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Galen Sook



Name: Galen Sook
Home Planet: Naboo
Faction: The Republic
Rank: Jedi Padawan
Species: Near-Human
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Height: 180 cm
Weight: 63 kg
Hair: Dirty Blonde
Skin: Light
Eyes: Green
Force Sensitive: Yes


Man of The Sea: Galen grew up in Kaadara and as such has learned many things about living on the ocean. He is an excellent swimmer, fisher, and knows Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.

Physically Fit: Galen's fit build assists him with many tasks and combat, though despite his strength he can be overpowered by more skilled or stronger enemies.

Survivalist: Galen's interest in practical lessons over academic ones allowed him to learn many lessons that would help him in the wilderness, knowing how to start fires, manage food, and hunt. This also helps with creativity in a field of combat, knowing how to use his surroundings to his advantage.

Not the Brightest Lightsaber: By no means an idiot, Galen's lack of interest in academics caused him to have poor skill in areas of higher knowledge such as biology and politics.

Somewhat Foolish: Can be tricked by good liars or people who can appear as something they appear to be. This also leaves him open to Sith Trickery or mind-affecting abilities that effect his decision making skills.


Galen has a slim, yet fit build and he is slightly above average height. His blonde hair is often unkempt and curly that he occasionally fixes up for more formal events, but otherwise rarely grooms his hair properly. His dress is usually based on his upbringing with the fashion of Naboo and specifically Kaadara influencing it. He has proper posture and rarely slouches due to his formal upbringing.


Galen was born to Nathan Sook, the regent of Kaadara, on Naboo as the second of five children to two different mothers. Galen's mother, Sera Yorus, was the first wife of the regent and she perished giving birth to his third child when Galen was only 4 only a few weeks after he started school. His father remarried a year after her death to a woman named Ashleigh Keithel, who become Galen's mother-figure throughout the rest of his life. His father had him tutored by some of the best minds on the planet, but none of what he was taught was ever stuck in his head. As the second son, Galen wasn't as invested in learning the politics as his brother was. While his other siblings got more invested in taking after their father, Galen went to learn more practical lessons by sneaking out of his father's estate and going out in the ocean learning to boat, swim and fish.

As he grew up, Galen got less interested in his academic success and more interested in travel and the ocean. By the age of 13 Galen had never left the city of Kaadara aside from a few trips to the capital on official business, so he loved it when his father allowed him to attend meetings with off-world emissaries and listen to them describe their planets. The more he heard, the more his wanderlust grew and he wanted to leave the planet. Travel wasn't the only thing that captured Galen's interest, he also grew a deep love for the ocean and most of the free time of his life centered around learning about the sea. As such, Galen knows much about the marine life of Naboo and it's seas and life on the ocean. When he turned 15 his father was visited by an envoy from the Jedi Council for reasons unknown to Galen, but when Galen asked if he could attend a meeting with the man his father sternly told him off.

Galen could tell that his father was not happy that the Jedi was here and did not want him talking to Galen, but one day the two finally met in a hallway. The Jedi told him that he could feel the force in the young boy and asked if Galen wanted to go with him to the Jedi temple, but Galen's father interrupted the envoy and told him to leave Galen alone. But by then Galen's desire to leave Naboo had already made the decision for him, all he had to do was try to convince his father to let him leave. After many arguments between the two, Galen's father finally caved in and let him leave to go join the Jedi Order.


Galen's Lightsaber






Nathan Sook - Father
Sera Yorus - Biological Mother
Ashleigh Keithel - Step-Mother
Iric Sook - Older Brother
2 Younger Sisters and 1 Brother

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