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Familia Ante Omnia

Lower levels of Vain Hollow Keep, Panatha
Clad in a form-hugging tunic and leggings befitting the nature of the appointment with [member="Darth Prazutis"], Korinna Zambrano used the stairs to descend to the lower levels of the castle, where a series of ritual chambers served for a variety of purposes; from laboratories where Sith Alchemy was used to conjure the fowlest of spirits, to a vast dungeon where those more inclined to swordplay could train. The God-King had an intricate taste for both art and artefacts; as the dark-haired woman made her way through the halls, she had to stop every now and then to simply admire the paintings, tapestries and ancient weaponry which was hung on walls for display.

The dream of every historian and archeologist to be able to study these relics, spend countless hours decyphering messages concealed within ominous symbols in tongues long bygone. The interior of Vain Hollow was indeed a museum, an ode to all that was Sith, the culture, the ideology, the philosophy. Rather than a destroyer of art, Kaine Zambrano was its patron, yet his aesthetic was as twisted as his animus. A cryptic smile crossed Kori's lips upon seeing a macabre depiction of face of masked man hovering above the scorched remains of Coruscant. Under the lights of torches, the painting projected an eerie glow.

"Malgus." she voiced to herself, unaware she was probably not alone in the hall that lead directly to the dungeon below. The light was dim enough and dark corners were abundant, should someone follow her from the shadows and watch her ever move. Her smile widened a notch when her palm was placed against the oily surface of the painting, the mere sensation of touching a work of art imbued with dark energy overwhelming. Malgus' writings were easily her favorite part of The Book of The Sith, where the dark Lord recorded his musings in a form of a journal. The piece itself was written during the Great Galactic War. Contrary to popular belief and Jedi propaganda during times of the Republic, Malgus was far from a mindless brute. Instead, he was a master tactician who not only managed to conquer half of the galaxy, but also keep a throng of power-hungry Sith from overthrowing him. Korinna was somewhat proud that her uncle was too fond of man who scorched the Jedi temple to the ground. At least she was now certain her role-models were appropriate.
Beneath Vain Hollow were the secret lower chambers hidden and unknown to only a select few even in the Zambrano family. The God-King, his Prime Designate were two of the individuals who knew about them and at the God-Kings approval so was Korinna. The woman was loyal and intelligent enough to know that when the two most powerful individuals in the family tell you to keep it secret, you listen. Korinna went through the educational system and she was truly an articulate, intelligent women as befitting her name. But she had powerful force potential and as all Zambrano's did a natural connection to the dark side of the force. Talent like that could not be wasted and it was unanimously decided that she had to be properly trained, and molded into a powerful warrior of the dark side.

The low levels showcased the architecture, art, statues, sculptures and artifacts heavily Sith influenced just like the Zambrano Keep, only even more-so. The halls were quiet with the exception of the guards that defended these labs. Among them were the maroon robed, dark golden armored Imperial Sentinels carrying Vibroaxes. Crownguard were also evident down here as well and in the rectangular chamber Korinna stood in one of the individuals stood in the corner, but otherwise it was quiet. Korinna Zambrano was legitimized by Kaine and held all of the benefits it brought. Occasionally patrols would be seen outside the room and some would even come inside, but otherwise she was left to her own devices.

Prazutis shirked his robes in favor of a black, double breasted tunic with gold buttons and black trousers. In his hands two long durasteel blades rounded on the edges and perfectly weighed to simulate the weight of swinging a lightsaber. However unseen from afar covering the blades were a mass of tiny barbs from the Korribani Pelko Bugs. The Pelko Bugs were infamous for their paralytic barbs that would paralyze for a short period of time, perfect to simulate an limb getting cut or hit with a lightsaber without the real threat of death. While he spent time teaching Briga the ancient languages of the Sith, working with her on the powers of the force and the dark side she needed to learn how to defend herself, how to fight with a lightsaber.

The Dark Titan stood in the darkness on the edge of the chamber and saw Korinna waiting just like he asked, fascinated by an art piece they had acquired of Darth Malgus, an ancient Sith Lord and master tactician. "Korinna, welcome." He said as he walked into the chamber and towards her. It had been a long time since he saw Kaine's niece, she had been away studying at some of the most prestigious schools in the galaxy but she looked far different than when he saw her before. Korinna was now the spitting image of a beautiful Zambrano woman with her long deep raven-black hair, dark brown eyes and fair skin.

She was gifted with a slender build and an ectomorph bodyshape, she was built for finesse rather than brute strength like many Zambrano men were. But her mind was one of her sharpest tools and Korinna was intelligent, cunning and akin to Braxus and Kaine ruthless. The qualities she possessed following an intense focus at getting tasks done were admiring, she didn't fool around. In many ways she was like the two Zambrano Lords, with many dangerous qualities. But she had been a "proper lady" if anyone could call it that for a long time, this training would be entirely new to her. "It has been some time since you've been home, how does it feel?"

[member="Korinna Zambrano"]
Once the potent voice of Braxus Zambrano reverbated in her ears, the raven-haired woman instinctively pulled her hand from the portrait of Malgus, as if she was child caught in the royal pantry, with her hand in the honey jar. Prazutis had arrived much earlier than she expected, almost a quarter of an hour before their meeting was scheduled. Korinna assumed he would be barely on time, given his duties, if not late. Her decision to be more than punctual was a wise one, after all. Arriving before time was a clear sign one respected the time of others. With a few brisk steps, Korinna closed the distance between them and the Prime Designate and his future student met in the middle of the chamber. She was about half a foot shorter than Braxus, a fine exemplar of the Epicantix species. Constitution-wise, Kori was dwarved by Prazutis' ample frame. Indeed, they were were built for different purposes; while the ancient heir to the throne of Panatha was the epitome of strength, Korinna was nimble and dexterous. Braxus would become aware of this once he placed the hilt of a sword in her hand.

"Your Highness." she greeted him, followed by a deep bow of utmost deference - "A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."
The way she spoke, the choice of words and allegories, spoke volumes of Kori's erudition. Cultivated, measured, nurtured and raised amidst the walls of galaxy's finest boarding schools. The kind of Zambrano you could walk hand in hand among the elites and be proud. Nothing unlike the regiment of bastards Kaine had issued, that clawed at each other like sewer rats for crumbles of his favour.

"Vain Hollow is just as I remember it. Only the spires seem a little less tall, now that I am taller." she admitted candidly with a half-smile. Last time Braxus saw her, she was a little girl, quite short for her age.

"No longer a toadstool." her smile widened. The nickname was coined by other members of Zambrano family, merely to tease the diminutive seven year old girl almost two decades ago. Who would've thought she would return a grown woman, becoming everything her uncle had intended.

"His Holiness had requested I return to Panatha upon the completion of my studies." she reported a bit more seriously, slipping out of the role of grand-niece to that of a potential student - "I was told there was important work for me here."

[member="Darth Prazutis"]

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