Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Force Deadening

I know people have done this before on here, at least I've read about people who were Force dead that could not naturally be. I'm curious if anyone on here knows how to accomplish this and would be willing to RP with me about it.
[member="Maris Jolner"] [member="Damien Daemon"] is correct, but you should be warned, it's not a pleasant thing, and it doesn't confer anything other than an inability to touch the Force yourself. Essentially turns you into a non-Force User.

May I ask why you're interested in this?
My aim is more for what the Yuuzhan Vong have, IE to not be felt in the Force or manipulated in the same way most people are. Essentially, because Maris views the Force as an abomination, he wants no part of it and wants it out of him.
[member="Maris Jolner"] Ah, I see what you're going for. Insofar as I'm aware, this is impossible to achieve: the Yuuzhan Vong were parted from the Force by the predecessor of Zenoma Sekot, and through means never elaborated on in the EU.

I suppose you might technically be able to achieve something similar if you had your character 'Vongformed' in some fashion, but even the few known examples of this (particularly Tahiri Veila) never became immune to the Force. As far as I know, it's simply not possible.
Jorus Merrill said:
Wear a ysalamir or cram your body full of void stone dust.
[member="Jorus Merrill"] True, having a Ysalamir with you would do the job, but they don't live too long away from Myrkr. He'd have to strap one to a nutrient frame and carry it around, the way Thrawn had some of his troops do. I am curious as to what the heck Void Stone Dust is, though. I've never heard of it, either, so I'm guessing it's something that was whipped up at the Factory here?


Well-Known Member
I do believe at one point that a character made a bit of fluff, by means of going to a lab and working with men there to create a bonding agent with his blood. The result was midichlorians being entirely erased - in the sense we know them. They were there, but might as well have not for the use available.

This was the writers way of saying he was Force Dead.

You could try something like that.

[member="Maris Jolner"]

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