Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ghost Message!

Saera Willamina Savan

~+--- Skaidra ---+~ Beskarsmith, Alchemist
I can't screencap on my computer. It's an Apple. I don't even know how.

I got this lovely bit from a late Genesis Rostu:
Sent Today, 12:04 AM
<div>In less than forty-eight hours, a single server error sent months upon months of effort into oblivion; and now we are left standing at the precipice of frustration and despair. My friends, what transpired over the course of these past two days has been difficult, to say the absolute least, but now is not the time to give up or throw our hands in the air in surrender. Our gracious staff has outlined the steps through which we can salvage the vast majority of that which we have lost, but for many of us, this is a time of starting over from scratch.</div>
<div>I say this, because the Faction page itself was in sordid shape when the site finally came back online. All of our topics; from Dominions, to Sign-Ins, to Factory Submissions, to the derping about in the Out of Character, were gone. Husks devoid of any legitimate writing. I did my best to cache what I could, before I was beset by 404 Error Messages all afternoon, and managed to square away all of our approved technology. Over the course of the weekend, I will be dedicating every moment of free time I have to getting the Faction back on its feet again.</div>
<div>In the meantime, I simply ask patience from you all. I ask your patience with Staff as they work to rectify the situation as best they can, I ask your patience with me as I work to get the Faction back in one piece, and I ask your patience with one another as well. Support each other, do what you can to help, and above all else, don't give up! This is an utter crap situation, but, to quote an ancient Disney movie near and dear to my heart:</div>
<div><span style="font-family:'times new roman', times, serif;"><em>"Once you hit rock bottom, the only way to go is up."</em></span></div>
<div>With that, said, the Sign Ups have been reposted. Whilst I work to get everything going once more, I ask that you re-sign in one of the three topics. I made the process much simpler; you only need to sign into the topic which applies the most to you. Templars have a Sign Up, Trade Guild has a sign up, and the General Sign Up is open as well. Any questions, shoot me a PM or flag me down in the OOC.</div>
<div>Thank you for your time everyone, and thank you for making the Confederacy one of the greatest factions on the site. You have no idea how much of an honor and pleasure its been to write alongside each and every one of you.&nbsp;</div>
<br /><br />Members

Now, it's obvious what it's about. Just wondering why we're getting this now... six months later. Yup, I said we.
As I recall there was a glitch with forum factions and the "faction member message" system.

As in, when an FA like myself would want to send a PM to every member of my faction, it would sit in the queue ... forever.

It's possible that the message you guys received may have been a remnant of that glitch. Something may have suddenly kicked it from the queue and into send mode.

Why you can't reply I haven't a clue. Perhaps the board reset has something to do with it?

I'll be interested to see what Tef says here.
Also as an aside, [member="Særa Ayña Savan"] the keyboard command for screencaps on macs is Shift+Command+3 simultaneously.

Shift+Command+4 gives you a cursor to do just a selection of the screen.

<3 a fellow Mac user.
Due to the fact that mass private messages could place a tremendous load on the server, there are limitations to the feature by default. As it currently stands, only a maximum of 10 mass private messages can be sent per day. You could have been on the tail end of those receiving the message. Not only that, but the mass messaging system just got an upgrade today - so the upgrade might have forced any unsent mass messages to do so today.

The feature is currently very buggy and unreliable. Staff is investigating how to make it more reliable, yet at the moment I recommend making a thread to send announcements rather than a mass private message.

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