Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Fresh meat.

Ryan Slade

New was sometimes not a good thing. Even for who I was, a creation of the Pantheon project. Making super soldiers of the Galactic Empire. Before the operation, I was very small with a skinny build that resembled a skeleton. I was under five foot. Now I was at seven feet exactly. with the body of a man that was only seen on posterboards and holovids for some underwear ad. Though the man on the screen may have an easy life, I was the opposite.

I killed people for a living. It was who I was. Carrying weapons of all sorts when I was on my jobs. but now, I only carry my lightsaber with the very deep purple blade that reminded me of one that I loved long ago.

Dressed in simple jeans and a black t-shirt that had a red slant from my left shoulder to the bottom hem of my right side. I wore sneakers that looked extremely big for the shoe size. Being seven foot made your feet about the size of a normal man's head. I adjusted my shirt as I walked to the Training yard of other students.

I got a few looks because of my height, but most of all, because of how dark I looked. I had the ability to vanish from their sight, but decided against it. Grabbing my saber from my belt, I spoke fairly loudly. "I wish to have a master that can teach me the ways of the saber and the force."

Though my wish may not be granted soon, I would atleast like to learn from someone. Be it some force user or even just a man who knew how to fight. I wanted to learn. And was ready for almost anything.

From across the training yard, Somarae watched as the giant of a man approached and requested, no, she corrected herself, demanded, to be taught. For someone so newly arrived at the Citadel, he was eager, she had to give him that. Unfortunately he also seemed brash and unsubtle.

Czar. No doubting it.

She strode forward, clad in the yellow and white robes of a ranked Inquisitor, arms folded in front of herself as she regarded Ryan slowly, "I'm not sure who brought you here, soldier, but if you wish to learn our ways I can begin your instruction."

She frowned slightly at seeing the hilt in his hand, "Put your weapon away. You will not need it until you are ready, and you are not ready until I say so. Are we clear?"

It must have made quite the sight; the smaller, slender woman making demands of the giant. If anyone else in the training yard found it funny, however, they weren't laughing.

@[member="Ryan Slade"]

Ryan Slade

Among the people that stood around me. The few who were even there, stared at me as though I were crazy about the force training. But none the less, a woman with blue skin and red eyes, Chiss? came to me and spoke about teaching me. She paled to my height, I could probably pick her up with one hand. But, I declined to do so. I stayed quiet as the woman told me to put the lightsaber away. I nodded my head as she told me that I would only use it until she thought I was ready.

I already knew how to use the lightsaber. I had in the past, but none the less It was placed on my belt for much later use. Nodding my head rather than saying more words. I was large, and some may have thought of me being loud and obnoxious like I had been a minute ago. But I only acted that way to get peoples attention. Really I was as quiet as the rock that sat in a room.

I then waited for my next instructions as per my new teacher.

She nodded slightly at his prompt obedience. A good sign. Maybe this one had potential after all. And an agent within the Czars would certainly help to keep an eye on the rest of them.

"Very good. While you are within these grounds, you are to address me as Song. If you should ever encounter me outside of the Citadel, you do not know me. You have never seen me. Our identities outside of this place are wholly separate. Only our duty to the Empire carries through between them."

She turned her head to look at the other members of the Inquisition in the training yard, waving her hand to signal them back to their prior activity.

"Now tell me, initiate. What brought you to us? It's most unusual for one of the Czars to be recruited into our number... I doubt you feared death."

Her presence in the force had been suppressed until that moment, but some of her power began to show through as she extended her senses outwards.

@[member="Ryan Slade"]

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