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Empire of the Lost

A coalition of former Imperials and displaced refugees based in the Lianna system rallying behind the idea of establishing an empire to secure peace and order for their people, noted for their realpolitik attitude and flexible internal affairs.

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Factionalism within the Empire

Factionalism Within The Empire.

Although acting with a unity of purpose when a decision has finally been made, the Empire has internal divisions within its ruling council over how best to move forward reestablishing order and security in the galaxy, and there is often fierce internal debate over the best path to move forward in this new galaxy where the Imperials are at their weakest point in recent memory. It is also not uncommon for the views of various Moffs to change over time and on each issue, some might be a Reformist in some aspects of governing, or a Hardliner in others. The flexible nature of this system has proved to be one of the most important reasons why the Empire has managed to stay together, although it remains to be seen if this will be so in the future.

The Reformists believe in a conciliatory foreign policy for the time being, avoiding conflict and even launching joint initiatives with the major powers of the galaxy while rebuilding the Empire’s military and economic might. They are focused more on ensuring the internal order and prosperity of the Empire’s citizens over rapid expansionism and warfare, believing an overfocus on the latter ended up contributing to the Empire’s disastrous collapse in the past three decades. This does not make them pacifistic, however, it simply means dealing with internal threats like pirates, criminals, separatists, Mawites, rogue Force wielders and ensuring that the refugees and Imperial citizenry are well taken care of to ensure peace at the home front. By carefully navigating the diplomatic and internal spheres of the Empire, they hope to turn it into one of true power and glory in the future-when the time is right.


The opposite of the Reformists, the hardliners believe that the reason the Empire failed was because it was not truly Imperial enough, and that weakness had over time rotted out the core of Imperial resolve. They believe in aggressive foreign policy and that the Empire should not bow down to the other galactic powers as if they were their equals, that spending on the military should be the first and foremost priority, and that the citizenry and refugees given shelter by the Empire should be doing their utmost to not complain and instead repay the Empire for the order and peace it has provided. They favor a strong investment in internal security forces for the latter, including a much empowered Inquisitorous and ISB, to ensure that any dissidents against the rule of the Council understand their place. There are even whispers that some of them would prefer an autocratic Emperor, although for now, these are just that. Overall, they believe that by fire, sword, and unquestioning obedience, the original Empire was forged, and by fire, sword, and will it will be forged again.


In between both the Reformists and the Hardliners, the Moderate faction sees the validity of both sides, and tries to strike a balance between the two. A more aggressive and assertive foreign policy than the Reformists, but more willing to work on a situational basis with the other galactic powers as the need arises. That there should be a focus on a very strong military, but that the needs of the citizenry do need to have some concern to prevent the same mistakes of the past where victories were won but the homefront collapsed. They see the Empire growing steadily on a faster timeline than the Reformists and with more bloodshed, but not at the rapid clip and harsh domestic policies of the Hardliners.
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