Interceptor fighter.

These are respectable starfighters that have often succeeded against numerical and greater firepower, a contract with Incom for such starfighters should be considered, if only so as not to dismiss the concept of a necessary variety of starfighter’s and their roles for a Naboo Starfighter Corp.

The Kuat Drive Yards productions are even more infamous, as it’s most commonly associated with Star Destroyers, in fact KDY innovated several armored vehicles for use by Imperial military divisions, and specialised in creating a variety of capital ships, everything from cruisers to destroyers.

A Contract with KDY is inadvisable as it goes against the very nature and philosophy of Naboo’s lack of a large standing military navy, even should such an expansion occur it is inadvisable to use KDY capital ships, if only due to their infamy for subjugation used by various Empires.

Mon Calamari Shipwrights are perhaps the shipwrights most suited and appropriate to Naboo, at the very least they would make an ideal gift to our Gungan Allies fellow inhabitants of Naboo. The Aquatic nature of Mon Calamri ships would appeal to Gungan comforts as well as capable transports from their underwater cities to space. MC-80 Cruisers would be ideal mid level fleet ships, strong enough to provide a strong defence, but not aggressive enough to threaten surrounding systems.

This Report Written and submitted by
Handmaiden Metis Athena Elpis.

“Metis, could you please come with me we have someone we’d like you to meet” Cassandra called.

"In a minute Cassandra just finishing up my report" Metis typed furiously, she needed to submit this report to the Royal Databank, and also owed the Theed University an analyses of Jungle Worlds Flora and Fauna, as well as a report on Aquatic Species their planet’s, customs and traditions. "Sorry Cassie, almost done…. And there we are" Metis nodded and signed her work.

"So who am I going to meet?" Metis asked always inquisitive in her nature.

Cassandra smiled “I’ll let her explain that, she can explain it better than I can, It’s not my place”

Metis frowned bemused she didn’t like not knowing things, particularly in social situations where she didn’t always converse easily.

Cassandra stopped “Handmaiden Metis, meet Jedi Master Matsu Ike”.

Metis turned beach red, she wasn’t expecting to meet a Jedi Master, Metis ideolised Jedi, they were galactic heroes and she, well she was awe struck. “Meet Pleasure to you” Metis fumbled “I mean pleasure to meet you!” Metis added hastily "Master Jedi". Metis finished with an awkward formal bow.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Metis Athena Elpis"]

She was enjoying it there, the karlni tea was sweet but naturaly so and soothing. The jedi master leaned back int he seat for a moment when the lemon cakes was being brought out to them. Warm and delicious before she was looking over at Lorelei came over as she sat down in the seat and held her stomach for a moment. THe jedi master moved and took one of the pilows from behind her for the woman. "Here." SHe fretted over it and Cassandra had gone to get the girl.. she hadn't been expecting her to be here right now but the jedi master straightened herself up. Looking or wanting to look natural as she listened to the woman began to speak.

"Oh Master Ike it is good to see you." Her dark skin was a little older and she looked tired but the jedi master knew this was what she had wanted... Feena had been wonderful and was a Noble queen.... a resolute jedi healer. Her daughter Zandra was much the same and it was a shame what happened but seeing the handmaidens who had been with her well they were all wonderful and trained for any number of things. One of them she knew was still going to the schools changing subjects as she completed them and letting herself accumulate degrees and education or doing projects of the arts.

"No no no master jedi please don't fret about me." She said it and smiled but accepted the pillow behind her back so she could relax and support herself. "I am just surprised at how it actually feels." She looked at her and got a small nod of approval as Matsu spoke remembering herself the feeling. "Oh I know, it is a great feeling and can be hard but you will never feel more joy then when you hold that child in your arms." She knew there was a whole lot of joy but they deserved it. All these years caring for children and giving them a good life they might not have had before. "I can only imagine but we have had all of this time... with the children it was time to really commit."

Lorelei spoke with a look in her eyes though and it was all good nature as she looked at Cassandra when she came back into the room. "She is on her way." The smile she gave was bright and fun before she was leaning down and bringing her hands onto Lorelei's shoulders. Her body slipping to the floor so she could place her ear against her stomach and smiled when she whispered. "Hello my precious." There was only smiles in the room and the woman looked up with humor in her eyes. "ANd of course you are my other precious." There was a look and then a small cloth used to cover the arm of the chair being tossed into Cassandra's face.

Hahaha more laughter and the jedi master felt something as someone came into the room and spoke to her. A curious look on the jedis face before she rose up to greet the young woman and shrugged bowing back to her. "It is nice to meet you Metis." She said it and offered the other chair in the room so they could sit and talk holding the tray. "Lorelei made us all lemon cakes." She was looking at her and the girl seemed fit, smart and what they might be able to do. She was wondering what her thoughts of the jedi were though it wasn't like they wanted to just conscript her to the order instead it was preferable they came of their own will. "So tell me about yourself."
Metis was still a little flustered at meeting the Jedi. She was going through her encyclopedic knowledge of the Jedi, their organisation, structure, philosophy, culture, history.

Jedi traditionally trained as youngling’s being raised in the order itself with the expectation at one point they would enter an apprenticeship with an older Jedi Knight or Master, with the apprentice being referred to as a Padawan. They would then go on dangerous missions with their Masters for nearly a decade before being raised to knighthood themselves

Of course in recent decades their has been splits, splinter factions, and different orders of Jedi, with most orders, allowing older individuals with Force potentials being allowed to train and join the Jedi at a much older age.

Metis stopped her brain for moment as she tried to grasp that concept.

Is that what this was about?. Metis knew that she instinctively had an advantage when it came to intelligence and even physical fitness to some degree. The older Handmaidens had made some comments on her abilities, as being excelled than other individuals, and that she may be considered for more rigorous training.

Metis had assumed that meant specialist training, she hadn’t considered that they meant that she would be approached by the Jedi.

It was only then that Metis realised she had yet to answer the Jedi’s question. Turning bright red with a nervous swallow.

“My name is Metis Athena Elpis, my parents named me after, mythological figures that represented wisdom, intelligence, and hope. I have degree’s in Anthropolgy, Archeaology and Engineering, as well as some talent in artistry and slicing. I have been trained in Echani Firedancing and Teras Sai. I can understand most Alien dialects and an intricate knowledge of their planets and cultures. Currently, I’m organising a cultural exchange of information with Alderaan for an upcoming official function. I’m also doing an analytical report on…”

Metis stopped suddenly as she realised she almost revealed classified information on the potential Nubian Contracts with various Shipwrights. Metis recovered quickly

“A report on jungle and forested planets and moons, and how their environments have lead to the development of Flora and Fauna, as well as influenced the cultures of sentient species that inhabit them. I’m also developing an analyses on aquatic amphibious species and races, with the intention of submitting to our Gungan allies in the hopes that they will forge diplomatic ties with other similar races.”

Metis took a deep breath as she finished. To most people it would have sounded like arrogance and bragging but to Metis it was just facts. It didn’t even occur to her to try to be modest in her explanation of skills.

Metis floundered for a bit trying to recall more details about the Jedi and their various sects. Metis couldn’t see any identifying clothing or sigils to indicate which branch or division this Jedi was from. Metis considered trying to gleen the information through conversation but social interaction had never been her strong suit so she decided for a more direct if blunt approach.

“Pardon me Master Jedi, but from which Jedi Order are you from?”
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Metis Athena Elpis"]

She listened to the girl speak... taking it all in and she certainly seemed to be speaking a mile a minute at first not worrying about what it was... still everything was interesting and the jedi master was more of a generalist type. She explored most of the aspects that the girl seemed to have degrees or interests in. Which only endeared her a little more as well as the fact she seemed to be making plans or going over it all in her mind. "I am with the Silver Jedi." She spoke when she finally had a moment and rose up standing as tall as she could with her small statue. Compared to many of the jedi she stood there with a smile on her face.

"And I am happy to meet you though Metis." She bowed motioning with a hand for them to be able to walk and have some privacy. Going over it all and this was the sales pitch one needed. "It is unusual I know, I often prefer to meet potential padawans as children or younger. It is often easier to teach them." She said it and walking along the path itself she went back outside and there were some children playing around the yard. Others helped with some of the workers who were building a pagoda for lounging and looking at lemon trees and other birds that flew around. She could see the mist net, thin but it kept the birds within a small cage.

"I have also well, spent much of my near seventy years with the jedi... from the grand jedi in the republic through their fractures to the silver jedi where I have found a home. I was maybe their finest historian and librarian who handles the tech division of the jedi to rebuild and recover lost temples and artifacts." She did much of it and studied the past to really try and create a better future before she clasped her hands behind her back and looked at the girl. "You are fascinating though Metis, Lorelei and Cassandra wouldn't have contacted me if you were just a run of the mill force sensitive. Feena, their queen was a good friend from the Order and I trust their wisdom."

A smile played on her lips though, tugging at it for a moment as she looked up. "Oh so many things and don't think of this as an interview... I am not a gatekeeper who can keep you out. THis is more of an interest probe, if you wish to be here on your beautiful world. Doing the works you have started, completely them and being with the people you care for.... by all means MEtis stay and love, be happy and enjoy your life. However if you should wish to become a jedi, to try and live a life that can show you the wonders of the galaxy, the horrors, the grotesque and even the exotic." She looked at her offered her arm.

She left it there in case she wanted to escort and go around. This was a home after all and she was the guest... just walking around wasn't as good when she looked at some of the children. "And of course there is always the chance to be here if you are a Jedi. Naboo is a peaceful place, great for the spirit and connection to the force itself... to life and can find anything out there in the country itself." THe smile remained while she was walking and looked out among the trees themselves at the water as it shined. A small dock with a boat and there were some of the guards from the security force on Nabo. They were loosely garbed but trained to protect.
Metis, calmed her thoughts as they walked along the gardens smiling at the children playing in the garden. Metis enjoyed the company of the orphans, there was something… pure in a childs view of the world. Their innocence can be refreshing particularly after dealing or reporting on some of the harsher aspects of the galaxy. Metis was drawn back into the presence with he jedi masters words.

Metis tried to imagine the amount of information available to a renowned jedi historian and librarian. Particularly one who survived the downfall of the republic. Metis was startled to learn that Lorelie and Cassandra considered herself so highly. They had always been fair in their judgements, even encouraging, and yet Metis was still surprised to learn their regard was such that they thought her significantly force sensitive to approach a jedi master such as Metsu.

Metis, considered the Master Jedi’s next words carefully. Metis did love her homeworld, her position, her studies. Metis could learn anything and everything she could want to learn at the Theed University, she could influence policy with her advice and confidence as a handmaiden, she could achieve many of her ambitions and goals living a life of comfort on Naboo.

…and yet.

There was a fundamental difference between learning all you could on a culture, planet or even shipwright, researching and writing on all aspects that was available and experiencing that culture first hand, of exploring the multitude of planets available, of seeing that shipwrights products in action. Metis would be lying to herself if she didn’t dream, didn’t wonder about exploring the stars and experiencing adventure first hand.

There was also the fact that as a Jedi, Metis would have even more opportunity and means too learn all that she could, including the innate sense that Metis had of people, and the universe in general. For although she was surprised to learn she had enough force potential to be considered for jedi training, deep down she knew that she was attuned to the world in a way that couldn’t be easily identified or quantified. Part of that side of herself scared her, but it was a side Metis wanted to expand upon, she wanted to learn about the part of herself that made her feel connected.

Learning about the Force was more than a desire it was a calling to do to be something greater than she was now. Hopefully to do so with the benefit of others in mind and practice. Metis nodded her mind made up.

“I wish to train to be a jedi Master Matsu, I… I believe it to be my calling in life, and… I feel intrinsically that it is the right path for me to follow”
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Metis Athena Elpis"]

Guiding the path towards the waters edge the jedi master listened to the surface thoughts. Untrained in mental barriers with the force could mean thoughts came off chaotic. She remained with a neutral expression though when she listened to the words from the young woman... emmm the new padawan. She clasped her hands in front of her with a nod of her head. "Then let me be one of the first to welcome you. A chance like this is something not many get. You have a strong mind, you have learned discipline which will help you greatly." She said it and waiting as one of the Gungan subs emerged.

"THough you might not find as many jedi like me. I spent much of my knighthood traveling around the galaxy and studying the various force cultures, making contacts on worlds and learning all that I could about history from older worlds. One of those well was meeting Feena... but the other was working with some gungans." She stepped into the sub and there was a gungan in it wearing some of the robes of a jedi. "And well the order can be quite diverse." She smiled sitting down. "COme along, we can go to my ship and get you some things then bring you back if there is anything you want to bring with yourself."
Metis smiled shyly at the Master Jedi’s introductory welcome. Metis followed her to the Gungan sub without comment, she was excited to learn that master Matsu specialised in traveling around the galaxy and studying cultures, which was precisely what Metis dreamt about and was one of her more prominent goals.

“The report I’m doing on Aquatic Species, include the Gungans, along with the Mon Calamari, the Quarren and the Nautolan. The use of technology suited to their environments, create unique technological advancements, different from other worlds. While the Mon Calamari are well noted for the ships, the Gungans have technology based upon energetic fields, both too create ozone environments underwater, and to create defence shield, and weapons, with the plasma material they find in the Naboo oceanic depths”

Metis recited off of memory. She had a habit of rambling when she was nervous, anxious or excited which at the moment was all three. The fact that she was now accepted into the Silver Jedi Order, only meant the feelings were doubled. Currently she was also trying to keep her jumbled mix of emotions steady, and tried some mental relaxation exercises.

“I don’t have very many possession of my own, mostly just my databank holopad, and some family heirlooms, otherwise the life of a handmaiden is fairly modest.” Metis explained. “Unless of course we have official functions, in which case the palace provides suitable clothing and the like”

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Metis Athena Elpis"]

She nodded her head to that, modest equipment and possessions were something good for a jedi most of the time. It changed of course and when now jedi often had their own ships it was something that went around. "A handmaiden goes through much in terms of training and I know that the education you receive compared to some is very impressive." A benefit of the world itself and well it was beautiful compared to some.. it allowed training and education itself being something valued then something you did and then you went to get a job or something that made credits... following what you wanted to do and some she knew... many actualy made a living well enough off of it.

The sub didn't really go underwater it was going along the river towards the port that connected to one of the hanger bays that the jedi master had her ship within. The sub stopping and opening up so they could exit as she moved towards the hanger doors. She had walked though the city itself but a chance to go by river was still just as beautiful and the hanger doors opened to reveal a seeker class ship. Disguised in some ways as a plain freighter though it was thicker, larger with a lightside signature from the agena a living force circuit that had solari so darksiders didn't get to stay on the ship and would become sicker the longer they were within.

The jedi master was walking though while she looked at where the cleaning droids had made sure any messes or scuffs were clean, the ship was refueled and she spoke opening it up. "I will be here, when you have everything you need or want and are ready to go." She said it and stood ther eon the ramp fo the ship as it opened and they had the more streamlined and clean look of the interior that could be seen. Energy shielding built into the ship so it has sections that were contained. THe jedi master remained there though and she had a smal present from a messenger. ONe of the children from the orphanage had brought her a datacron with what she had requested.
Metis took in her surroundings as they travelled up the river, chances are this would be the last time in a longtime that she would be here and be able to appreciate the sites. Metis felt bitter sweet about that. ON the one hand she would be able to explore the galaxy and see many more wonderful and in all likelihood horrible sites, learn of and from different cultures, planets which had been her dream for a long time. ON the other hand Naboo, and Theed in particular had and always would be her home, the thought and reality that she would soon leave the beauty, splendour and culture here, made her reminisce about her time spent here.

Metis looked at the ship that Master Matsu lead them too, it seemed plain enough.. although Metis could almost feel… something about the ship itself. She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. Yes there was definitely something… potent about the ship. Though on the surface it looked like a plain enough Corellian Freighter, similar to the ones she had just done a report on, Metis new that such freighters were heavily modifiable in many ways. Metis was sure that this ship had such modifications.

Metis bowed to her new master. “It shouldn’t take long, mostly I just need to officially post a leave of absence with the Handmaidens, and say farewell to my parents.”

At the thought of saying goodbye to her parents and everything else she held dear, Metis felt her heart fill with heaviness. Metis used her Handmaiden status to commender an air speeder. Metis took a circutess route to her home, in the centre of the city. Metis looked over the sites she knew so well. The University, the palace the rivers, saying a silent goodbye too it all.

When she arrived home, Metis explained everything to her parents, who were of course naturally proud of her. They had one last meal together, Metis promised to call and write whenever possible. Gathering up her few belongings, Metis said a tearful well meant goodbye and returned to the hangar.

“Thank you for allowing me to say my goodbye’s Master Matsu.” Metis said with gratitude.

“I’m ready. Let’s begin”


Matsu Ike
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Metis Athena Elpis"]

The jedi master was looking at the datacron that had been sent to her from Cassandra and Lorelei. Looking where they were going now though she could see the training they had gone through. WHat they could do and how the decoy maneuver works. She was getting a first rate education when the padawan returned. A look on her face though when Metis returned getting a bow from the jedi master. "You are most welcome." SHe motioned for the girl to come inside of the ship when the ship was clean... panels were white with bands of blue and green crystal. There were small droids that moved around vents to kep and maintain the ship itself.

THe jedi master went into the cockpit and motioned to the copilots seat itself. SHe was setting the course and the ship had autopilot as the monitors flickered to life and brought up all of the information. THe large ship was designed to house and train jedi themselves. Where the ship was head though as it went up smoothly across the city and then into space breaking the clouds and atmosphere seeing black space and stars. She set the course for them to get further out before jumping to hyperspace. She had it while rising up and waited for a moment as the ship jumped with starlines coming into view. Matsu turned to look at her.

"A small tour." She said it with a smile on her face walking through the ship itself. It was built in much the same way, the sections designed though to let its larger bulk while she pointed to a ladder going up to the higher levels but it was a chute around the tube that went through the ship. "A gravity chute allow zero gee movement up or down. Between the levels to the turrets. THe lower level is maintenance bays and a machine shop. For equipment and the upper levels are for training rooms and an observation room. The struts in front of the ship have been converted to holds for additional equipment and supplies. THe living quarters and food stores are made to turn the ship self sustaining."

She looked at the ship itself though and walking around it as one of the room was simple but... "This is your quarters for now. We have designed the beds to optimize for your form for comfort."
Metis looked at her new surroundings with curiosity and interest, the gravity shute was a well thought out modification. Metis followed without conscious effort, while she mentally mapped the freighter. Maintenance bays and machine shop lower level, training and observation on the upper levels, equipment and supplies up front. Metis examined her new living quarters, they were quite elegant, she’d expected more spartan quarters for a freighter like this. It seemed well stocked. Module Recycler. Livestock Module, though Metis was Vegan so didn’t anticipate using it much. A Material converter. A heater Brazier. An agricultural module, which Metis discovered with relief. A glowrod. A sonic shower. As well as a cooling system. It seemed Metis would be living comfortably aboard the ship after all.

Metis packed her stuff neatly into her locker closet, and decided to explore her new home for the foreseeable future. Naturally her scientific mind was drawn instantly to the engines. Metis studied said engines intuitively. Dual drive system. Performance boosters. Atmospheric thrusters. Ion-collect Pod. Solar collectors. All in all a highly modified engine system that would increase propulsion effectively.

Metis made her way to the systems section of the ship. Com Scan sensor system. Active sensor pulse generator. Energy wave detector. Magnetic signature sensor. Passive sensor array. Wide ranged sensors. Gravitic sensor linked to the hyperdrive. Proximity sensor. Flight recorder. Flash detector. Navigational sensor. Multisensor airflow analyser. Along with a fine Sensor array. Metis also noticed Targeting sensors and an identification scanner for friend or foe.

Next Metis inspected the communications array. Modulated laser. Comm laser. Holotransmitter. Intercom. A comm unit booster. Universal, Sub space and Hyperwave Transcievers. Communications Frequency Jammer. Communications Descrambler. Mission terminal. A false voice transmitter. Gravitic pulse coder. Comm unit booster. Metis smiled at that she and her fellow Handmaidens had made several prank calls using such devices There were also several encryption devices that she would have to study at a later date.

All in all Metis was going to enjoy her time on the ship and learning more about these systems. Her adventures were just beginning yet already she was excited and learning new things. Admittedly Metis was used to more stylish and architecturally designed ships as suited Nubian policy and well.. frankly vanity, yet Metis new that such ships required constant maintenance with extensive resources to replace rare parts. This ship was built, designed and modified for harsh realities, as they old saying go. “She can fly with a mechanic even half awake.”

Metis found Master Maku and look at her new Master with renewed respect. Metis had known she was wise in the ways of the force and of the galaxy given her experience, in various factions and the ways of the ‘verse, still Metis hadn’t known that Master Maku had so much knowledge of ships themselves as would be required of the owner of a vessel such as this with such extensive modifications.

“Your modification to your craft are extensive and impressive, Master Maku” Metis said with due reverence. “I look forward to learning from you, about the design”
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Metis Athena Elpis"]

The jedi master bowed her head as she watched the padawan go over the design, from system to system, from area to area seeing all of it. She was certain about a few things... while the seeker looked classic it was larger and more bulky and compared to ships from Nabo which were beautiful to look at they could also be a lot more temperamental. She was in the cockpit though and motioned for the padawan to be able to sit in the co-pilot seat. THe screens displaying everything and compared to some fo the original style and models it wasn't as questionable. They had worked with engineering teams to fully utilize all of the systems and scanners to see the planet as they were heading up into space.

The blue skiy became black and then the stars appeared around them and they were getting more readings for the gravity well of the planet. She set the course and the ship lept to hyperspace for the pair of them. The jedi master looking at the displays and turned in her seat as she looked at Metris with a nod of her head. "THe design is based on the seeker, a modified YT class the jedi order had. They had changed it around for their uses and we have rebuilt and improved upon those modifications with a little more stability." She was looking at it and bringing up the schematics for the padawan as it was meant to be for getting around.

"We built in compartments that mirrored the smuggling compartments but they are now for supplies and storage. The fins up front serve as a large storage area and can be used to house an attachment pod for connecting to it or another ship. There are some smaller repair droids that maintain the ship and move through it. You might see them or hear them moving around." She said it and stood up as the ship went to hyperspace. THe starlines around them and the jedi master stretched herself out, hands reaching the sides of the cockpit when she stopped and looked at her. "Any questions you might have I can try to answer."

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