Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Force Demons

I have in the works, right now, a species submission for a Force Demon species. I wanted to make the related to the Netherworld, more specifically Chaos. Now, before we go pointing out things, yes I have done enough research to understand the Force Demons are nothing more but various alien species that are more or less more unique to the Star Wars universe rather than actual demons like Sith Spawn maybe considered.

But I am indeed going on the dark edgy edge and trying to make them a little more like Christian Demonology types, Princes, Barons, Knights etc (for those who know about the Solomon and Dante's Inferno.). I was wondering how frowned upon some concepts I want to give them would be, and various other things I am about to list.

The first being this: I want to give the ability for each of these beings to have their own little realms in the Netherworld (something like the Daedra Princes in Elder Scrolls and the Circles of Hell). I also would think it would be cool to have them be able to teleport there whenever they wished. What are you opinions on this?

The second: I also wanted them to feed on the life force of others (similar to Energy Vampires). What do you think of this?

The third concept being: Tying them into a faction I wanted to make based around demonic worshiping that was actually surprisingly common Star Wars. Thoughts?

These are what I am worried about so far with this species. I feel like maybe I am trying to make them too much like demons and this will get that nasty denied stamp on them. Buuuut....I kinda want exactly that with them. Demons.
Your fears are well-grounded.

You should have waited to get feedback here before submitting and I'm about to put a big ol' denied stamp on that submission.

I will go more into the why in the submission itself. You have a lot of work cut out for you as of this moment with the race and I suggest, in the future, that you not jump the gun on things like this. We are more than willing to work with you in the Codex, but it has to fit the genre of SW. At this point, it does not.

[member="Azazel Daeva"]

I figured it would. I didn;t know what else to do with what I had. So I decided to just throw it up, and if it got denied to work on it with a second chance.
[member="Azazel Daeva"]

My suggestion for you if you wish to pursue a second chance on that submission is to work on it here, in the open, so that you can get both public and Codex Staff feedback before you move to reopen the submission.
It's not really a "thing" so much as it is a way that some members have worked on submissions in the past wherein they were having difficulty achieving their original ideas. The memberbase of Chaos is a good wellspring of canon lore knowledge to pull from. Here in the open Codex Discussion the Judges can volunteer their time to help you work things out before you are ready for an official second chance look. You'll want to be ready regardless, as if you fail to get approved on the second chance, there is no third.

[member="Azazel Daeva"]
[member="Silencia"] You bore me mage-ling.

[member="Azazel Daeva"] Dont apologize for saying your own idea. You tried and that is whats important. In fact if you really wanna be a Demon looking species then check these dudes out.

Stenax. Their mean big, demonic looking and can fly. Only thing their missing is the force. Speaking of force... Sith Lords and general force users can feed off the force which is similar to a energy vampire. Also Nether portals still exist if you wanna travel there the portals are on Csilla and Brokeilla. Break a leg.
There are similar entities... I play with some on my alchemist, Ostanes. This guy probably will too. The important distinction is to keep flavor in aesthetics and approach. Your sub went a bit far south. I am guilty of often overplaying my influence (my Mando based off Tony Stark, Jedi off of Malcolm Reynolds, etc..)... But as I have learned, the important thing in an homage like this or such is to, rather than import wholesale, give nods to the inspiration in the new creations flavor. Maybe have them be an alchemically altered or sithspawned variant of Sith Purebloods or Massassai? Red skinned. 'Evil'... You could give them horns (I would avoid wings and tails) and talons. But it's still mostly Star Wars in origin.


Disney's Princess
Azazel Daeva said:
I want to give the ability for each of these beings to have their own little realms in the Netherworld
Yes. But the Netherworld is not a realm they would 'control'. Simply spawn from.

Azazel Daeva said:
I also would think it would be cool to have them be able to teleport there whenever they wished.
No. Teleporting vast /eternal distances is OP.

Azazel Daeva said:
I also wanted them to feed on the life force of others
If they spawn in a realm devoid of natural law and matter, then why?

Azazel Daeva said:
Tying them into a faction I wanted to make based around demonic worshiping that was actually surprisingly common Star Wars.
Sure. But this just sounds like fluff anyway. Easy as pie.

Azazel Daeva said:
trying to make them a little more like Christian Demonology types
Sure. Just go easy on their lore being too Christian'y. If it screams Diablo or Dante's or Bible Weekend at Grandma's? It won't fly. :p

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