Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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For Honour [Jared]

~Void Station
Mara Corridor
Mid Rim~

Mia was angry. She was angry with everything and nothing. She was fed up of being on the Veil, yet she hated space stations so when Rel had said they needed to restock and parked them here Mia's frustration only seemed to worsen. Caught between a rock and a hard place she dragged herself away from her beloved ship, from her better half and simply walked. Armour no longer covered with the gore or scorch marks from the fun above Hebrides but the dents still fresh she stomped along hoping to walk off whatever was winding her up.

Trying to reintegrate herself with the mandalorians was proving to be harder than expected and she didn't help matters by disappearing for months on end, unable to resist the call of Jorus's parties. A raid on Styx had left her furious with a sith stupid enough to attack them upon the Gypsymoth. Determined to repay the man in kind she'd started her hunt, dropping in on the Fringe Leadership requesting assistance to locate their attacker. It had gone well, aside from on arrogant man questioning her honour. She'd unleashed some of her anger alongside Jorus once more, killing Bando Gora. She'd almost felt better, then @[member="Jared Ovmar"] had opened his mouth again and she had walked away, despite the desire to teach the pup a lesson about honour.

She stopped in her tracks, realising she had not been paying attention to where she was walking and was, for all intensive purposes lost. "Feth." she muttered.
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
Sometimes Jared questioned his own wisdom, kind of like today. Waking up on a station in the middle of nowhere, without any recollection how he got here in the first place. Not really a good way to start the day, not really a good representation of his position in the world. It seemed that the combination of alcohol and access to a fast starship was.. well.. a terrible idea really. So here he was aimlessly wandering through the station and trying to remember where he parked his ship, it had to be here somewhere. That was when the Lord of the Fringe was ambushed by a bunch of thugs.

It certainly had a vague reminding effect on him; from a past life and then it hit him. This was the way his new life had started, with an ambush and the meeting with a pretty girl that turned out to be one of the most powerful Force Users ever. There was a subtle difference though between then and now. It had something to do with the fact that he was not a little boy, pretending to be someone anymore.

Instead he -was- someone now and they would soon find that out. His hands were crossed behind his back, as icy blue eyes stared at the bandits. They were smiling, thinking they found a lousy rich guy in the slums. Tough luck for them.

A web of insanity descended upon them.

“You are nothing. You are nothing. You are nothing. NOTHING.”

...and so it started.

@[member="Mia Monroe"]
Thugs made an awful lot of noise when they got excited. Most people tended to keep their heads down and ignore the disturbance. Plead ignorance and offer no help for the pure and simple fact that if you were dumb enough to get yourself into such a situation then that was your own problem. Mia on the other hand, stopped to watch. She'd dealt with all levels of thugs in her past, from the lowliest theif to the burliest henchman and all of them she'd sent away with their tails between their legs. Once upon a time the name Mia Monroe but fear into the eyes of smugglers and lowlifes.

Another lifetime ago. Still Mia was drawn to the noise anyway, she paused a little way from them, recognising Ovmar and smirking. She leant upon the wall to watch. "Lets see what this arrogant vaar'ika is really worth." she muttered to herself.

@[member="Jared Ovmar"]
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
She would see that a Master Mentalist at work was not a joke to behold. The thugs were slowly descending into madness, attacking each other and screaming their lungs out in imaginary pain. The horrors they saw were probably unspeakable... or they were just sissies. That was a big possibility. In the meanwhile, Jared stood at the center of it, his eyes closed and his hands still crossed behind him.

Then suddenly a grenade exploded in his face, Forcebreaker; so there was no real damages.. well except for his pride and Force Abilities. Some of the thugs were already so far gone that they would not be able to recover. The others not so much, slowly they regained their composure. Seeing their victim turned-hunter turned-victim again, they let loose a hoot and started ganging up on him.

Jared was well-versed in fighting with his bare hands, he had to be; growing up in the Understreets. But there were still like.. five or six bastards left, this was a losing fight.

@[member="Mia Monroe"]
Mia watched the fight with interest, trying to understand what had happened and why the things were turning on one another. Then it dawned on her. "You've gotta be kidding me." A mentalist. Such attacks had been Velok's greatest weakness, but that wasn't to say he didn't have the knowledge to combat them, he just simply didn't practice such skills himself. Mia didn't like it. Using your brains to win a fight strategically was one thing, but this? There was no honour in it. Then someone clocked it, dropped a forcebreaker and the game shifted dramatically.

Jared was losing. She couldn't deny that the though gave her pleasure, but despite it, Mia couldn't just just stand-by and watch. She let out a sigh and moved forward. A gauntleted fist slammed into the spine of the first thug she came to, something cracked and he dropped screaming. She didn't wait for the two either side of him to react, she drove an elbow into the gut of the first doubling him over and bringing to her level so she could give him a Keldabe kiss. His nose exploded and his lip split, he staggered back. Something scraped against her armour, she seized the wrist of a vibroblade wielder, snapping it back against itself with a sickening crack, before shattering the man's cheekbone with a forceful punch. Three out of how many?

It didn't matter, realising they were outmatched, they ran, leaving their paralysed friend behind. Mia pulled free her blaster and shot hit, silencing the whimpering. She looked towards Jared, blaster still in her hand, cogs turning madly in her brain. She could kill him, just like that. Without the force he was no match for her, but then what would that achieve? She holstered the blaster reluctantly.
@[member="Jared Ovmar"]
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
Just when he thought he was done for... -she- comes along to rescue his backside. To be happy.. or not that was the eternal question, in the end he decided to be courteous. Even though he had the feeling she had been about to shoot him. Then again, might be he deserved it. The Mandalorian culture was interesting to say the least, in the past he had only focused on their language; but he had come with the epiphany that -maybe- just -maybe- doubting her word so bluntly was the wrong way to go with it.

Though now would not be the time to say something. It would only be seen as a 'Thank You for saving my ass.' instead of a genuine apology. Instead he just nodded to her.

"You have my thanks, miss. Monroe. Can I buy you a drink as a thank you? I fear we have started on the wrong foot."

@[member="Mia Monroe"]
What a sudden change of heart. It was incredible how quickly people changed their opinions of you when you were all that stood between them and death. Should have shot him, she thought to herself, her thumb stroking the butt of her her blaster as she considered his offer.

"No." she said curtly "But you can buy me a drink to apologise."

A smirk was hidden beneath her helmet, she wondered how much she could make the hubris fill runt squirm.

@[member="Jared Ovmar"]
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
The fact of the matter was that there had been no opinion on Mia, not even when he had been questioning her word. He had just been doing his job, though for some people that would be hard to understand. Either way, say one thing about the Lord of the Fringe, say he knows when he has been in the wrong. Though she would be mistaken if she thought he would go through dust, just to get her to forgive him.

"That... I can do. Lead the way, because I am afraid I am a little bit lost here."

@[member="Mia Monroe"]
Mia shook her head, hands reaching up to remove her helmet she hooked it onto her belt and gave him the once over. The ruffled look of his clothes, fight aside, gave her the impreesion it was yesterdays outfit.

"I'm gonna hazard a guess and say that you haven't a frakking clue what station you're even on." she smiled slightly, a genuine smile without malice or hidden contempt. She'd be in his shoes before, a lifetime ago perhaps, but she'd been there.

"Come on." she said leading the way back towards the docks and, hopefully, the bars.

@[member="Jared Ovmar"]
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
A bit confused Jared returned the smile, she seemed genuine. Strange how situations could change in the blink of an eye, not that he would complain. There was something about the girl that made him like her, blunt, straight-forward and a tendency to say exactly what was on her mind.

It reminded him of himself, ages ago, back when life still seemed.. well straight-forward to him. But that time had passed and he had come to terms with the fact that life, in fact, was not a fair place. Children were abandoned, mothers died and hunger ruled the streets. Hard. But real.

Even still, he could appreciate a woman who spoke her mind.

“That obvious, huh?”

Without adding anything else they walked for a while, for a second Jared suspected that she was as lost as he had been. But then they finally arrived at a bar, sweet heaven finally.

As they entered, he could not help but notice the establishment's unsavory crowd. They resembled the thugs that had attacked him... quite a lot. Let's pray there won't be a rehearsal of the past.

@[member="Mia Monroe"]
In a former life, Mia Monroe was a name to be feared among thugs and smugglers. Space stations like this was where she had made her living, in the wider galaxy she was just another smuggler and treasure hunter, but in the world of criminals she was known. Now, her name was known across the galaxy, Mand'alor the Liberator, bearer of Velok's memories, ruthless and cold.

One or two eyes swung their way, but a few recognised Mia and averted their gaxe quickly enough. "Relax," she told Jared, noting the way his eyes were surveying the unruly crowd "They know this is the worst place to pick a fight." she led the way to the bar, and settled herself on a stool as the barkeep approached them. "Whiskey." she requested, leaving Jared to order his own. "I heard Ashin got to Zaiden before I could."
@[member="Jared Ovmar"]
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
If anything Jared was relaxed, but years in the Underworld had taught him to always be wary, never lose sight of your enemies. Reputation was worth a lot, but numbers.. they made men stupid and do stupid things. He was not going to point that out though, the Lord was too wary to get into another extended discussion with the former Mandalore herself.

He sat down next to her, and thought about it for a second.

Play weak when you are strong. Play strong when you are weak.”

Wise words. Words that had helped him through a lot of hard years.

“Wodka. Leave the bottle.”

He shifted in his chair, trying to ignore the burning sensation in his back. Was it that beating that he had received, or the eyes that were watching him?

For a while he just sat there, then he manned himself up. Gulping down one shot, Jared regarded his drinking companion.

“Was not the plan. Can never trust people like Zaiden. Seemingly he had been spying on us, stealther...”

His nose wrinkled in disgust, spying on his own people, his family. Low. Very low and it was something Jar' would never forgive Zaiden, not in life nor in death.

If Ashin wanted to be all the grieving person, he would let her. But Jared would not have any part in that.

“Tried to sent his zombie armies at us, needless to say Ashin was not amused.” he chuckled softly. “Reckon Zaiden had not been expecting that much of a swift and decisive move by us. That meant his end.”

He took another shot.

“Though, truth to be told. Don't think Ashin wanted to kill him, she seemed shocked.” a snort appeared. “We all were. With all his boasting, we imagined he would put up more of a fight.”

@[member="Mia Monroe"]
Mia sighed, twisting the glass of whiskey slowly in her hand. "I have a lot of respect for Ashin, I know she wouldn't have killed him intentionally, still..." she raised her glass and downed the remaining contents. The burning sensation formed a distraction for the anger that bubbled beneath the surface. Always so angry, Mia.

She sat up a little straighter and rapped the bar for another drink, the tender left her the bottle and shifted away, watching them both from the corner of his eye. Never a good sign when people needed the bottle. "Zaiden was a man who failed to see the consequences of his actions, something that a lot of people in this galaxy are guilty of. They are better off dead and buried. Though I will be damned if I believe that is the last we will see of him."

Sith had a tendency to find a way to survive when their body could not. Essence transfer. It was how Velok had survived, she had the knowledge, but not the power. A darkness whispered at the back of her mind, soon, it said. She suddenly felt disgusted with herself and it flashed across her face for a moment. She'd lost herself in her mind, forgotten for a moment that she was with Jared. She looked away, slowly drawing herself out of the darkness of her own mind and back to reality. "Sorry," she said as she refilled her glass, but offered no explanation for her sudden silence. "What will you do if he comes back?"

@[member="Jared Ovmar"]
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
Again he neglected to point something out, this time the fact that Transfer Essence was a very rare Force Power and even more so it was hard and tiresome. This time he neglected to point it out, because... well she had not voiced the possibility.

Jared looked away, as the lass was battling her own demons. Did not seem proper, looking on as one was trying to control their own lust for power, vengeance or whatever else. Everyone had their darkside, and it seemed this girl knew hers. Just like he knew his.

How far was she from total darkness, it was a question that entered his mind and left it immediately after. Not a proper question. And it reminded him of his own choices, his path was set and there was no turning back now.

“Kill him again. This time making sure he won't come back. He betrayed my family. Reckon family is the only true thing you can count on, in this sick and demented world.”

He ignored her apology, there had been nothing to apologize about. Instead he offered his glass in salute, as an acknowledgment.

“To the darkness that dwells, and to our wisdom or lack of that keeps us on the straight and narrows.”

@[member="Mia Monroe"]
Mia smiled slightly at the salute "Speak for yourself." she said in response but saluted with her drink nonetheless. What was straight and narrow in a galaxy bent by war? Jared was right about one thing. Family was everything. To Mia, her friends were her family and she would take out anyone that threatened their existence. She studied the man next to her, wondering if, despite his insult when they first met, whether he could be considered a friend. Time would tell. "To family." she suggested before taking a sip of her drink.

"Keep me in the loop, won't you?" she asked "I still want to mount that bastards head on a spike."

@[member="Jared Ovmar"]
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
There was not straight and narrow, the salute had been in irony and mayhaps a bit of mockery directed at himself. The darkness had always been part of him, and probably always would until it destroyed him. He had come to peace with that, not much else you could do once you took the path. Keep at it, never budge and never give up. Things that had kept him alive then and now.

“To family.”

Most important thing in the Galaxy, but what if you didn't have any family to speak of? As he gulped down his poison, his thoughts touched upon Spencer and Ashin. Where where they now? Only Sargon was left, and even he did not often leave Bakura. Bad health it was said, and a severe lack of time.

Jared felt isolated, but a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. No use in sitting here and feeling sorry for himself. The Confederation was his family, and he would take care of it as if it was his own child. One way or another. He would protect it, even against itself.

“First one I will call, if I receive word. Planning on going to Val'Halla anyway. Set things right. Right man for the right job, I reckon. Wish to accompany me? Might be we encounter that worm there. Always loved the sound of his own voice, that one. Might be he could not help himself, but to return to his puppets.”

@[member="Mia Monroe"]
Mia shook her head. "No, my people need me now, but if you get something concrete, I'm there, without hesitation. I'm not chasing ghosts around, If I do that, I might as well start looking for Velok while I'm at it." That was a path she didn't want to walk down. Finding Velok's spirit would only end badly. If Zaiden did come back from the dead, let him show his face in whatever form he chose first. Then she would start the hunt again.

"If, you have anything more substantial that you need hunting in the mean time, I'd be happy to oblige though." she raised her glass, pausing as it reached her lips. "For a price mind you." she took a sip.

@[member="Jared Ovmar"]
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
As he resettled himself into his chair, Jared took a sip from his drink and regarded the woman next to him. She was a tough girl, that much was for sure. Seemed like she did not hate him anymore, or at least was not thinking of all the ways she could cut his head off.

Mandalore, Jared knew not a lot about the Mandalorian culture, besides a general knowledge on their language. But he had been surprised to know that women could become a Mandalore in their own right.

It was not that Jared had any prejudice against them, far from it. With women like Spencer and Ashin as his role-models.. well you get a certain image of what women in general are capable of. The Lord had just not expected the Mandalorians to see it the same way.


At any rate, she was capable. Even without the Force, with might come in handy. Especially since it was just proven that without the Force he was still useless. That stung, but it was a lesson worth learning. Jared would have to train more, become a weapon without the Force. Regardless how hard it would be.

“Might have a few jobs for you. Cash ain't a problem, depends on how much you like to get your hands dirty.”
He too took a gulp from his glass.
“Will keep in touch, for the jobs and for our.. mutual friend.”
@[member="Mia Monroe"]​
Mia raised an eyebrow. She might have been a woman, but she was a mandalorian. "My hands are always dirty, Jared. There comes a point where you just can't wash it off." She finished her drink and slid from the barstool. The man before her was not a fool. His previous insults hadn't been personal and she had know that in her heart but anger was often blinding, ombined with blood lust there was no chance of seeing anything rationally.

"You're alright, Jared." She said after a moment of scrutiny. "Stay out of trouble, and keep in touch." Clapping him on the shoulder she ran an eye over the thugs in the bar and smiled, leaving Jared to his own devices.

@[member="Jared Ovmar"]

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