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Character Gabriela Siegfried

Gabriela Siegfried



  • NAME: Gabriela Elayne Siegfried
    FACTION: None
    RANK: Duchess

    SPECIES: Human
    AGE: 31
    SEX: Female
    HEIGHT: 5'6"
    WEIGHT: 125 lbs
    EYES: Blue
    HAIR: Blonde
    SKIN: Fair

    • Stalwart: If there is anything that can be said about her it's that she is reliable, steadfast, and true. If she tells you that she will do something, expect it to be done.
    • Learned: Of all those in her family, she was the most interested in learning, and ready anything she could get her hands on, even studying old technical manuals that most people couldn't read any longer.
    • Beautiful: If she had not been such a high ranking member of society she would undoubtedly have been taken by the Empire. She has always been considered beautiful, and many vie for her hand as a result.
    • Obstinate: She is very set in her ways, and has been quite inflexible in making moves against the Empire.
    • Callous: Because of the nature of dealing with the Empire, she has become quite cold and unfeeling. While she cares enough to lead on the council and has retained the title of Duchess over the Earls of other houses, mundane problems are beneath her and she will sacrifice as she needs to.

  • The world of Oaken Dawn has largely been lost and forgotten by the galaxy. In fact, aside from those who first settled it and the Empire, it hasn't really been discovered and isn't to be found on most maps because of its location. For this reason, Gabriela grew up in a sort of medieval society with scant little technology outside of basic weaponry and armor. Their capabilities are easily dwarfed by the capabilities of the Empire that controls the world. As a child she was carefree and enjoyed running about and reading whatever she could get her hands on. She was also one of the few that wasn't able to be poisoned against her cousin Barrien. While his birth was shameful to their family, she could not bring it on herself to blame him for something he didn't have control over.

    From a young age, she was groomed to lead. While she had older siblings, none of them were suited for the task, their character flaws too egregious. As she grew older she failed to really express a flaw other than being quite set in her ways. Given that her ways were beneficial to not just herself but to others, it was easily ignored. She took to polearms the same as Barrien did, and the two often trained together as teens, even though her father didn't want it. She refused to let others tell her how to think. Of course, when Barrien disappeared, she became quite crossly disposed towards him and felt he had abandoned her when she had given him so much. This was the start of her fall into becoming ice-hearted. She knew of her aunt dying, but she did not know what that had to do with Barrien.

    Not until the Imperials came asking who had killed one of theirs. Her older brother, Erus, took the fall for that one, though he vehemently denied it. As a result, he had been killed and displayed in Niamathia for all to see; a reminder of Imperial domination.

    As she grew older, her father grew angrier with the Empire's occupation of their world. Unbeknownst to her, the then Duke Siegried had allied himself with many others, including the father of Leda Elariel, and was planning to fight against the occupation. At the same time as Leda's family was killed, so was the Duke. This left a power vacuum that Gabriela was forced to step into. Now she leads not only the family but has the place of power on the Council because of her family's level of power in their society. She will gladly sacrifice to maintain peace with the Empire, and turns a blind eye to their theft of women from among the Dawnites. The pleasing of distraught fathers and forlorn lovers are nothing but noise to her. If it keeps them from being killed then she will accept it. Such is as it must be.

    Though she does, secretly, wish they could escape the Empire's rule. She has never voiced this to anyone. It is her secret.


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