Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Vong-formed Imperial Knight/Joiner drone/Imperial
Lu was sitting there, she hadn't been able to do much with her group since the horde had been dismantled and she didn't know what to do with their supplies. The supply of rifles and the equipment for getting some ship had her moving with Ishi towards the larger section of the meeting room. her ship was docked here on the golden city temple while she looked over the warehouse they were in getting information and building supplies. "Thank you for seeing me master jedi."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Cazador was turning out to be a great place as she moved forward, meeting in the warehouse they had working on things.THey had been constructing some of the more dangerous holdings for creatures and artifact recovery. She had made a larger place here with the expansion of their research labs into the more fun sections. Her teams had been working when Corvus came here and with this new one appearing she was looking over the strange ship it had created. The thing was a mixture of vong and standard tech as she looked at the scans of the woman who was here offering to sell gear and tools. "Welcome to Cazador."


Vong-formed Imperial Knight/Joiner drone/Imperial
Lu could feel Ishi while she had a grin on her face standing over near the droids and researchers for a time as the armor slithered in the bony casing on her back. The ship was communicating that it was being scanned before she looked and saw the jedi master. "Thank you for seeing me, I know vong are not really looked on favorably." She knew the reputation the real ones were giving but she had some things she could do and maybe working with the resources she had they could develop ways around the technology. She had some other biotechnology with the rifle and sparkbees they could work with.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
"Not all vong are like the ones within the one sith, some just want to be left alone or do their own thing. I try to have a more open minded view when encountering a large culture. Now though young one, you wanted to sell me the company you founded yes? May I ask why and what you hope to get out of all of this?" Matsu was looking at her and had a small grin on her face now as she could hear the sounds of sparkbees and their honey was delicious from her memories.


Vong-formed Imperial Knight/Joiner drone/Imperial
Lu was looking at the woman and gave a bow of her head, the place looked amazing as droids and researchers were setting up the equipment to work on processing as well when she was getting some of the honeycombs brought in. "Thank you for that, we might not have much but you should be able to find ways to counter the biots." Her eyes were looking around as she walked around the warehouse. "This is a nice place master jedi, I am glad to see some of the worlds out here in this section of the galaxy are prospering."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
"Yes the outer rim in some places has become a wonderful hub with people looking to get out of the core worlds and away from the war. A terrible price to pay but those far from it can't do much about it." Matsu continued to walk around and take in the rest of the things being brought, hefting up the rifle as the bladder attached to it had the bees and different biots to fire out of it. A nice rifle compared to the launchers but still it was a living thing and you have to take care of it. "I have not used much in the way of vong technology before but I am glad to see that it is easier to use then some and no grafting."


Vong-formed Imperial Knight/Joiner drone/Imperial
That was a good way to work on things and if they didn't have to graft equipment or weapons on to someone. "That will be a good thing then. We don't need dangerous surgery for people who just want to be able to breath underwater or work some of the more dangerous vong tech. It is dangerous enough if they are exposed to the pollen and will construct their body and kill them." She was moving around and looking at what was becoming a common sight now. The droids and jedi workign on different sections of the building as well as marking out different areas for pick ups and drop offs. They had started getting speeders with crates of crystals and ore.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
That was a very important part while Matsu was walking and motioned for her to come and join her in walking through the doors into the city as she was leading the way. "That is the hope but I don't think the biots will be given to armies like so many, we want to be able to work with it and understand more. Maybe a few things here and there but I have more ideas now going forward." Matsu rubbed her hands together as she was thinking about some of the things they could do while she looked at the former Imperial knight. "Though it is good to see you have been safe, I read the notes on the experiments when we took the Imperial archives. You are doing well correctly."


Vong-formed Imperial Knight/Joiner drone/Imperial
Knowing there were a few people who actually remembered and paid attention to what happened to her was surprising. To say the least, to say more she was glad and happy to have such a master thinking about her and she stood up taller as the biot slid the plates out across her body to protect her.. The plates looked thicker then they actually were as it seemed to inflate a little with padded air and she spoke. "Thank you for the concern master jedi, I am just glad honestly that I have been able to survive this long and with it. I have been working to try and have better relations with the biot and it doesn't try and eat all of me as much now. I can eat some food I like now."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
"Well that is good to hear, we'll gladly do all we can for you. I know vulpesen is trying but don't be afraid to seek outside opinions for ones who may be familiar with your case." She had some thoughts now but going outside as the build was finishing up left Matsu ready. "Plus future contact will allow for us to work on some Biots that might come in handy. We want to be able to make this into a grand partnership." She had some other ideas as well going forward with it and the way vongs could terraform and heal worlds was something to look into as well as their creatures for things like disposal and agriculture. "Thank you though for this chance."

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