Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Empire of the Lost

A coalition of former Imperials and displaced refugees based in the Lianna system rallying behind the idea of establishing an empire to secure peace and order for their people, noted for their realpolitik attitude and flexible internal affairs.

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Game Masters and Roleplaying Type

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Aculia Voland

Protecting her children from the shadows.
The Empire of the Lost has several people interested in being what one calls "game masters", eg roleplaying opposition in the thread or helping to control its general flow and direction. The faction "owner" is open to this occurring, but would like to keep a running tally of people's preferred preferences when it comes to this to help craft content and encourage activity. He has come up with various descriptions to help best suit your style of roleplay.

Reactive: The GM controls the opponents, has an overarching story planned (linear or otherwise), and the player(s) have a more reactive role in the thread, e.g. reacting to the things that are occurring. They can still influence quite a few things, but the GM has the ultimate say in how things go down based on the player's actions. This is more of an "on-rails" and "linear" experience akin to TTRPGs or traditional action/adventure games and requires the least amount of effort from a player at the cost of potential creative freedom. Of course this respects SWRPChaos rules, the GM is still not allowed to call hits on your character.

Proactive: The GM gives the player(s) more freedom, working with them to craft the story in a more significant and collaborative way in OOC terms, may control the opponents or work with the players to control them depending on what they agree. There is usually an overarching vision or plot, but it can be significantly adjusted with more input from the players and can go "off the rails" a bit more. EG the characters may want to do something and the GM can suggest how difficult it might be and work with them to achieve it. The GM is more of an overall "guide" here and less of a "master". It is highly suggested that all players in the thread and the GM work together on Discord or through messaging for this so everyone is on the same page with the story and how they would like it to go.

Loose: The GM here is more of a loose overall guide, they may use a map to help generally coordinate and have a vague picture/prompt of the overarching story, most of it is left to the players including controlling the opponents, most of the story, etc. For those who prefer the most free-form, open-world sort of experience. This would be more of a “sandbox” type experience and puts the players largely in control of their own stuff, the GM is there (may not even post as such, but behind the scenes) to encourage players to react to each other and work together.

No GM/Chaos!: You are given a very loose prompt by the creator of the thread/faction owner, and have a full-off-the-rails experience where you may or may not follow the prompt, may or may not coordinate with others, and can do your own thing.
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