Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Finding the old me.

Recently rose had been looking for the right person to help he go "secure" something special of hers and she looked though james old contact and found a "smuggler" to help her. She contacted this person and told them to meet her in a bar. Rose wanted this certain job to be were only her and this contact to be the only ones who ever knew about it. Rose ordered a a drink for her self and one for who she was waiting for.

[member="Niyla Ar'i"]
Niyla has certainly had a long, restless week. It was just that time of the year. A few days ago she received a message from Justice shipping fleet, as in the [member="James Justice"] . The message came from an unknown caller, though despite being incredibly busy she wasn't the type to turn down a deal, especially when it comes from a friend. It was about 3 days ago when Niyla was contacted. She was interested to say the least, the request was vague as they always seem to be. She had been working on relations with the cartel so it took her a considerable amount of time to get back with this particular contact. As she did she was a little bit taken back by what the contact had in mind, business was business though. Niyla didn't ask too many questions and promised to be there by the end of the week. And she would be, because she is there now.

The smuggler entered the planet where the bar was said to be. It was ironic, Niyla was never a bug fan of bars and cantinas, yet she seems to herself in them quite a lot. Huh.

As she entered the port she pulled back the auto thrusters for a perfect manual landing. She left the CS Alura on Dantoowine so she was flying her smaller y class. As she was settled onto the ground she cut off the transmission thrusters and powered down. Hopping out of the ship and walking into the bar. Here we go... she thought, chuckling to herself as she gripped her scabbard to make sure her staff was with her. He hissed out of aggravation, he hated being locked up like this but honestly it was this or she would be the target of every scum in this port looking to make credits off of a amphistaff. She entered the bar and sat down, looking for the contact.

[member="Rose Blade"]
Rose had been sitting more towards the front near the door because usually people think they will sit near the back. Rose saw the contact james had used before she waited till she sat down to move towards her. Rose grabbed her drink and went over to the counter sliding it over to the bartender and showed him two fingers. Once the bartender turned around he gave her his move powerful alcohol they had rose grabbed both of the cups and walked over to the table were the girl was sitting. She pulled the chair out and sat down next to her sliding her the drink. Saying under her breath just enough so she could hear. "Just some friendly advise. You might want to drink that if you don't want anybody here to attack ya." Rose lifted her cup taking the whole glass in one take. "Sorry about having to meet here ii'm sure it's natural for people to do that. But i had to because james wouldn't even think twice if i was here."

[member="Niyla Ar'i"]
Niyla hated the idea of alcohol, though it did nothing to her systems as she was a zeltron, it was still nasty. Yet she could drink them all day, barely even feeling an effect. Zeltrons were the 'party' people after all.

She took the drink, taking a small sip out of courtesy, if anything else. "It is alright, so your contact was rather vague. Would you mind elaborating?" Niylas foreign accent was obvious, so obvious some of the spacers in the bar glanced in her direction as she spoke.

She looked back, then quickly returned her gaze back to the woman in front of her.

"Please, spare me none of the details."

[member="Rose Blade"]
As a bartender gave rose another drink and took the empty one rose looked at the girl next to her smile and seeing the glaces of the possibly drunk pirates and spacers. She smiled and kept looking at the girl while two sabers appeared in her hands that had came out from her wrist. Setting them on the table ever body looked away quickly and presuming what they were doing.

Rose quickly drinking another cup of flame out slamming her cup onto the the table making a bag she started to to talk about the details. "So we are retrieving my. Ummm my body. It's located near a spacer port in well a debre field that is frequently patrolled by Justice shipping ships. I need someone that can quickly run in and run in there and grab it with out nobody noticing."

Then again the bartender brought her another drink to her and rose throwing credits backwards and landing onto they tray. "Before we exit hyper space a EMP will go off shutting off everything in the area for ten minutes except the tracker. but there will be heavier cruisers that won't be effected by it and of course we will need to avoid those."

Rose taking a normal sip from the glass and said "And if you are as good the review says you are i might contact you shortly after for another thing." She said while looking back as a group of twelve pirates grabbing their guns and weapons started to walk towards them. Rose smiled at the girl and i hope you won't mind getting you hands dirty if the job requires it.

[member="Niyla Alura"]
The scavenger grinned as the job details were described, she nodded and stood up from her chair when the girl was finished. "So in and out without being detected?" She paused for a moment as she tied her hair back into a ponytail for ease as she was getting annoyed with it falling in her eyes.

"Seems easy enough." Niyla said, mostly to herself.

She then pulled her arm up and clicked a button, suddenly a voice came on speaking: "Message recorded, 3 galactic minutes at 12 343 12." She clicked the beeping light and it stopped, she then looked back to Rose and met her gaze.

"So contact, would you be interested in telling me your name?" Niyla asked with a heavy accent and perhaps a small amount of sarcasm.

[member="Rose Blade"]
"FBRA-3" She said grinning at Niyla "But you can call me rose." Rose's eyes had moved away from Niyla back to the group of pirates just in time seeing one of them raising their arm and pointing a blaster at Niyla's back rose swiped her hand moving Niyla and her chair to the side as the pirate shot shooting rose. Luckily she had worn her armor. When the bolt hit rose she looked down at the mark on her armor and giving a devilish smile then withing milliseconds rose had launched her self at the pirates grabbing her sabers from the table leaving it shaking. Right before rose had reached the pirates she activated her sabers as she flew towards the one that shot. Kicking him in the chest and creating a shock wave as her rapidly hit the wall creating a indent around him. the second rose kicked him she used his body to spin and kicking the other two pirates unconscious leaving the one that had almost been implanted into the wall left. Rose landed crouching as she looked up taking a breath from the quick movements that just happened. She then walk up to the pirate taking his knife and positioning it were he tried to struggle he would be no more then looked at the bartender and throwing over a small pouch of credits. "For the damage. And i'll truly sorry." Rose walked back over to niyal smiling at. "sorry about that no shall we go? Before more come."

[member="Niyla Alura"]

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