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Fleet Tournament Round One: Ardak Serifen vs Darth Carach

[member="Ardak Serifen"] [member="Darth Carach"]

Round One takes place in an asteroid field, denser than most but not as suicidally dense as the Hoth asteroid field.

Don't say what damage the other side takes. Feel free to say what damage you think they might take, or what damage your character believes they've taken. Round One will end in two weeks, Thursday the 12th, at 6PM.

Each side has a single Nebulon-B frigate (hangar empty), four CR90 Corvettes, two squadrons of X-Wings and two squadrons of Y-Wings. These are real ships, but the weapons are set to electronic dummy mode.

You both begin slightly outside turbolaser range, at a dead stop, inside the asteroid field.

Participants are reminded that battle meditation is not permitted.

Rekali the Hutt

B = Nebulon B Frigate
CR = CR-90 Corvette
X = 1 X-Wing Squadron(12 X-Wings)
Y = 1 Y-Wing Squardon(12 Y-Wings)
DC = Location of Darth Carach's Fleet

Ardak Serifen's fleet advanced towards [member="Darth Carach"]'s, with two CR-90 corvettes taking point ahead of the Nebulon B Frigate. The X-wing Squadrons were to the right and left of the Frigate around the ship's 'neck' while the less maneuverable Y-wings followed from behind the X-wings, while the other two CR-90's were on the outside of the X-wing Squadron respectively. They'd maintain position until their enemy, and thus the enemy's positioning, was revealed. No sense going into battle and opening fire without knowing where things were after all.

Hira Mitsae

Ain't No Rest For The Wicked
In the grand scheme of things Serock Hoath wasn’t an especially intelligent man, neither did he believe in the slow and careful approach. Perhaps this would be his undoing in the current fleeting skirmish, that was a distinct possibility. But with his drinking flask in hand, slouching just a tad bit on one of the computers scattered across the bridge of the Nebulon he simply pondered for a while.

Eventually he started relaying orders.

Soon before long the squadrons of X and Y-wings scattered across the asteroids, sensory equipment would be able to disconcern them, but that was hardly the point of the exercise. The Nebulon stayed in place, two CR90’s staying approx. diagonal of the Frigate.

The remaining two CR90’s started a diagonal course to the left and right.

[member="Ardak Serifen"]​

Rekali the Hutt

The sensor’s of Ardak’s vessels showed about four dozen vehicles scattering into the asteroid field while two large vehicles went down and away from Ardak’s fleet. Commanding his entire fleet to move to his right to get out of the range of the advancing left CR-90 he had his two right-most CR-90’s and his Nebulon B-Frigate engage turbolasers on the lone right CR-90. He wouldn’t be far out of turbolaser range from the left corvette of course, but it would buy him a little time, and with three vessels engaging the right Corvette it likely wouldn’t last long, or do much retaliation. With all of the CR-90’s engines in the rear making a diagonal course meant exposing the CR-90’s large port side, giving Ardak a better target and stopping it from firing it’s two starboard turbolasers. His own right CR-90’s would turn slightly to forward face the incoming right corvettes, while his left CR-90’s would turn slightly left to forward face the slightly-out-of-range CR-90 on his left. The Y-wings would stay in the back while the X-Wings maintained defensive positions in the front, ready for the inevitable fighter attack from behind the asteroids.


Red = Serock's Fleet
Orange = Turbolaser Fire
Green = Ardak's fleet
Arrows = Orientation

Distances and sizes not representative of actual(Well, fictional) distance or scale.

[member="Serock Hoath"]

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