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Approved Species Ghouls

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Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
Name: Ghouls
Designation: Sentient
Homeworld: Originates from an area in the H23 Sector of space now named The "Dead Worlds"
Language: Galactic Basic Standard
Average height of adults: 1.6-1.8m

Skin color:
Showing variations in colorization from a myriad of influences; including race, biological heritage, and location. However after the events of the Gulag Virus and the reaction in an attempt to prevent its further spread; the skin colorization and tones of the species have now become much duller than before. Likewise their skin is now more leathery in appearance and feel; caused by being dried out and the resulting shrinking due to the lack of available water in the cells.

Harsh radiation has furthered the changes in both skin tone, appearance and feel. Some lack skin completely on portions of their bodies, creating a patchwork appearance. In these cases the tissue and flesh beneath the missing skin has somehow become tough and pliable as if the cells were attempting to take the place of the original skin cells lost.

Hair color:
Previously the colors of hair spanned the spectrum of colors. However now most of the species is incapable of growing hair; with those few that can often producing more wispy and fine locks of hair. It is now common to see females of the species with little to no hair on their heads with most of that being thin. Males on the other hand have lost any ability to grow facial hair as they once had; with even a smaller portion of the male populace capable of growing hair on their heads when compared to the female populace.

Intelligent Ghoul​
Feral Ghoul​
Breathes: Type I Oxygen mix with limited capabilities of breathing in Type II environments. Capable of surviving in low to mid level radioactive atmospheres.


Produced as a byproduct of their exposure to high doses of radiation and the presence of a mutative gene caused in part by the Gulag Virus, the vast majority of the Ghouls have seen an increase to their natural longevity; with some reporting to have lived beyond what even a human force user was previously recorded, with that point being 120 standard years. This longevity is credited as because caused by the mutative gene within the DNA being further mutated and reacting to the radiation that the species was exposed to.

Natural Resistance to Radiation:
Further credited to the mutative gene caused by the Gulag Virus reacting to the Radiation that the species was exposed to; all Ghouls have a natural resistance to radiation, provided they are low to mid ranged levels. It has even been reported that while in the presence of low level radiation, Ghouls seemingly heal faster and regenerate their strength at a much more rapid pace.


Induced Feralism:
While Ghouls are capable of being healed with low to mid level radiation; which has also caused a boost in their longevity, they are also noted as being subject to what has been called induced feralism. When exposed to higher levels of radiation for a more prolonged period, it rapidly degenerates their motor skills and intelligence to the point that the subject becomes feral. Those that are feral will not harm other Ghouls; however they become unpredictable when in the presence of other species to the point that they will lash out and attack. For this reason many feral ghouls are quarantined to the surface of the dead worlds or put out of their misery.

While not a physical or purely mental weakness; it has become societal weakness. Due primarily in part to their appearance and some individuals giving off low levels of radiation; many Ghouls are discriminated against which has often bared them from active service in many industries, as well as in trading circles and business deals with other species. This has, more than anything else, produced the heavies of blows against the Ghouls attempt at recovering in the aftermath of the Gulag Plague which they have still felt the effects of even after hundreds of years.

Physically similar to baseline humans. Ghouls are nothing more than a disfigured and slightly irradiated and mutated populace of the human species. Their primary distinctions that define them physically and anatomically from humans; is the disfigured appearance caused by the exposure to radiation which has further changed them anatomically though a mutation of the Gulag Virus which produced the unintended side effects of increased longevity and a newborn resistance to radiation.

Average Lifespan: 300+ Standard Years
Races: Multiple races from multiple planets each with their own special customs and cultures too varied to explain in detail.
Diet: Omnivorous
Communication: Verbal speech; this is often as a raspy whisper due to damaged vocal cords, causing many to have implanted vocabulators or other pieces of technology to boost the sound level of their speech.

Before the introduction of the Gulag Virus; the original populace of the species was culturally focused upon the arts, science and medicine. They were at the forefront of technological breakthroughs in the medical field, while also producing some of the greatest artist, musicians and writers in the known galaxy. After the Gulag Virus outbreak and the resulting reactions and attempts at further prevention of its spread, the populace has shifted culturally. Once proud artisans and scholars, the Ghouls have now shifted to a culture based upon salvaging and repairing forgotten technologies from their once lush and beautiful homeworlds located in the area of space now called the "Dead Worlds."

While the vast majority of the Ghoul population has shifted away from the arts and refocused themselves upon salvaging and repair; there are still those that remain focused upon medicine and technological advances. This small portion of the population is supported by the majority in their efforts to further understand the mutations caused in part by the Gulag Virus and the effects of Radiation upon the species. While those focused upon the technological advances attempt to rediscover the lost technologies and understand and repair those items brought back from the surface of their worlds by the now culturally shifted salvagers.

Technology level: Post Apocalyptic - Limited Hyperspace Capabilities

General behavior:
Primarily introverted the Ghouls have come to terms with the fact that they will not be openly accepted by many other species. To this end they have taken to the use of droids, often cobbled together from older models and newer creations, to do the bulk of their dealings with species outside of their own. Those few that have met them will often say that they are a soft spoken species incapable of raising their voices or show anger. Though this is mainly due to the scared and damaged vocal cords of the species rather than an incapability to do so; furthermore it returns to their acceptance of the terms that others will more than likely shun them which has caused the species to become more docile and quite, seeing no reason or need to yell. Even those with vocabulators or devices to enhance their speech will not yell. This acceptance however should not be reflective towards their will to fight when they or others of their kind are threatened as they have proven to would be thugs their capability to defense themselves.

On the other side of the spectrum from their more docile intelligent members of the species are the feral ghouls. Their general behavior is more aggressive, though this aggression is more focused towards members of other species. It is noted that feral ghouls will not openly or purposely harm or attack intelligent ghouls. This allows the more sentient Ghouls to salvage in peace on their worlds, while also preventing outside salvagers from attempting to steal their lost technologies.

Now a series of dead worlds; these once lush perfect worlds were settled during a forgotten time hundreds upon hundreds of years ago. The worlds under the stewardship of the colonists thrived and were protected, with the preventative laws that kept large corporations from damaging the worlds. During these peaceful years the cluster of planets produced the greatest minds in arts, science and medicine. Surprisingly the worlds had only a small vanguard in terms of military power, more likely used as a means to prevent raiders or pirates from overrunning the system and its trade routes.

When the Gulag Virus struck the first world in the system; even their greatest medical minds were baffled by what was happening. As they attempted to work on a cure it became more apparent that their worlds would soon be left devoid of life. In an alternate means of attempting to prevent its spread, a group of scientist in collaboration with the small military force attempted their own means of preventing the virus from spreading. In the most horrid day of the systems existence, a series of nuclear arms were dropped across the worlds in the system. The resulting explosions irradiated the landscape and destroyed much of the lush worlds foliage, leaving the worlds dead. To further the crisis and ecological damage, many of the fighters and smaller capital ships were disabled as they attempted to escape ahead of the EMP that was produced. These vessels slammed into the barren worlds, tearing open the vessels and spilling their volatile fuels and unleashing further radiation spills.

Slowly over the next few hundred years, those that had somehow managed to survive both the virus and the radiation; emerged from their shelters as the Ghouls. They would spend the next hundreds of years rebuilding what few vessels they could in an attempt to move their society off planet. Their success saw the creation of a cobbled together space station that remains at the center of the star system. From here the Ghoul population salvages their lost technologies from their worlds in an attempt to regain some form of normalcy.

Notable Player-Characters: N/A at this moment
Intent: To produce a species that has the possibility of showing the effects of the Gulag Virus not only on a large galactic scale; yet on a smaller planetary scale, showing what happened to those few lucky enough to survive the virus, though still struck with hardships. Furthermore the species would show the interactions of the multitude of species attempting to work together (even hundreds of years later) after a debilitating plague that could have possibly wiped out all life and left the galaxy devoid of anything sentient.

As a species the Ghouls can be viewed as a social experiment to add to the roleplay through their unique view of how ultimately their inability to prevent the spread of the virus coupled with their attempt has created new life from an original source that was crafted specifically to kill.
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