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Force Colossi

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A Force Colossus defends itself from a Rogue Hunter. [Credits]
  • Intent: To give context and background to a form of life that played a large part in the history of my planet - Lumiea. This species is only to be used with express permission and a subsequent development thread (or two) to prevent over-population in order to maintain my intent of creating a rare life-form.
  • Image Credit(s): The images are credited underneath the applicable image.
  • Canon: N/A
  • Links: Lumiea, Lumiean Republic

  • Name: Force Colossi (Singular: Force Colossus)
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Homeworld: Lumiea
  • Language:
    ​Ancient Lumi'ain
  • Galactic Standard Basic

[*]Average Lifespan: 300-600 Standard Years (Depending on the strength of the Master's Force)
[*]Description: Although initially intimidating in appearance, the Force Colossi are very gentle and wise. Their muscular body structure is formed by a variation of rock types and shapes kept together by the life force of a previous Master of the Force. As they age, flora such as moss or ivy begins to grow through the joints in their rocky body and their appearance becomes more of that of an old human male with flora sprouting from the lower face to imitate the look of facial hair. Strangely enough, all Force Colossi form in the shape similar of that of a human male - even if the life force within the shell is that of a female. The shell itself, however, lacks any gender and can not reproduce.
  • Breathes: None required - though pollen aids in sustaining and prolonging a colossus' life.
  • Average Height: 11'1" - 13'3"
  • Average Length: N/A
  • Skin Colour: Dependent on the type of rock. Typically Grey.
  • Hair Colour: Dependent on the type of flora. Typically Green and Brown.
  • Distinctions:
    ​Large, Muscular Structure consisting of various Rock Types.
  • Sprouting Flora from the joints of the Rocky Structure.
  • Male and Female Specimens look very similar.
  • Aged or Ageing specimens start to become more overtaken by Flora.
  • All Individuals have glowing hearts made from unique Kyber Crystals containing the life-force of the Jedi Master.

[*]Races: N/A
  • Earth-Moving: The Colossi are strong. There's no two ways about it, they are ridiculously strong (physically) - though they tend not to use this strength on the offensive.
  • Wise: Carrying over the knowledge from their previous life and gaining knowledge in their new one, the Colossi have the potential to see hundred of years go by. They learn things that other sentient beings can only imagine.
  • Foresight: Although they can not use the force in other ways, they do have the gift of foresight - one they use to their advantage.
  • Nature's Armour: The Colossi take advantage of some of the strongest armour in the galaxy, nature. Depending on the rock they use, they can potentially withstand quite a bit of damage.

  • ​Where's my Force: The Colossi are sustained by the force - this means all of their energy is focused on this particular endeavour. Therefore, there is no energy left for the Colossi to use the force for anything else - and if they choose to their body will begin to give way.
  • I Can Hear You!: The Colossi are large, heavy beings made out of stone - it is safe to say that stealth is most certainly not an option for them.
  • Slow: A Jedi Colossus is a very slow moving creature and has trouble moving it's joints properly and smoothly - making it essentially useless in close-range engagements where the enemy can move.
  • Fragile Heart: The Kyber Crystals containing the life-force of the Jedi are extremely fragile and - if they manage to reach it - can be destroyed with ease by an enemy.

  • Diet: Though technically Colossi not need food, pollen helps sustain their life-force. Also, although they are immune to most poisons, the Naka plant (native to Lumiea) still has it's effect on Colossi. When consumed the Naka plant will cause extreme drowsiness and unconsciousness within minutes.
  • Communication: Speech.
  • Technology Level: Colossi tend to avoid technology at all times - and so typically rely on crude tools and their strength in most situations.
  • Religion/Beliefs: Technically speaking, the Colossi carry on their philosophies and beliefs from their previous lives - though these beliefs could change during their new lives.
  • General Behaviour:
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