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Gabriel Volturi

Gabriel Volturi

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NAME: Gabriel Volturi
FACTION: The Sith Empire
RANK: Sith Lord
SPECIES: Human (clone)
AGE: 34
HEIGHT: 6'1"
WEIGHT: 190 lbs.
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Dark Brown

Gabriel has been labeled an egotistical social Darwinist. However, he is a bit hard to pin down - mostly because he's nothing if not mercurial. One minute, he'll present himself as just your average, every day guy, if overly polite and a little shy. The next, he'll be in your face, telling you in low, near seductive tones exactly how he's going to kill you. Either way, however, there are a few constants when it comes to Gabriel.

He's obsessed with power, particularly when it comes to gaining new knowledge on lost darkside abilities. He's murdered more than one supposed friend, in his quest to better himself, claiming that the person was unworthy to share the knowledge with. He believes that all force users are broken and that he could fix them by killing them. He's also convinced that he, himself, is just as broken as the rest of them, and increasing his knowledge of the force will fix him. In clinical psychology this is known as covetous psychopathy.

He'll lie when it suits him, but he's not a pathological liar. If you know what he is, he'll stop trying to restrain himself on your behalf. He also won't kill normal people, if they're not in his way and he can avoid it, as there's really nothing for him to gain. The man needs attention like most people need air. Fear. Love. Hate. Respect. Whatever. It doesn't matter as long as his presence evokes some kind response.

Excerpt taken from Gabriel Volturi's Private Journal

I did not have a childhood. I was created, a clone who was matured before I even gained awareness. My life was created for the sole purpose to create the perfect Sith. The first in a vast army of Sith'ari. I was meant to be free from all restrictions. Prefect in my strength, power, and destiny. And in a way I did accomplish this, though to the detriment to the Sith Order.

I was created by a Sith Darth Ferredus and Gabriel Mazullo, a clone of the latter, as part of their Mimetic Project. It was an ancient Sith experiment many believed long dead. Darth Ferredus became my first Sith Master. He taught me about the force, introducing me to the many darkside philosophies, as well as an understanding of the lightside and its Jedi servants. He believed that in order for me to fulfill my destiny I must understand all aspects of the force and its followers.

For five years I trained tirelessly in the ways of the force. My master said I was a natural telekinetic, and had an innate grasp on controlling energy, whether it was kinetic, plasma, or the force, that was created by the conditions of the experiment I was created for. I possessed skills that few of my level could have ever dreamed of.

However, throughout those five years I never once left the Unknown Regions. I never met another Sith. I felt I was ready to be unleashed upon the galaxy and to help lead my fellow sith. During this time I took council from the third member of the project, a Chiss. She helped me realized that my talents were being wasted on Sith, and that if I was to fulfill my destiny I needed to unshackle myself from the bonds of the Sith. If only I had known than I was trading one bond for another I would have slain the Chiss where she stood.

So it was at these words that I drove my lightsaber into my Master's back while he slept, the irony that it was similar to the death of Darth Palagious was not lost on me. For the first time in my short life I experienced freedom and a sense of overwhelming power. My victory over my bonds was short lived however.

The Chiss woman had betrayed me. She'd betrayed all of us, manipulating the entire project to serve her own anti-force agenda. During my creation the Chiss woman had secreted a kill switch in my brain. A way of controlling all of the clones. For over a year I was a slaves of this chiss. I did her bidding, seeking to bring the Jedi and Sith down, and to create a government free from the influence of the force.

My mind was finally healed though by a Jedi, the wife of my template. I was finally free to follow my own destiny. Though it pained me I realized that my training was not complete, and that the only way to truly have mastery over the force I would have to return to the Sith to complete my progress. It was there that first met the Sith Lady Amara Ma. She was unlike my previous master who only wanted to use me for his own power. She taught for me to gain my own power and to jealously guard it against any pretenders.

It was during this training that I began to fully realize the power I possessed over energy. It was greater then even my master's ability. I was able to do more then just block or absorb the energy of an attack. I could turn that energy into my own, using it to fuel my power. That kind of power was surreal, and dangerous. I had to learn to sharpen myself against being manipulated by other Sith who wished to use my power to enhance their own. My training under the Sith Lady Amara went by fast until she finally declared me as a Sith Lord. I could have cared less about a rank within an order I cared little about, but it was the recognition of my power that I desired.

With my training completed I wondered the galaxy. During this time I tracked down all the knowledge on the force that had previously been unobtainable by my creators. I learned from many so called masters throughout the galaxy. I traveled to the Maw, the Unknown Regions, from Wild Space to the deep core, even extragalactic, all in my quest for more knowledge. All that I had learned during this time taught me one thing, all of the galaxy was energy and it was mine for the use. With this knowledge I had finally understood myself as I was meant to be, the next stage in the evolution of this universe.

After many years I returned to the Sith for a third time. It was then that my presence became known to the Dark Lord himself. Impressed by my power and my uncontainable personality the Emperor took me under his wings. During that time he taught me a few other lost Sith arts, including necromancy, all to prepare me for the role as one of his hands.
Like all Jedi and Sith the first thing Gabriel learned was Telekinesis. This power is perhaps his most favorite and he has since refined his skill to new and more practical ways. Gabriel is particularly fond of the Jensaarai version called Ballistakinesis, the act of accelerating small objects to near lethal velocities.
Part of the genetic process that saw to Gabriel's creation was an aim to enhance a force user's innate abilities. In the case of Gabriel it was discovered that he possessed a strength in abilities that fall under Tutaminis. He is capable of absorb kinetic and force energy and use those stored energies in his own force attacks, making his counter attacks that just more dangerous.
Force Lightning:
Force Lightning is one of Gabriel's least favorite abilities, but given the immense offensive capabilities of the skill he has taken the time to learn enough control to make it effective.
Blight is a sith necromancy spell that allows the caster to cause rapid aging in an opponent. The victim begins to suffer the effects of old age: Skin becomes pallid and thin, bones become brittle, and the victim may even begin to experience advanced effects of arthritis or other aliments of the elderly. The spell is not powerful enough to cause death directly, but a victim could die from a heart attack if undertaking strenuous activity, etc. This spell requires the caster to be touching his victim to work.
Sense the Sin:
Another sith necromancy spell, this power allows the caster into the soul of his victim, to ferret out his/her's greatest weakness. This could be anything from a low intelligence, or weak will to a derangement or just about anything else. This power is very useful in attempting to turn Jedi, or during interrogations.
Force Repulse:
An extremely powerful telekinetic Force power, similar in function to Force Push, and perhaps even more Force Blow, but on a far larger scale, akin to that of Force Wave, Force Repulse is known to gather loose objects, even Humans, and let out a powerful blow. The user would concentrate in the Force and violently push it outwards, creating rapidly-expanding kinetic ripples in space, flinging nearby objects away at high velocity.
Blood trail: A blood trail was a Force technique developed by the Nightsisters of Dathomir. With this technique, the Nightsister would use her own blood to mark her target (often a slave) and track them through the blood mark using the Force in case they escaped. The shed blood used for a blood trail could not be removed once the trail was set.
Curato salva: A focus on self-healing, the curato family of Force techniques was developed by early Jedi Masters as a way to stay fit and maintain endurance, extend their lifespans by staving off decay, and to flush out any poisons or diseases within their bloodstreams.

Gabriel is the result of genetic manipulation of his template's genes. While this process has made him genetically superior to the average human there was unforeseen side affects of the process. One of those issues was the fragmenting of his mind. Though his mind was eventually healed by the Jedi, Gabriel still suffers from fragments of missing time and forgotten information.

Gabriel also has a problem with tunnel vision. Sometimes he is so focused on the future and how he can shape it that he misses the ever changing nuances of the present that greatly effects his plans.

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