Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Forty strokes less one (Terminus System)

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
There was a time it didn't take much to start a war, but times changed. War was bound to happen anyway, but having it happen in the right place was the trick. He needed a few things first. To start a war where he wanted it he would need people, three thousand in this case and he needed them to work for free.

The man stepped off the boarding ramp of the old passenger transport and sat down his pack. Terminus was the kind of place where nearly anything could be found. He walked toward the business district there was an arena, and a Crime Lord with a slave ship. He had work to do.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
For Kyr the underbelly of society was home and he knew it well. His booted feet carried him quickly toward his destination and his simple duraplast armor was light enough that he made the trip quickly. A quick bribe to a dtreet kid and a veiled threat to a ganger were all it took to put him at Gordosa's pit. The big Hutt wasn't here they had said but one of his lieutenants was and that wpuld be enough.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
"Take me to the Pit." he said to the thug at the door.

"You wouldn't last 5 minutes in th..." the thug started before the hilt of a vibroblade was protruding from beneath his chin and he was slowly sinking to the grimy duracrete.

Kyr squatted down over the quivering corpse and yanked his weapon free.

"You were saying?" Kyr said to the dead man.

Another thug appeared from the previously sealed door of the large permacrete building.

"You're going to pay for him." said the Barabel that filled the frame.

"Do you take trade?" Kyr said standing.

"Take it up with the boss. He doesn't like lost investments."

"Then he shouldn't invest in losers." Kyr replied, "lead the way."

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
Vindart watched as the Mandalorian was escorted into the building. He had taken the form of a Talz maintenance tech and stood on a ladder replacing a power coupling for the droid repair bay doors as he saw the Mando. The man was in no way overly intimidating in size but the way he carried himself said looks could be deceiving. Vin had been here for two months working and feeding information to an employer that paid to remain anonymous and was told that a Mando would be coming to do a big job. Vin took a guess that this was him.

Vin finished his work as the Mando was lead into the crime boss lieutenant's office and watched as the door close behind them. He knew it was time to get to his real job. He only hoped the Mando was as good as he was lead to believe.

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