Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Fort Justice

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  • Intent: To flesh out a major Military Base on Voss
  • ​Image Credit: Here
  • Canon: No
  • Links: Voss Ka (Voss)
  • Military Base Name: Fort Justice
  • Classification: Joint Base (Naval/Army)
  • Location: Outside of Voss Ka, on the border of the City
  • Affiliation: Voss Confederation
  • 50,000 Army Personel
  • 30,000 Naval Personel
  • 15,000 Civillian Workers
  • Accessibility: Fort Justice is guarded with only ten access points. Authorized Civilian visitors are allowed, and even encouraged. Without them the base could not function. There is a smaller compound inside the larger base that has only three access points and a bunker deeper below that, where the important leaders of the Confederacy can retreat in case one of them dies or there is a mass casualty attack.
  • Description: At a glance Fort Justice is the remnants of the old Airfield when Voss was ruled by the Silver Jedi. Acres and acres of land have been built up using materials and contractors from various companies. Around the Airfield are numerous hangars and dry docks for ships. Further afield entire Barracks, Offices, Armories and Motor Pools for various units that comprise the Battle groups as a whole. It is considered the heart of each Battle group.


  1. Justice Air field: A sprawling ten thousand meter airfield with tons of hangars and fuel facilities.
  2. High Command Complex: A small compound with reinforced walls and entry ways. A tower taller than any other tower in the skyline, called "Justice Tower" rises up, equipped with many AA defenses and comms relay dishes.
  3. Warrior Hall: A giant dome to host events, such as balls, speeches, training etc. Warrior hall is also the staple forum where troops and others can mingle and buy wares during the day.
  4. The Joint Operations Center: Nestled deep in the High Command Complex the joint operations center is th heart of almost all military movement and planning for the Confederacy. It has comms that reach the ends of the galaxy, and is the home of the staff that tracks any and all battle operations twenty fours hours a standard day.
  5. Dooms Day Bunker: The last resort, a bunker forty stories below the surface. One way in, one way out and enough supplies to hold off a siege for a standard year.


  • 1x- Planetary Shield: (Down sized to the base itself)
  • 500x Dual Turbo-laser Turrets
  • 300x Surface to Air Missiles
  • 500x Star Fighters
  • 500x Tanks
  • 1000 Fixed Fighting positions (Towers with guns)
  • Walls


Historically the Airfield at Voss was light in its foot print. That changed when the Silver Jedi left, and abandoned the planet and sector to their own devices. Under threat of attack from any number of threats one of the first big projects of the Confederacy was to quickly construct a power base from which to operate.

Using multiple contractors, and pulling in much of their supplies from Tillian's Trade company, they drove the project forwards for months. Every asset went into the base to make it a highly defensible stronghold, which they could fall back to in case of a total critical mass event.

It serves as the home Fort for all three Confederacy Battle Groups.


Well-Known Member
[member="Colap Ticon"]

Colap Ticon said:
Location: Outside of Voss Ka, on the border of the City
  • Please link the planet article/submission.

Colap Ticon said:
Affiliation: Voss Confederation
  • If this is a faction / company, please link it.

Colap Ticon said:
1000x Dual Turbo-laser Turrets 300x Surface to Air Missiles 1000x Star Fighters 500x Tanks 3000 Fixed Fighting positions (Towers with guns)
  • Tone this down by a decent margin, please.

Zeradias Mant

Democracy Dies in Darkness
[member="Colap Ticon"]

  • Please provide links to the Wiki or Factory-approved submissions for each of your defenses.
  • Please add a solid paragraph or two. You say that the base was previously relatively small, and after the Silver Jedi Order's official departure, it was quickly built up since then. It might be beneficial to expand upon why and how the construction of the base was decided. You could also touch on the change of power to the Voss Confederation, the resources used/acquired to build it, or any number of other relevant things.
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