Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Fangs | Tia

Location: The Sprawl, Golbah City
Tag: [member="Tia Aurelius"]​


He remembered her fangs.

When the Mandalorian first took his tentative steps into this new reality, he was alone. The sole pieces of home were the fixings he had aboard his ship - and the knowledge that his target had also been cast adrift in the river of time. This bounty gone horribly awry had been the conclusion to everything that Isley Verd had ever known. Yet, rather than wallow in the vacuum that was his existence, he opted to rise up. He chose to Reclaim that which was lost and start anew. There was no ease in restoring what he once had. There was no support, nor lineage to fall back on in this wild new Galaxy. Even Mandalore, which should have been a beacon of hope for the wandering soul, was a bleak reminder of just how twisted this Galaxy was. Nonetheless, piece by piece, Isley attempted to rebuild the Clan he called home.

But the first generation were not among the finest warriors in the Galaxy. Most were soldiers of Fortune or those who were disgruntled with the state of affairs on Mandalore. Others were criminals, seeking a different path than the one they tread. Like any good son of Mandalore, Isley did not hesitate to reach out to any who seemed capable and willing to adopt the six tenets. Even if it meant accepting those who had been burned by every other walk of life. Yet, as the rag-tag band grew, so did the demands of sustaining them. To provide for one's clan was now the foundation they all stood upon, and thus they began to hunt bounties in order to survive. In order to grow. Isley recalled, during one particularly vicious raid, he found someone who had more fight in them than the majority of his newfound kin.

After a cantina had been turned upside down by their raid, out from underneath a table scampered a youngling girl. Her rush almost saw her head blown off by Isley's blaster, but he paused the second he saw the bobbing mass of messy locks. She, however, had no regard for danger and promptly sank her fangs into the outstretched hand he offered. Despite being faced with certain demise, the young girl was scrappy. Eager to fight. And, when offered something less than trash to eat, eager to follow. She quickly became one of the lights of the fledgling Clan. Most would conclude their raids and hunts by pilfering sweet things for the little monster to eat. Whilst others would teach her about the ways imparted by Isley.

The alor himself took the little one in as his ward and personally looked out for her. When he ate, so did she. When he trained, so did she. And thus, by the time a year had passed, the little monster had learned how to shoot. She was quickly becoming the pride of the "family" overall. A little, scrappy reminder that good could come out of their varying circumstances. And proof that the way of life Isley offered was one that had value. But. As these things often went. The more success one had, the more enemies began to move within the shadows. After many months of hunting throughout Hutt Space, the wrong Hutt was caught in the crossfire of a raid. The backlash was immediate. The battle that had begun over the head of one man saw their shuttle shot out of the sky. Isley couldn't remember who had made the bad call. And in that moment, it didn't matter.

Clawing out of the wreckage was all that did. And when he managed to pry himself out of the flames, his lifeform scanners confirmed what he hoped would not be true. The youngling, little Tia, was nowhere to be found. She had done as she was told - stay on the ship - and one bad call saw her too short story end. Those few who survived the crash quickly turned the blame upon one another. Isley's reason could not overturn the anger and betrayal which came from watching all they worked for go up in smoke. In the end, those few who staggered away from that wreck never spoke again - and the Mandalorian himself was alone once more. But...the fact was, little Tia was a rebellious spirit. And though her guardian thought she was dead, she was simply disobedient.

Lured off the ship she was. And by being mischevious, she lived - unbeknownst to her guardian. Now, in the present day, the Mandalorian returned once more to a seedy part of town to ply the craft which brought her sweets and treats years before. Golbah City, the shining capital of the Confederacy, was not immune to the underbelly of society. As the city expanded, sprawling into the desert, so too did the number of neer-do-wells lurking in the shadows. It was within one of their damp, dim cantinas that Isley reclined in a booth. There was a bottle of tihaar before him, a glass in his hand, and his helm settled upon the table. At a glance, nothing would set him apart from the average Mandalorian - save for the symbols upon his shoulder plates. The crossed infinities of Clan Verd. For now, he drank in peace, awaiting the appointed hour when the employer would provide the next line of targets.

For now, he would remain unawares that his ward yet lived.
Tia was tired.

It had been so long since she had slept the night through in an actual bed, without worrying about where she would end up the next day. Sleeping meant darkness and oblivion, and Tia couldn't afford to risk it. She ran a hand through her messy hair and tried to pretend she didn't look like the mess she was. Her hair was jagged, cut hastily with a shard of glass in an effort to change her appearance to avoid getting caught for her various crimes... even though sometimes she felt like her biggest mistake may have been staying alive. Everyone she loved and lived for had died in that crash and she left them. Shoving the ever-persistent guilt from her mind, she tried to focus on the task at hand -- where her next meal was coming from.

Tia hated stealing. She hated not being sufficient enough to manage on her own, and she hated taking things that others needed. But when it came down to it, she would rather steal than starve. Over the years she had become damned good at it, too. Learning people's habits, where they kept their valuables, who left locks unlocked -- it all came easy to her no matter how much she wished it wouldn't. Slipping through a back entrance, she shut herself into a cubby she had found in this establishment the last time she was here. Bars weren't her favourite places -- too loud with unruly clientele -- but she didn't like to steal from the same place twice in a row. Two hours more of waiting would bring her to the late night shift of the employees, who were usually more concerned with ensuring everyone settled their tabs than a rat in the closet.

Two hours... Tia shut her eyes, just for a moment. She could feel her consciousness ebbing away, her thoughts no longer as clear as they were a moment ago. She wasn't going to fall asleep in the closet, of course... but she hadn't prepared for the relentless pursuer of exhaustion. She wasn't going to fall asleep...

"What the hell is this?"

Tia jerked awake to rough hands on her shoulders. Too late, she tried to duck away, but the man's grip on her shoulder was firm. Swinging around to try and swing her knee into him, she found herself lifted off the ground. His hand covered her mouth. "I wouldn't scream if I was a rat. Silent is a good look on you." Her heart seemed like it was going to beat out of her chest. She had been bound to slip up for months now, but that didn't mean she was ever prepared for the reality when it actually happened. "You're lucky my manager's on tonight, or else I would have tossed you out with the rest of the trash. Up to him now, I guess, but I wouldn't get my hopes up."

Tia was disoriented, but as the doors swung shut behind her and the chatter of patrons grew she realized he was taking her into the main cantina. Her vision spun as the man dropped her onto the floor by who she would have guessed to be the manager. "Look at the vermin we have creeping around in our hallways. Should set better traps next time." The chatter continued as it seemed that no one in the bar had even taken notice of this scene -- it must be commonplace around here. The manager nodded. "Indeed."

She had gathered her wits enough to bring her knees up to her chest as she scrambled to sit against the wall. "Please, I don't mean any harm..."

Her vision flashed again as the rough man kicked her side. She curled up tighter as the chatter grew to an almost unbearable roar. She couldn't make out the voices of the men talking just above her... she couldn't make out anything, actually. She squeezed her eyes shut and tried desperately to think of a way out of this.

[member="Isley Verd"]

In the wake of the crash, solitude was the best practice it seemed. Opening himself for the ache once more was not exactly the Mandalorian's idea of a good time - and thus, he typically kept to himself these days unless absolutely necessary. With time, all wounds managed to scab over in some respects. And, to a degree, the gaping hole of his first attempt at restoring what he knew had healed over. Yet, that did not change the fact that Isley attempted to draw as little attention to himself as possible by default. Sure, the beautiful Safira and Nya managed to worm their way into his heart in recent history. Sure, he had managed to forge a bond with Ardasz and now referred to the man as brother. But overall, if it didn't involve the Mandalorian, he typically strove not to put a spotlight onto himself. As a result, most cantina brawls - for example - saw the man relegated only to the role of spectator.

Though he clearly had the means, firepower, and strength to end any brawl early on, he simply chose not too. Rather, he would quietly sip upon his beverage of choice for the evening and raise not a finger...unless someone made the mistake of swinging on him or breaking his beverage. But was different. Typically, those who decided to make complete fools out of themselves in a cantina setting were adults who acted like children. They would sling their credits around, dive into a pool of various liquors, and come out the other side in a stupor that earned them every fist and every kick. However, as the rearmost door of the cantina slammed open and the telltale signs of struggle reached the Mandalorian's ears, he soon found that inebriation was not the culprit for the disturbance today. Rather, a man he recognized from his numerous times coming to the cantina was hoisting a young woman onto the main floor.

Isley raised his eyebrow as his gaze met her face. For some reason, she seemed vaguely familiar, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. He dismissed the notion as a farce brought on by the tihaar in his grasp - for he certainly was not hanging around any children these days. In that moment, he was content to leave well enough alone once more and raised the black ale to his lips. However, when the man he knew as the cantina's manager turned a blind eye to the boot slamming into her side...Isley's glass settled upon the countertop. It didn't sit right with him, at all. At a glance, the woman was...two hairs shy of being a child honestly. And here they were, manhandling her in broad daylight? Practically speaking, this wasn't Nar Shaddaa. The local authorities didn't turn a blind eye to such things. And, as far as Isley's personal feelings on the matter?

There was no honor in stomping a child into the dirt.

His hands rested flat upon the countertop, pushing him up to his feet. Long, confident strides bore him across the cantina floor where he came to stand between the men. His boots would come to a halt on either side of the young woman's head. "Is this really necessary fellas?" he asked, with arms folding upon his chest. The worker damn near spat at the Mandalorian for asking, but said: "Damn right! She's a stowaway and a thief. Caught her in the back room and everything." The Mandalorian said nothing for a moment but turned his helmeted gaze to her, and then back to the worker. "Stowaway, sure, but it doesn't look like she's stolen anything." To this, the manager then spoke. "Now Isley, you're a damn good customer and I appreciate what you're doing here - but this doesn't concern you."

The Mandalorian shook his head slightly. "Look at her." His offhand motioned to the young woman. "She looks hungry, not drunk or stoned out of her mind. No need to break her rips man." Now the worker had more bile to spit. "Listen to the boss, Verd. This ain't got nothing to do with you." Once more, the Mandalorian shook his head. "Tell ya what. How's about a compromise." His hand gingerly rested upon the blaster which hung from his waist. "We all don't want any trouble, right? So. If anything came up missing? Bill my tab double. And I'll take this problem off your hands. Deal?"

It was either that or they stood to lose more than a customer. As for the woman on the ground, well, if the staff decided to play along...she'd be the Mandalorian's problem for at least a little while.

[member="Tia Aurelius"]

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